For me 200$ for the vsdna200 was a good deal. The 2a charging alone is enough to justify the increase in price over some others. The service before and after the warranty is another bonus. I have a 30w DNA mod from vs that is still in service at nearly 2 years old. A buddy of mine committed the mortal sin of putting the battery in backwards with his rdna30 and killed it. 45$ and a week later he was back up and running. To me the sheer piece of mind is worth it.
And I could rebuild a mod if I wanted to, I'm just lazy.
se this is what i keep coming back to, especially with the provari discussion going on. i can pick up xcube for what $60, it can do everything the dna200 board can now. but what about next week or the week after???? how long will that mod last me??6 months a year, will it be outdated in 2 months?
the dna200 board is the first board that actually seems like it MIGHT not get outdated anytime soon. Now it may, but with being able to set TCR, thats a huge plus. Im just not seeing what else we could want a mod to do that makes the actually vaping experience better or different.
so im kinda thinking the dna200 might not need replaced in the next year or 2. so if tahst the case i want amod that can last a year or 2 or 3
the only companies I know of with that reputation are provari and VS
plus knowing that if something goes wrong down the road, VS will fix my mod
this all combines to make me willing to pay more than $60 for a mod, but not $200 YET.
Im also considering the cloudmaker
since they will SUPPOSEDLY have every part for sale, so if a button stops working or something I could replace it myself possible for a few bucks, plus being able to change the loo of it is a plus for me.
still need to do some research