We found a home for our dogs. Well, it was a rescue adoption service. They could have stayed om the farm there if not adopted out. They did get adopted out though. The lady running the service was on the phone to a guy in Canada when we brought them in. They were going to ship out that night to become hosers. Grouchy, my big old baby and teddy bear looked at me with a grin saying, "Don't worry da, I'll ship you more beer eh?" Sherlock said something about knowing they would put him with a hunter. Hammy figured she would go out with a sheep flock.
Everyone that needed to farm out, farmed out Wed..
They all seemed happy to go although I know they were a little sad and anxious. I put the da in each of them's hearts on Monday. Hope Hammy will listen to "little voice" and eat when she's fed, instead of waiting.
I was put at ease by the young lady who was the kennel groom. She took the dogs under wing right away, no fear, no hesitation, just wide eyed smiling love. She told my wife the dogs would learn soon enough that she was "the crazy cookie lady".
She put the three of them in kennels in a row. Seemed too that Canada wanted to keep them together. This in all made me able to "let go". Still crying inside but also smiling knowing they're safe.