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What do i do with my freezer nic since i quit vaping


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Like the title what do I do with it. . It's mainly 100 mg/ml all in brown glass bottles filled to the top. Im tired of holding it.


In the Phoenix area


Under Ground Hustler
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You sell it to us. :)
Put a post up in the classifieds with some pics and an asking price and someone will scoop it up off of you.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
"Well shit!" Just because.

At least it's not the ten hour version. :)

Need some nicotine juice myself & could break down 100mg/ml to my strength. But, I'm not keen on the glass bottles. Especially considering shipping. That just seems a bit off putting. Sure enough the one time I'd try getting fragile items via post, I'm sure they'd get busted.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
"Well shit!" Just because.

At least it's not the ten hour version. :)

Need some nicotine juice myself & could break down 100mg/ml to my strength. But, I'm not keen on the glass bottles. Especially considering shipping. That just seems a bit off putting. Sure enough the one time I'd try getting fragile items via post, I'm sure they'd get busted.
Brown glass in freezer is the proper way to store nic. Also, fill to top because it doesn't expand like water, keeps air out and inhibits degradation.

I was not going to ship.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Brown glass in freezer is the proper way to store nic. Also, fill to top because it doesn't expand like water, keeps air out and inhibits degradation.

I was not going to ship.

I was not questioning your way of containing, as much as my inability to receive if it were shipped.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Brown glass in freezer is the proper way to store nic. Also, fill to top because it doesn't expand like water, keeps air out and inhibits degradation.

I was not going to ship.
I wish you all the best in finding someone in your area that will buy your nic from you, since you won't ship. There has got to be plenty of vapers in your area, but how many mix their own...


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I recently bought too much of the same (100mg 2 gallons). I put one in the fridge that’s not used and the other in the freezer. I’m kinda aware thats not the proper way to store it... any suggestions on how to transfer? Do I thaw it, then put it in glass? How long will it keep as is,(only been a couple months)
I still fear an upcoming vape- pocalyse, but probably bought too much. DEFINITELY paid too much. Damned vape mail ban, SMH


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I’m kinda aware thats not the proper way to store it... any suggestions on how to transfer? Do I thaw it, then put it in glass?

Would help if could. I keep my nicotine base of 18mg/ml stored in what it comes in, plastic jugs. Don't refrigerate or freeze, just let it stay in a cool dry place. Not had any issues doing it that way.

Yes, I understand too there's allegedly a proper way to handle it. Find in my case it's like much of vaping. You find what's right for you. If that's wrong, well whatever, go do your thing.

Occam's razor and Gestalt have fared me well all forty nine years of life. Don't figure much needs change nor do I figure much will, though change is eternal. We all adapt to keep going.
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Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The last paragraph of your response truly inspired me. I doubt I’ll touch the nicotine tonite, at least not what’s in the fridge


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile
why quit? better for you than cancer sticks and far cheaper

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