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what ruined your day?


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Well the mail came but I had leave to go to a different base for a week, just my luck. But on the bright side it should be there when I get back
Lame...hope your gear's waiting for your return!
I came out of the pool hall tonight at around 10, heading back to my car, when a fucking crckhead aproached me and demanded my backpack or else. I told him to fuck off but he kept acting all menacing and agitated and unpredictable-like. So I drew my little blank mousegun and pointed it at him . That did nothing at all. I finally had to fire all six blanks to convince him to scamper away - something I quickly did myself shortly thereafter, being I'm not supposed to own even a fake gun here in jolly Europe. That ruined my day.
More lame...I used to occasionally run into these tw**ker types outside bars and pool halls when I lived on the edge of town. Never had to pull a gun (or a fake one), but toed the line on a few scraps. The favorite was a few months after I started dating my wife and we'd just left a dive bar up the road from her parents' house.

Shady Dirtbag: Hey man, you need to hand off your wallet right now.

Me: The fuck I do - kick rocks, bud.

SD, reaching for pocket: Yeah, you fuckin' do! Shit don't need to go down...

Me, glancing to see that the bouncer is watching this from the door, but not yet approaching: Why in the hell would I do that?

SD: Because I'm about to drill you in the fuckin' face if you don't.

Me: That sucks. (shrug)

SD, obviously a bit confused: What?

Me, taking a step forwad: It sucks that you're going to hit me. But if you think you've got to, go ahead...

Guy sizes me up and it seems to occur to him that I'm not buying the hand-in-pocket move, that he's 5'8" and 150 soaking wet and that he's threatening a guy with 4" and 70 pounds on him. And the bouncer has un-glued the stool from his keester and begun sauntering across the parking lot.

My wife thinks I'm tough and I haven't had to throw down since my early 20s, at least a couple years before we got together...


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A post on here ufortuneatly. I didn't realise my postings were upsetting people, so someone made a call out thread. I have never had one of them before. I was really enjoying vaping and this forum up till that.


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A post on here ufortuneatly. I didn't realise my postings were upsetting people, so someone made a call out thread. I have never had one of them before. I was really enjoying vaping and this forum up till that.
Don't worry about it man. Keep up with questions. Newbies and veterans ask question too.


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Don't worry about it man. Keep up with questions. Newbies and veterans ask question too.
I just don't want it to be the majority I am annoying, only the minority? Like if its the majority I don't mind calming down ( I know mostly what I need to know now anyway, so my postings should calm down anyway) but if its only one or two people I'm not too bothered. Thanks for being in the not minding camp.


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A post on here ufortuneatly. I didn't realise my postings were upsetting people, so someone made a call out thread. I have never had one of them before. I was really enjoying vaping and this forum up till that.
It wasn't "People" it was one person. I've enjoyed most of your posts because I just bought the same mod and you've asked questions I hadn't even thought about. Keep it up is all I can say.

Teresa P

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@conanthewarrior , you post as much as you jolly well FEEL like posting, that's what this forum is for! Matter of fact, you've asked a few questions I've learned from and it's appreciated. You're welcome here and more than welcome to interact here. Any moderator here will tell you that. (They'll also advise you on how our nifty "ignore" feature works....:D)


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Thank you both JXN ans teresa P, I'm glad you learned some things from my questions Teresa P. Yeah that will be handy, How do I add someone to my ignore list? As I definitely don't need to read postings from him, I didn't even get an apology he was only happy to find out something was wrong with me to verify his views I had something wrong with me.

Teresa P

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Click on that person's name. A box will pop up giving a few details about that person. Click the word "ignore." I've used it before myself. ;)


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Sorry conan. This persons view does not reflect on how the forum feels. His behavior belongs to him and no one else. He owns it. Please continue to ask questions and be you. Don't let this persons behavior effect you. Life is too short. Carry on and looking forward to see your postings. :)
Thank you artemis. I have noticed it is only him and maybe one other person, so I realise the forum as a whole is not like it, it is just them with the problem, not me. Thanks Teresa P, I will use the blocklist for persons who I would not like to here from, that is handy :).


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Thank you artemis. I have noticed it is only him and maybe one other person, so I realise the forum as a whole is not like it, it is just them with the problem, not me. Thanks Teresa P, I will use the blocklist for persons who I would not like to here from, that is handy :).
I enjoy and appreciate your enthusiasm! This is why we have forums. Thousands of threads and members sharing in the art of vaping. You're one of us, Conan. Don't go changin'.


vapin pork eating crusader
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I'm not sure how you guys do it over there on that side of the pond, I rarely am ou and about with out my glock when I'm home.

Conan- don't even sweat it, I have read several of your post and the one with the 18650 batteries I had no idea they where in electronics.
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I had just met this girl and we had spent a night at the club and I had plans on bringing her home but I had to leave early to feed my dads English mastiff.

I was feeding him and he latched onto my face out of nowhere and ripped me open and I started bleeding like crazy.

I was so pissed because I thought this girl was AMAZING and now my face is jacked and I look like the joker.

I went to the hospital and spent hours there getting 14 stitches. The girl ended up coming to the hospitalhospital and bringing me home and we spent the night together.

So at first I thought my night was ruined but then its better but still my face is jacked


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Earning sympathy points. Sweet. You should thank the mastiff. :D Seriously though, hope you feel better. At least you'll have a good story to tell your future kids :p


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Earning sympathy points. Sweet. You should thank the mastiff. :D Seriously though, hope you feel better. At least you'll have a good story to tell your future kids :p
I'll make sure to tell the mastiff about you and how kind you are!

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