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What Was Your First Ecig?


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Mvp 20w and kanger aero tank mega loved it and iv still got them now. don't use them though now i've got a Sig 150w tc and tfv4 aswell as 8 rda's.

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Lol a Tesla spider 2 with an e leaf gs16 tank... and look at me now lmao


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Evod 2. It helped me quit smoking 2+ packs a day. I almost immediately moved to a Doge clone on top of a sigelei 150.


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I tried Blu, then got a coupon for a free Vuse starter kit. I quickly learned this wasn't the right fit because of the high amount of heartburn/indigestion episodes. It wasn't until a few months later when I learned that Vuse has a 48mg nicotine level. The more I looked into actual e-cigarettes, I started discovering that 95 percent of those types of machines were being produced by big tobacco.

Since I picked up an Infuse starter kit from AVAIL, and later a KangerTech Mini Subox, I started vaping cleaner liquid and haven't looked back since.


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Circa 2007 I got the cigetine starter kit for 100 bucks at a vender at the mall (stick batt w/ carto.) Vaped and smoked for a couple months until the kit became a dust collection on a shelf. Then yr nd a half ago. Kanger ego spinner and ego clearo for a month or so still back and forth with cigs. Then a cana dna30 kanger sub and a tugboat RDA. And went on from there with mechs and high wattage boxes subtanks and RDAs. Still had smoked cigs on and off till a couple months ago. Now smoke free going on 3 months.

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Other than those Blu things, my first real vaping experience was my Vision Spinner 2 with a Kanger Mini 2.

Then I realized I needed backups and it's been a journey since then!

Vapor4Life Cigarette-style w/ cartomizer haha...the best was the one that plugged into USB

TF Vaping

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Blu's were my first. Then I went to a package store with a vape shop mixed in. Bought a itazte 134, thinking its size made it have to be awesome. It was a piece of shit. 12.5 watts of fury man!!!
Went back the next day and bought a sentinel clone mech and never looked back. The itazte is a fancy paper weight though

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About 5 years ago or so I tried one of those cig-a-likes with the replaceable cartomizers. They really didn't satisfy, nor did the disposable Blu that I tried about 2 1/2 years ago. After about 10 puffs, they were worthless. I kept smoking. Last April, my son tried to get me into vaping as he had just quit smoking that way. For Mother's Day, he bought me an iStick 30 watt and a Nautilus tank. I used it a few times but it was really harsh on the exhale so I stopped using it. Finally, around the middle of August, he asked me why I wasn't vaping and I finally told him. I hadn't wanted to after he spent the money on my set-up but now that he actually asked I had to tell him. That's when he said I had probably started with to high of a nic level (18 for one juice and 24 for another). He took me to his new favorite vape shop on Auguest 24th (I remember because it was the day before his birthday) and we shopped around for flavors. I picked a few at 12 nic and they worked much better. I also picked up a new Subtank Nano at the time.

I still smoked and vaped but was really, really cutting down on the smoking. I'd think about having a cigarette, tell myself to vape first and I would put off having the cigarette. Even to the point when I would think, "Okay, you can have one at 8:00" and then still not have one then. It got to the point where I was pretty much only smoking on the way to and from work and during breaks and maybe one before bed. Finally, on September 13th (the day after my niece's wedding), I ended up only having 2 cigarettes all day. So, the next day, I decided to see how long I could go without a cigarette. I haven't had one since even though I carried around my little over a pack left with me for about 2 weeks. I never told myself I COULDN'T have one but any time I felt the urge to light up, I vaped instead. Now, the only time I get the "urge", it's not even to have a cigarette so much as the habit of reaching for one. Then I remind myself that I don't smoke and pick up my vape and I'm good to go. I can even be around smokers and it doesn't make me want one and in fact, think they smell bad.

I can't really say that I've saved money. It's turned into a hobby for me in just under 3 months. I now own my original Pink iStick 30 watt and Nautilus tank and use it daily but I also now have a Blue iStick 40watt, two Cool Fire IVs (40 watts) in Emerald and in Purple, two Tesla Twos (100 watts) in black and purple marble, an eGo One in red and an eMow in blue. For tanks, I have the Subtank Nano, a Delta II, a Starre Pro and a Triton (of course, the eGo One and the eMow came with their own tanks). I also just picked up a Sapor RDA and am waiting for my son to give me is Velocity as I am now experimenting with dripping and building. My son got me a really nice building set for my birthday last month. I haven't yet built my own coils but have wicked the ones that were made for me. I primarily use the drippers at home or when I'm hanging out at one of my two favorite vape stores.

I will admit that I'm still more into the flavor but enjoy chucking clouds at times as well. I've always got a few mods with me to change things up. I may not be saving money but I certainly feel healthier, my breathing is better and I don't get so out of breath. I'm still getting up gunk in my lungs from 39 years of smoking but it's getting less and less everyday. My gums bled for a while too which is another side effect from quitting the analogs but even that is getting better. I'll take spending the extra money and enjoying my new hobby over killing myself over the cigarettes no problem. I've even gotten my boss set up with vaping and she's now off the stinkies too.



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ok this is going flash some folks back int he way back machine.
Cignot no box 510 kit... sat in shitcago's postal vortex.
A silver bullet with 801 adaptors, followed by a 901 auto draw kit.
A few 360s and got tired of 7 bucks a pop for atties that did not last.

Took a break for a few years.
A varible battery that went to 4v and a smok carto. and then more garbage that I care not to relive.


Cranky Old Fart
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Blu rechargeable was my first ecig. They didn't do the quit for me, but they did get me thinking. What got me off the smokes is the Halo Triton. When I first got those I thought they were huge. Now they look soooo dinky compared to my REOs, other box mods, and tube mechs.


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I think I might have mentioned this in my introduction.However if I forgot or you missed it.My first was a Volcano Inferno (An Ego-Type but without the ego threading)


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I thought about a ciga-like but had seen reports on exploding e-cigs so decided I'd skip them because my wife loves my face even if I think I'm an old ugly grumpy bastard.


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I got one of those disposable e-cigs at a gas station with no nicotine. Lol it was really bad

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