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What's up fellow vapers?!


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Hey! I'm EJ. I am 24, I am from Sacramento, CA, and I have been vaping on and off since 2009.

It all started when I saw a guy smoking at a kiosk in the mall, and I learned a bunch about how e-cigs worked. Then I ordered a cheap one from china . I quit smoking for about 6 months. Then I lost it, and started smoking again.

I tried several other e-cigs with no luck, including the Vuze and the Ego, until a good friend gave me his old setup, an i-taste SVD VV/VW, Kanger ProTank 2, and a few 18650s to start out. I still smoked here and there, but greatly reduced my intake. I upgraded to a Kayfun lite soon after.

My iTaste/Kayfun disappeared too a few months back, so I decided to get a new setup. I got an Infinite Cartel mod with a Kanger Subtank mini, and I haven't smoked since.

I dived in headfirst and started building coils.

After a while of building I decided that I wanted a cloud chasing setup, so I got the limited edition Congrevape Doge v2 in Sky Blue. It took some getting used to, but it is now my daily RDA.

I have been making my own juice for about a month, and I started selling it a week ago. I love it! I blow some incredible clouds nowadays too ;)

Anyways, I have come a long way since then. I got a Sigelei 150w about a week ago and I couldn't be happier (unless I had a backup pair of married batteries for it lol).

Now I have a Magma clone. I also have a Plume Veil clone and a Mutation X v5 (I think v5) clone on the way! I have built macro, micro, nano, chimney, sleeper, subohm, parallel, infinity, and twisted coils. (I might have forgotten one or three). I am loving my dual twisted sleeper coil on my Doge. Great flavor and dense, huge clouds!

Anyways, I am not a "beginner", but I will never be too experienced to learn something new. That is why I am here! I hope to help teach others too.

Thanks for reading, if you have gotten this far! Vape on!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hello Ej, Nice to meet you!! Congrats on going back to vaping! Enjoy the forum!!


Silver Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
Oh I definitely will! I used to be a forum junkie but I have been AFK for a long time. I am sure I can learn a lot here so I will stick around :)



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Welcome to the VU.


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Welcome to VU, Vape on!

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