I’ve got a Copper Able Mod and a Brass Colt 45 and they are both excellent mods.
If I could choose only one, I would go with the Able over the Colt 45 just due to a few things that are mostly preference.
One being that the Able Mod uses a set of magnets in the button assembly, where the Colt 45 is spring loaded...I just happen to prefer magnets over springs.
The other is weight...the Colt 45 seems to be a much heavier mod, but again...that’s a preference type of thing.
Lastly is the the fact that I can lock down the button on my Able Mod preventing it from auto-firing when I’m carrying it in a pocket or setting it down, where the Colt 45 has only the fact that it uses a very stiff spring to keep this from happening...just a bit of peace of mind knowing that there’s 0% possibility of an auto-fire as opposed to it being just “more than likely” not going to auto-fire
Both of mine hit impressively hard and I would recommend either of them based on my personal experiences with mine, but like I said, if I was told I could only keep one of them, I’d keep the Able Mod over the Colt 45, but I’m also partial to copper mods over Brass and can’t vouch for any differences there might be if I had a Copper Colt 45 and Brass Able or both of the same metal to do an apples-to-apples comparison with.
You're not drinking water are you?! You realize that stuff is found in antifreeze!?!