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Which one of the new big deck RTA's?


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Maybe thats the difference? I use 60/40 juice and get great wicking with the up from bottom style juice flow :)
The biggest advantage to me is how easy it is :) I use horizontal coils, I pass the wick through and just lay the ends on the deck.
Just as easy as wicking a dripper :) With a juice Chanel style deck I find it can be hard to get it right, too much or not enough cotton in the Chanel & it dry hits or floods :(
I guess I'm lucky that PG don't adversely affect me, I love how 60/40 brings out the flavour and will probably stay at 60/40 :) I think if i had problems with Pg and had to use Max VG I would try to thin out the juice with distilled water?
I just use High Vg as I drop alot of things, including open bottles...Ive never lost more then a few drops when fumbling with High VG juices since its more vicious, if it were higher in PG I would have dumped ALOT of juice by now...


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I see Vaporesso is coming out with a Gemini 25. Deck is supposed to be a bit bigger, 17mm.


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I watched a video just a bit ago and the reviewer held them 22/25 up against each other like you did the Griffin and to me it looked a bit bigger. Not much, like maybe a millimeter. I would give up some juice capacity for a bigger deck. I keep hearing rumors about a 20mm deck, wish they would hurry up with that already ;)


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I watched a video just a bit ago and the reviewer held them 22/25 up against each other like you did the Griffin and to me it looked a bit bigger. Not much, like maybe a millimeter. I would give up some juice capacity for a bigger deck. I keep hearing rumors about a 20mm deck, wish they would hurry up with that already ;)
It may look bigger around but the posts arent any further apart...the builds can be pulled further out like on the Griffin25 but without more space for more wraps also I dont see much of a point in saying the deck is larger, in a sense yes but then again its not any help.
Right now the Apache has the largest deck along with the 30mm VCMT/30mm Alpha Ohmega but they all have Juice Control issue or none at all and with a Topfill thats a problem, especially when holding as much liquid as they do.


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Yea just another millimeter of material on the posts...the posts arent further apart and the holes line up still


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Well I'm hallucinating then, if you freeze the video at 5:39 or 5:55, to my eye the holes are further apart. Enough to make a useful difference? Perhaps not but it can't hurt.


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Well I'm hallucinating then, if you freeze the video at 5:39 or 5:55, to my eye the holes are further apart. Enough to make a useful difference? Perhaps not but it can't hurt.
The posts are spread further, I first saw it on the phone and it didnt look like it but on the 62" I can see the difference well....It still isnt as impressive as it could or should be though, maybe a millimeter more between the posts. I find it funny they made the posts further apart and skinnier and the postholes smaller, even on the airflow post...


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Slowtech, I mean Fucktech has a 30mm VCMT clone for $23. Now that one has a bigger build deck, right?


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Slowtech, I mean Fucktech has a 30mm VCMT clone for $23. Now that one has a bigger build deck, right?
yes 18mm but a 17mm ID on the topcap I believe...I just traded my VCMT...I would get the Apache over the VCMT ANY DAY


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Won't it have the same wicking/leaking issues? Is the Apache deck bigger than a Gemini 25?

And you are stuck with that metal drip tip, just remembered that with the Apache

Looking at those photos of the Gemini again, those jerkoffs made the post holes smaller :rolleyes:

Screw it, between the Griffin, Aromamizer, Cthulhu 1&2, and a Crius (oh yeah, 2 Diablos supposedly in Chicago) I can wait till someone gets it right.
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It could but I havent tested the Apache yet, the VCMT Ive tried and its very finicky with wicking, so I was just going with what "could be" a better option. I havent seen the Apache deck vs the Griffin25 Deck yet.


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Thanks, yeah maybe a couple more wraps on those example coils (kinda hard to tell but guess they're claptons @ 3mm id) and then out of wicking room. If it was a 25 instead of 22....


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Thanks, yeah maybe a couple more wraps on those example coils (kinda hard to tell but guess they're claptons @ 3mm id) and then out of wicking room. If it was a 25 instead of 22....
I would build 2 tilted Stovetops for the RTA...that would be the biggest and hottest build for it...may be vertical coils also


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Wouldn't there be one short and one very long leg with vertical coils? IDK maybe it's not an issue, for some reason have it in my head that legs should be close to the same length. Of course you would build stovetops, if I didn't have sausage fingers and shitty eyesight so would I lol...

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