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Whiskey's CORNER #2 (#3 will be created 8-1-16)

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
They see a lot of stones packed up, The put me on an antibiotic and I have to go have an MRI done on Monday. Other than that they said watch the fatty foods for the weekend and if it gets any worse to go to urgent care.
You are in my thoughts and prayers my friend take good care of you. Diet is the key to life, I wish I would of realized this at a much younger age.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I was doing dishes... boiling my Kayfun nano... chasing a fly in here, which I *think* I got... all sorts of groovy things. :D


Groovy things huh? You better watch that. I once did some groovy things. Got stuck walking funny for a week, one arm hung a little below a knee. Damned silly lady doctor tried ( not that I care if a doctor is man/woman/it) tries to tell me, "oh no, you've not dislocated your shoulder, you'd know it if you did that .." I sat there looking blankly at her, drooling and twitching. "Erm, fucking done it before so duufuckinguuuuh. I just am not able to 'hitch' it back up and into place, help ...please....."

Writes me a script for muscle relaxants, an anti-inflammatory. "Let your spouse message you maybe work the muscles out ... blah"

Took about four muscle relaxers, went to the barn for five minutes. Drug myself out down to the house two hours later. Her grandfather swore I had woke up his daddy, long in the ground. But it went the f back in. hehehe.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
All of those delightful food pic's you've been posting look sooo good I wish you could send me a taste online. I have been changing my diet to eat healthier with a lot more veggies and yours look so good. We need a food recipe section under the Health Related topic. I guess what I am saying is I'd love to have your recipes.
I shall discuss this with Mattie (that other vegetarian Chef)


Excellence In Service
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OHHH Breazy.... Tough love is way easier to talk about than actually do. I've been telling my husband for years that always "being there" for his addict daughter is NOT helping her. It's helping her continue on the same path because she knows daddy will always answer the phone and go running when she calls. If he'd stop nagging her And if her mother stopped allowing her to visit her kids in her infrequent lucid moments maybe she'd get a clue. As it is, she can go on with her pathetic life and suffer no consequences for it so why bother getting clean?? Just my opinion but tough love is the only way. They won't do it for you, they have to want it for themselves. It's an awful, awful road to be on and I really feel for you. **jumps off the soap box**

Morning everyone☕☕
Thanks. That's what good about this thread. Lots of people in similar situations and lots of understanding and knowledge about lots of things ! Just talked to him. He's only there a day but seems to be ok. Watch if he screws up and I leave him on the street some rich person in Beverly Hills will make him a movie star or something and I'll get put in a crappy nursing home when I'm old LMAO !
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