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Whiskey's Corner#3

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Don't even get near that tractor when you have been drinking. It's a Felony!
I know. That's why if I need anything out of the truck I go through the passenger door. I have the battery switch turned off and don't even want to acedently kick it. Not like the keys going any further then the door lock.....

Kevin H.

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It was during the Stanley Cup, and we got to see a whole new level of hockey fan craziness!:D......One guy got so pissed in Banff when Calgary lost, that he threw a hockey stick with a shovel end attached to it, on to the lower sidewalk of people:facepalm:. Luckily!.....nobody got hit.


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It was during the Stanley Cup, and we got to see a whole new level of hockey fan craziness!:D......One guy got so pissed in Banff when Calgary lost, that he threw a hockey stick with a shovel end attached to it, on to the lower sidewalk of people:facepalm:. Luckily!.....nobody got hit.
That's just good clean hockey related fun....

Only sport j go out of my way to wath is hockey. Go penguins


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Not a hockey fan. I'll admit the game has potential, a bunch of guys with sticks, and knives tied to their feet.

The puck is what ruins it.


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Good morning Corner:wave:<3

Lotus Insane

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Member For 2 Years I come to Whiskey's Corner to say something to you all. I feel as though my posts sometimes are looked at like the plague, and I apologize if I am attempting to infringe on anothers thread. Can you guys forgive my rudeness? Also, good morning and hope the coffee is hot for each one of you as you wake up.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years I come to Whiskey's Corner to say something to you all. I feel as though my posts sometimes are looked at like the plague, and I apologize if I am attempting to infringe on anothers thread. Can you guys forgive my rudeness? Also, good morning and hope the coffee is hot for each one of you as you wake up.
Everyone is welcome , no such word as infringe here, and I see nothing rude, pull up a seat, and have some coffee<3:coffee:

Lotus Insane

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Loving every minute of it. Pulled a recipe right out of my ass and am tweaking it to get it perfect. It's pretty basic but tastes great. Someone probably came up with it already, but I never searched.


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tweaking it to get it perfect.

That is what I like about DIY, the tuning, And knowing what you are vaping. When I occasionaly buy juice now, I find most to be almost cartoonish in taste. Although, I I just had some really nice Mini Muffin Man that a friend sent me from Europe. Our postal system made sure it was well aged. Very thoughtful of them... lol

Lotus Insane

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Our postal system made sure it was well aged. Very thoughtful of them... lol
Well thankfully it wasn't a shake and vape mix. Customs is ticking me off with my last thing that was suppose to cross oversees from Chine... Yeah my mix is tasting like a Strawberry/Dragonfruit Gusher with a touch of melon in the squishy inside. Juicy as hell tbh.


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Well thankfully it wasn't a shake and vape mix. Customs is ticking me off with my last thing that was suppose to cross oversees from Chine... Yeah my mix is tasting like a Strawberry/Dragonfruit Gusher with a touch of melon in the squishy inside. Juicy as hell tbh.

Sounts good. My regular vape is a Almondcaranilla. I extract the Almond and Vanilla myself. Been vaping that for months, and could vape it for months more. Still a work in progress. A few times, I thought it was there, but I'm always changing it slightly.

Lotus Insane

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I am just really happy I got lucky the "second" mix I made. First was a pre-setup. I could of ended up with absolute garbage, but guessed the flavors right with the hints I was getting off the flavor test batches.


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I am just really happy I got lucky the "second" mix I made. First was a pre-setup. I could of ended up with absolute garbage, but guessed the flavors right with the hints I was getting off the flavor test batches.

I think intuition is a very rewarding part of DIY. And accurate labeling... I was lazy at first, and just identified my concoctions by color.

Until the Menthol Creme Broulet incident. The Horror. The Horror....


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I accidentally poured the wrong similarly colored liquid into my Creme Broulet. It was so bad, I start turning green just thinking about it. lol

Etown smoke

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Good morning everyone, hope you are all having a great Saturday so far. Like Wolf said we got us some snow up here yesterday, looks so nice outside right now. The dog is in heaven right now playing in it.

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