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Whiskey's Corner#3

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good morning Kev, Wolf & Pete :wave:<3


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Man what a rough night.
My inner foodie is is curled in a corner, my inner fat kid is crying and me well itching and taking benidril.
First off ice cream should not be tampered with ever, this toxic garbage labeled frozen desert should be banned outright, lite ice cream should be banned.
Second I am personally boycotting Breyer's from here on in until forever.. Soap and body spray companies have zero business making ice cream.
Who ever green lit peanut butter flavored lite ice cream needs sodomized with a Pineapple, who ever designed and oked peanut butter lite frozen desert needs beaten with sledge hammers.

So was excited Mom brought me ice cream, that was until the abortion hit my tongue. The texture is not right, I think it was spoiled or it is just that fucked up. I wretched and gagged then puked. it was wrong, so fucking wrong in texture let alone abortion flavor that I could not actually eat it.
After a bout of projectile power puking the vomit taste went away with listerine... but did the abortion ice cream flavor vanish? that would be a NOPE! which resulted in another bout of projectile power puking, listernine wash, brushing teeth and listerine rinse again. Rinse and repeat that a couple more times before the vomit inducing flavor was gone.
I honestly think I developed a peanut allergy due to that abortion shit because I broke out in hives and itching like I rolled in stinging nettles, hell I have actually rolled in nettles while messing around ant it did not hurt nearly as bad.
I hate throwing away food but this shit is not food it is abortions in the frozen food section, I would rather take a spoon and go tootsie roll hunting in my cat's litter box instead of ever having Breyer's frozen abortion cross my lips again.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Man what a rough night.
My inner foodie is is curled in a corner, my inner fat kid is crying and me well itching and taking benidril.
First off ice cream should not be tampered with ever, this toxic garbage labeled frozen desert should be banned outright, lite ice cream should be banned.
Second I am personally boycotting Breyer's from here on in until forever.. Soap and body spray companies have zero business making ice cream.
Who ever green lit peanut butter flavored lite ice cream needs sodomized with a Pineapple, who ever designed and oked peanut butter lite frozen desert needs beaten with sledge hammers.

So was excited Mom brought me ice cream, that was until the abortion hit my tongue. The texture is not right, I think it was spoiled or it is just that fucked up. I wretched and gagged then puked. it was wrong, so fucking wrong in texture let alone abortion flavor that I could not actually eat it.
After a bout of projectile power puking the vomit taste went away with listerine... but did the abortion ice cream flavor vanish? that would be a NOPE! which resulted in another bout of projectile power puking, listernine wash, brushing teeth and listerine rinse again. Rinse and repeat that a couple more times before the vomit inducing flavor was gone.
I honestly think I developed a peanut allergy due to that abortion shit because I broke out in hives and itching like I rolled in stinging nettles, hell I have actually rolled in nettles while messing around ant it did not hurt nearly as bad.
I hate throwing away food but this shit is not food it is abortions in the frozen food section, I would rather take a spoon and go tootsie roll hunting in my cat's litter box instead of ever having Breyer's frozen abortion cross my lips again.
Hiya Nasty:coffee::wave:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Good to see you OneBadWolf and Good morning
Good morning everyone:coffee::wave:
Good morning pete67. How is Sue doing, is she feeling better?
Good morning everybody :coffee2:. Back to work today for me :slowclap: :facepalm: :blech:.
Good morning Kevin H. Hope work goes well for you today.

Good morning Kev, Wolf & Pete :wave:<3

Good morning Whiskey. Looks like you are enjoying a new toy, looks nice
Good morning corner folks
Good morning Whitesoxfan2579. Hope you have a good day at work. See you later.
THAT'S ALOT OF RED!! Looks good though. And good morning all.
Good morning swagger21. Welcome to Whiskey's Corner #3 and Vapingunderground. How do you like it so far?
Good morning corner family!:wave::coffee2::coffee: I hope everyone is having a good day so far!
Good morning Markw4mms. Hope your night went well and that the morning is treating you well.

For all who have not been seen yet this morning, Good morning and hope the day treats everyone well.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Good to see you OneBadWolf and Good morning

Good morning pete67. How is Sue doing, is she feeling better?

Good morning Kevin H. Hope work goes well for you today.

Good morning Whiskey. Looks like you are enjoying a new toy, looks nice

Good morning Whitesoxfan2579. Hope you have a good day at work. See you later.

Good morning swagger21. Welcome to Whiskey's Corner #3 and Vapingunderground. How do you like it so far?

Good morning Markw4mms. Hope your night went well and that the morning is treating you well.

For all who have not been seen yet this morning, Good morning and hope the day treats everyone well.
Good morning 2WW:coffee::wave: Hope you have a good day. Sue does feel alot better. Thanks for asking.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
I am doing great. The sun is bright and it is supposed to get to 66 today.
So glad you are doing well.

Sunny, bright here too, and up in 60's. I still miss the snow. We are in a fire watch today. No rain or snow pretty much all month, just a small shower that didn't last long. Way to dry around here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Good morning W Wolf. Beautiful today. Not a cloud in the sky!
Yes it is a beautiful day and not a cloud in sky here too.

Still sad no snow. Worried about all our fruit producing trees and shrubs. This warm weather is not good this early. In the 60's and 70's all week till next week. Average is 40's in afternoons, then at night 20's.
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