Being processed through Photoshop now, but I'll send them to Lannie and she can post the ones she likes.
Yeah, I might have gotten my subject off-center by a millimeter or so. Jus' kiddin' witchya, Rich, I know you work hard to make them look good. (He does center, and sometimes crop and adjust the color on them so they look better than my "raw" prints.)
OK, here's the little Princess herself, Miss Buffy Morgaine. I couldn't get any REALLY good ones because once she got her face unstuck from her mom's udder, she wanted to stick it in MY face. I could have gotten a lot of shots of the insides of her nostrils...
Her halter's off her nose because it's a horse halter, and it's too long for her short cow face, so it just hangs around her neck like a wonky collar. We just use it as a grab-handle, mostly, except at milking time when I put the nose piece back up so Rich has some leverage to pull her off (so I can finish getting the last of the cream).
After the milk bar ran dry...
Here's a couple of Cricket, my One-Horned Wonder, for good measure:
(Oh, wait, there might be ONE MORE DROP in there!)
And finally, Miss Helen, who's dry and not pregnant, so she spends her time out in the pasture, mostly. She's the big one - 1,700+ pounds. She outweighs quite a few largish bulls. This is zoomed quite a bit - she was out at the far end of the pasture...
I have more. I'll put 'em in a separate post.