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Yenice (recipe)

Yenice recipe:

1.5% TFA Caramel (Original)
2.0% TFA Kentucky Bourbon
4.0% CAP Vanilla Custard
1.5% TFA Western
0.3% Clove (PG)

Flavor total: 9.3%
VG/PG ratio: 60/40
Suggested steep time: 4 weeks

Caramel, vanilla tobacco.
My own recipe.

Long, long ago in my country there was Yenice cigarette.
I dedicate this recipe to that cigarette.
I made the clove flavor myself in PG. You can use any clove flavor you can find.

ATF link here



Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yenice recipe:

1.5% TFA Caramel (Original)
2.0% TFA Kentucky Bourbon
4.0% CAP Vanilla Custard
1.5% TFA Western
0.3% Clove (PG)

Flavor total: 9.3%
VG/PG ratio: 60/40
Suggested steep time: 4 weeks

Caramel, vanilla tobacco.
My own recipe.

Long, long ago in my country there was Yenice cigarette.
I dedicate this recipe to that cigarette.
I made the clove flavor myself in PG. You can use any clove flavor you can find.

ATF link here

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Thanks for sharing with us.

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Unfortunately, vanilla custard and tobacco flavors take time. I'm currently vaping a five-month steeped.
If you have several recipes and you mix them all at the same time and start with the one with the least waiting time, I think it will work out. Personally, I have 1.5 liters of ready-made e-liquid from different recipes. Of course, this is a matter of preference. I hope the wait will not be difficult for you.
If you have vaped OPMH Project Watson OG and similar e-liquids, I think you will like this one too.

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