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Next Generation MTL tanks Part 2



@Nailz, where did you find the 1.8 ohm coils for the tfv4 micro? I have the tank, I like the tank, I don't have the coils, only been using the rba in it. If any of you nice folks can confirm the MTL kit for the Kayfun 5 works in the clones, I'll get one.


Another question, of the plethora of Kayfun v5s, which is the better choice?


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Thanks for restarting the thread @Brewbear . Since there are so many tanks for MTL, perhaps you can keep an updated list in your first post so we all know what to look for.

Fantastic idea. BB can you do that and put the list in your original first post??

Here is my contribution from some other posts in this thread BB:

  • Hurricane
  • Squape R(s)
  • Erl mini
  • KFV3 mini
  • KFV3 mini plus clone
  • Taifun
  • Rose V2(s)
  • Ubertoot
  • Gob mini V1 (single coil)
  • Bellus (single coil)
  • Gem
  • Pico
  • Calix V1 and V2
  • Kayfun V5 (with MTL adapter kit)
The first list is in my "passed" list. The 2nd list did not make my "passed" list but many, many other vapers love them and swear by them. The 3rd list is coming soon to my mailbox :)

  • Nautilus tank
  • Kabuki (authentic and clone)
  • Ego One
  • Innokin T18 and T22
The 1st list is in my arsenal and the T18 is next on list to try. I'm also investigating the stuff coming from Vaporesso as they seem to be on the bleeding edge of newer thought.

I'm much more an RTA person than clearomizer but IMO the nautilus experience is the greatest clearomizer MTL achievement thus far and Aspire's commitment to the coil via the K3 is very encouraging (both the BVC and the Triton minis).

We'll be doing MTL a LOT after 8/8 when we're out. Also, we need to find a cig-a-like from a vendor that will slightly increase the vaping experience.

You might find interesting:


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@Nailz, where did you find the 1.8 ohm coils for the tfv4 micro? I have the tank, I like the tank, I don't have the coils, only been using the rba in it. If any of you nice folks can confirm the MTL kit for the Kayfun 5 works in the clones, I'll get one.

Got mine from china vendors, doesn't seem the US vendors want to carry them, I did see some on ebay though.

Fasttech are expensive for them, 3fvape was about the cheapest for them.


I was wondering about this contraption, so thank you @ToolmanTexas for posting it. It feels like another "we know what you need" kind of thing, so i respectfully decline their intrusion in my vaping choices.


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I was wondering about this contraption, so thank you @ToolmanTexas for posting it. It feels like another "we know what you need" kind of thing, so i respectfully decline their intrusion in my vaping choices.

I would never own one personally, but I see it as simply another tool to get someone off the stinkies and begin their journey. I would fully expect them to move on to a good clearo/battery combo after this and then RTAs, etc if they so choose after that.

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Another question, of the plethora of Kayfun v5s, which is the better choice?
I've heard from several that the sxk was the one to get. Sxk has made some of the best quality clones in the past, so I believe them.
I have the authentic now and an sxk in the mall


@f1r3b1rd , not to be "captain obvious" here, but aren't you supposed to get the clone first and then spend the big cash for the authentic? You seem to have gotten that bass akwards:wait:

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@f1r3b1rd , not to be "captain obvious" here, but aren't you supposed to get the clone first and then spend the big cash for the authentic? You seem to have gotten that bass akwards:wait:
Yeah I know :(
I wanted the authentic bad, and like the tank so much that I'm shelving every other rta. I'm getting the clone to put on my beater mod. You know that rig we have for those places that we might lose our setup.
I also have an authentic kf3mini enroute


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@f1r3b1rd, since you're shelving the other rtas, what do you have and how much?

Aqua v2 auth-nfs (runs hybrid on an mcv mech )
Erprinze nano auth
Hurricane auth
Kf4 auth-perm attached to p3
Kf3.1 auth- perm attached to p2.5
-------------------------------- I can't sell above with looming regs
Billowv3 -make offer
Cthulu v2 make offer
Belkus make offer
crius make offer
Tfv4 make offer
Serpent make offer


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Adding the Rosary Tank to my donation shelf.Lost the AFC ring & now all it does is leak. :(


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The screws that I ordered from Home Depot arrived today, for my Goblin Mini screw fill. M3 0.5 x 4mm. I wonder if these fit the center pin? They're too big for the screw fill hole, so back to square one on that. Youde never responded to the 2 emails I sent. We have a newly joined Youde_Tech, so I posted in their thread. Hopefully they can help me out. The other option I found is a place overseas that sells replacement parts kits.


Sorry to hear that it doesn't work. I wish I had a goblink mini. The home Depot near my house has a ton of metric screws, unfortunately not the one I need so I bought the die and made my own. Maybe a 2.5 or so?


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@Brewbear, I'm supposed to have a Mage RTA headed my way soon from a contest win, I'll keep you updated on that.

I posted a thread regarding the screw size. One person said they'd read that it was a M2 4mm x 4, then another guy measured his and said it was 2.5, so I went that route and ordered ship to store from home depot online. I'll just swap the ones I have for the one I need. Yay! I do have the cremedevape replacement kit bookmarked, in case I couldn't locate these,

You made your own screw... just wow. Just wow!


Now I can finally use my Merlin with the draw I like. Sometime this week I'll stop by a hobby shop and get a 4 mm SS rod so I can make different size "plugs", the one I have in the Merlin now is copper.


Honestly, Huck, even though the Merlin could be a MTL tank, it is too open for my idea of a MTL draw. With the new insert it is better but I believe the coil I put in it is too ambitious-dragon skin wire. It needs work to get to the point I am happy with it. At this point it would be good for @Shark Vape- btw, where is he? I got better results from the kayfun mini v3 plus. I am now waiting for the SXK kayfun v5 and if I reallynlike it, I'll buy the authentic with the MTL KIT.


So, I've been reading about k5, it seems that the SXK version may have a slightly smaller air tube and the SJMY clone is better. Then again, the LieFeng clone is better than the SJMY clone.....The bottom line is that by the time you buy all these clones in order to get a good one, you might as well buy one authentic and be done. The size of the air tube is important if you want to use the authentic MTL kit. All that being said, I cancelled my order and I'm waiting for @f1r3b1rd to tell us how the SXK compares to the authentic. To further muddy the water, there's a big to do on the FT forum about the SXK clones being sold there not actually being made by SXK. To be continued. ...unless someone that has the clone and the authentic will enlighten us.


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Honestly, Huck, even though the Merlin could be a MTL tank, it is too open for my idea of a MTL draw. With the new insert it is better but I believe the coil I put in it is too ambitious-dragon skin wire. It needs work to get to the point I am happy with it. At this point it would be good for @Shark Vape- btw, where is he? I got better results from the kayfun mini v3 plus. I am now waiting for the SXK kayfun v5 and if I reallynlike it, I'll buy the authentic with the MTL KIT.
why do they call this thing the kayfun mini it doesn't seem to be any smaller than say a KFL+.....


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Hello all, been reading this thread with interest. I'm planing to get a couple more MTL tanks for out and about so to not attract attention. I do like my volume vape tanks, but they are growing old on me. I have been using the STM for my wife and find they are good for MTL. I have been using my AquaV2's for a couple years and love them. I plan to get at least one more from FT. The interest for MTL has been re-sparked when I laid eyes on the KF 5. I think it's beautiful. Being that the original is a bit out of my budget I decided to get a v3 mini from FT. It's on it's way now. I also think I'll get the V3 mini plus to try. I wish the V3 mini and plus decks were retooled to resemble the KF 5 deck. I really like the wire capture deck of the 5. Once the dust settles on which KF 5 clone is the better, and works with the plug set I may get one to try as well. Leaning toward the SJMY as the chimney is a confirmed 3.2mm. O.K. Now I feel like I'm rambling.


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Listen up people.
Consider this post an unofficial review.
The Melo 3 and Aspire Plato I ordered arrived yesterday...Thank you (Sweet-Vapes).

First up will be the Plato.
This thing comes with a installed 1.8ohm coil installed*.Perfect for all us MTL types.You might need to adjust the airflow a bit.Mine showed up in the (Clouds Bro Clouds) position.
Just fill it up & slap in the fully charged battery** that comes with the device.Turn it on wait 6 seconds*** give it some primer puffs and you're vaping.

Personally I like this thing.
I've already put 15ml of V³ Pebblez**** through it and can find no faults with the device.No leaks...It sat upright on my bedside table while I slept.Happily the base was bone dry.When I awoke. :)
The included drip-tip fits super snug.No wiggly tip here.The AFC located on the base is fairly easy to turn but does in fact stay in place.So you will not need to constantly readjust it.

Onto the Melo 3.
I got the full sized version of this thing.So there's that...Cheers!
Comes with a 0.3ohm coil & a 0.4ohm coil.You can pick 1 of those***** to install or install a 1.8ohm Atlantis/Triton coil.Which is what I wound up doing.

This is a good tank and I like it best as a MTL tank.I found that the tank just got too damned hot using the included coils.The AFC is very easy to use and stays in place.I put it through it paces by going through a full tank worth of V³ Honey Milk****** per coil used.That is a total of 12mls. The included drip-tip did fit nice and tight.However because I'll be using this tank as a MTL tank.I replaced with a Stainless Steel Ming.

Notes :

*This is a Nautilus Coil not a Triton Mini coil*

**I gotta admit it kind of freaked me out that it was fully charged**

***Not sure why they choose to do this with device.Not sure about anybody else but I hate being forced to wait.***

****I really should do a proper review of Pebblez. It is amazing and deserves it****

*****I know Eleaf makes decent coils but their sub-ohm coils frustrate me.Why can't they get them to work at a less screaming hot wattage?*****

******Yet another great E-Liquid by V³ that needs a proper review (Honey Milk)******


@Nailz , do you have any of the Kayfun v5 tanks? I'm still trying to figure out which one to get.


As I mentioned before, I really like the Kayfun mini plus, but the only minus (pun intended) was that it didn't fit on the Pico. While browsing the offerings on the FT site I ran across a 22.5mm kayfun v3 plus 1.5 which should juuust about fit on the Pico. Now back to reading about the K v5 clones.


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@Nailz , do you have any of the Kayfun v5 tanks? I'm still trying to figure out which one to get.

Yes I do @Brewbear, got 2 of the tobeco's from wetvapes last week, and a SXK from fasttech this week, I prefer the tobeco's though, they turned up clean and are well made clones.

I know some people say the draw is to open for them, and there is a MTL kit for them, personally I find the draw fine for me.


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Bah 7 tanks in and the Damn Melo 3 started leaking like crazy from the AFC.
I've taken it apart and put it back together 3 damn times now changing the coil every time.I still can't get it to stop.It leaks and leaks even standing upright it frigging leaks.Tilt it even a bit and it turns into a damn waterfall.
Seriously I'm pissed and about to get violent with it.:xD::cuss2::tantrum::finger::xD:

Luckily I'm happy to report the Aspire Plato is still doing quite well and looks even better now with the Stainless Steel Stiletto drip-tip I put on it.:shades:


@Nailz , I couldn't find the tobeco K5 clone at a reasonable price, the only ones available are €29 and up. I guess I'll just wait for eciggity to restock.


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@Nailz , I couldn't find the tobeco K5 clone at a reasonable price, the only ones available are €29 and up. I guess I'll just wait for eciggity to restock.

Think be worth waiting, I know eciggity have got more coming, if you order from China, still be waiting for it by the time eciggity restock anyway ;)

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