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You need to find time for that 32 cal. I think it would do you a world of good to build the kit as a meditation. Then, imagine the damn insurance agent as a target, let loose for center mass. "Here's your interest rates!"

I used to do similar with a 20lbs sledge hammer when rebuilding or scrapping old wood apple bins. Felt real good to bring it down onto a scraped bin, stop just a hair above the concrete of the outdoor bay, wood shattering and flying to oblivion. :) That was the last job I worked. I used to get 25-30 boxes rebuilt in a rough eight hours. Another guy even with six others 'helping' would only do 5. *smh*

Yeah, i missed the being pissed off. I try to avoid that, even knowing it from other folks. Spent too much of my life pissed off myself to enjoy the chill it settles in over me. So, yeah go get the gun built. Sounds like you need some form of imaginative release of *ahem* darker thoughts, in a safe manner. :)

Facebook knife smiths? Hm, I'll have to get the wife to look that up then point me there. I am on Fake Book but only so much as just a pointer for her. "Look, there's my hubby. :)" Not really so keen to hob knob with click/clique society, they rave so over this thing called fashion, trends. :giggle::rolleyes:

While I'm here let me kick this :soapbox: out the way so we can :snapoutofit:.

I would of already started the kit but my boy Rascal came to spend the New Years with his pops so I had to take the coffee table and put it up against the wall so I could inflate the queen size mattress from him. Now its full of his toys. He has to be touching me when he goes to bed and the matress alows us to sleep together so he is happy.

With FB, I seldom post anything about me but it has some groups I like. I am on many Black Powder groups and old west guns groups and its cool to check out everything there plus I can keep up with my nieces and their kids so its not a total waste.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Woohoo, we may be getting some snow Friday night! Got zero white precip the last 2 winters, and not a hell of a lot the winter before that. Jan '11 was the last really big snow, most I've ever seen in GA: 8" where we lived. Hope we don't get that much, it takes goddamn forever to melt, makes a total fucking mess of the roads, nobody goes anywhere.



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I think I'm heading to the doctor tomorrow. Woke up this morning with a sore throat and stuffy head. Now it feels like I'm swallowing ground glass so I'm wondering if it's not strep. Plus my chest has gotten tight. Ugh...I have to work this weekend and I sure as hell don't want to be sick while I'm there. :cry:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I think I'm heading to the doctor tomorrow. Woke up this morning with a sore throat and stuffy head. Now it feels like I'm swallowing ground glass so I'm wondering if it's not strep. Plus my chest has gotten tight. Ugh...I have to work this weekend and I sure as hell don't want to be sick while I'm there. :cry:

That sucks : won't be liking that post but you have my sympathy :)


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I think I'm heading to the doctor tomorrow. Woke up this morning with a sore throat and stuffy head. Now it feels like I'm swallowing ground glass so I'm wondering if it's not strep. Plus my chest has gotten tight. Ugh...I have to work this weekend and I sure as hell don't want to be sick while I'm there. :cry:
Hope they provide a strong antibiotic to rid you of this.......:(

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I think I'm heading to the doctor tomorrow. Woke up this morning with a sore throat and stuffy head. Now it feels like I'm swallowing ground glass so I'm wondering if it's not strep. Plus my chest has gotten tight. Ugh...I have to work this weekend and I sure as hell don't want to be sick while I'm there. :cry:
DARN! Get better girl. So sad to see ya sick.


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Woohoo, we may be getting some snow Friday night! Got zero white precip the last 2 winters, and not a hell of a lot the winter before that. Jan '11 was the last really big snow, most I've ever seen in GA: 8" where we lived. Hope we don't get that much, it takes goddamn forever to melt, makes a total fucking mess of the roads, nobody goes anywhere.

We're supposed to be getting upwards to 6 inches + late Friday night into Saturday morning. With temps in the 20's for highs and single digits for lows, it won't be going anywhere soon. I have to work Saturday night but if the roads are bad, they can fuhgetaboutit! I ain't showing up.


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Thanks Crom! I hate being sick. :(
We all hate being sick. I can honestly say I haven't had a single cold or flu in 2.5 years since I been vaping...knock on wood I guess. I don't even remember the last time I even sneezed.....:wait:....:)

When smoking, hell...I had colds sore throats, was a yearly winter thing.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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We all hate being sick. I can honestly say I haven't had a single cold or flu in 2.5 years since I been vaping...knock on wood I guess. I don't even remember the last time I even sneezed.....:wait:....:)

When smoking, hell...I had colds sore throats, was a yearly winter thing.

I had a major bacterial sinus infection, fall of 2015, which I think I got from visiting my mom in the hospital. This fall, I got a mild cold, but it was truly MILD; none of that coughing-up-a-lung shit as it always turned into, when I smoked. All it really did was give me a stuffy nose for a week or so, fucked up my sense of smell pretty majorly for 3-4 days. Then I just had to get rid of the slight congestion that had accumulated in my sinuses and a bit in my lungs, but NOTHING like when I smoked. A couple weeks of taking guifenesin and it was gone.

I can live with colds that mild, since I really don't get them very often anymore. Which is maybe one of the very best things about getting older; you've already suffered most mutations of rhinovirus, so you're immune to them, and there aren't a lot more that can get you.

Hope you get well quick, Lynn; strep is a BITCH.


Hank F. Spankman

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Good morning Andria...oh's afternoon. :teehee:

Diagnosis...not strep just a typical garden variety cold. Chicken soup, hot tea, rest and cold meds if I prefer. I don't. Will be over in 7-10 days. I'm off to work soon. Have a good one everybody!! :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Good morning Andria...oh's afternoon. :teehee:

Diagnosis...not strep just a typical garden variety cold. Chicken soup, hot tea, rest and cold meds if I prefer. I don't. Will be over in 7-10 days. I'm off to work soon. Have a good one everybody!! :)

You must still have your tonsils. When I was a kid, and still had them, I got a RAGING sore throat with every cold, and it usually turned into a bacterial secondary infection because of them. Had them out FINALLY when I was 17, one of the best things I've ever done for my health... right after quitting drugs, drinking, and cigarettes. :giggle:

Hope you feel better, Lynn!!



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Mexican Oysters

A big Texan stopped at a local restaurant following a day roaming around in Mexico.

While sipping his tequila, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful.

He asked the waiter, 'What is that you just served?'

The waiter replied, 'Ah señor, you have excellent taste! Those are called Cojones de Toro, bull's testicles from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!'

The cowboy said, 'What the heck, bring me an order.'

The waiter replied, 'I am so sorry señor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early and place your order, we will be sure to save you this delicacy.'

The next morning, the cowboy returned, placed his order, and that evening was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites, inspecting his platter, he called to the waiter and said, 'These are delicious, but they are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday.'

The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied,

“Si, Señor, sometimes the bull, he wins”.


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I believe Varlet would be top rank in miscreant levels right above scoundrel.

Ah, but I'm not sure he is unreliable enough to be suited as a knave. He does after all ply himself in finding good vaping gear on a somewhat consistent basis. Although the Artha program does seem to agree with you. I figure dict would as well if I were to grep it.

Bah! * lobs a very fluffy overstuffed pillow in your general direction * I'm on a break from computing stuff. Spent the morning setting up vim, reading more about Cobol, oddly being sidetracked by Ruby. I also managed sending one of my selves out to fetch in a wood box full of firewood as it's doing that snowing routine here currently, having set upon us this morn.

Right now I'm pondering weather or not I could use some bits of code to create a Linux native ejuice calculator, possibly even coil wrap calculator, battery drain application. Alright, enough pondering that. Time for a *squonk* and a :cloud:. Ah, it's trash day today. I need to clear away our bedroom trash bins. Wife is home though and that's usually one of my "no see me" jobs. Ha! I'll tell her she's seeing George Clooney doing one of those silly advertisements on the idiot tube again, not me getting trash out. Hehe. :)


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You must still have your tonsils. When I was a kid, and still had them, I got a RAGING sore throat with every cold, and it usually turned into a bacterial secondary infection because of them. Had them out FINALLY when I was 17, one of the best things I've ever done for my health... right after quitting drugs, drinking, and cigarettes. :giggle:

Hope you feel better, Lynn!!

My tonsils and adenoids came out when I was 3 thanks to repeated strep infections. I don't normally get sore throats with colds. :(


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Ah, but I'm not sure he is unreliable enough to be suited as a knave. He does after all ply himself in finding good vaping gear on a somewhat consistent basis. Although the Artha program does seem to agree with you. I figure dict would as well if I were to grep it.

Bah! * lobs a very fluffy overstuffed pillow in your general direction * I'm on a break from computing stuff. Spent the morning setting up vim, reading more about Cobol, oddly being sidetracked by Ruby. I also managed sending one of my selves out to fetch in a wood box full of firewood as it's doing that snowing routine here currently, having set upon us this morn.

Right now I'm pondering weather or not I could use some bits of code to create a Linux native ejuice calculator, possibly even coil wrap calculator, battery drain application. Alright, enough pondering that. Time for a *squonk* and a :cloud:. Ah, it's trash day today. I need to clear away our bedroom trash bins. Wife is home though and that's usually one of my "no see me" jobs. Ha! I'll tell her she's seeing George Clooney doing one of those silly advertisements on the idiot tube again, not me getting trash out. Hehe. :)
MMM, after having to learn COBOL for my programming degree, I can't imagine anyone deliberately wanting to learn it. Java, Perl, VB, C++, etc are much more fun!!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My tonsils and adenoids came out when I was 3 thanks to repeated strep infections. I don't normally get sore throats with colds. :(

Lucky dawg! I had to put up with that shit till my tonsils just wouldn't stay UNinfected! I was in the generation just *after* tonsillectomies were considered SOP for all children, so they resisted taking mine out even though it should have been patently obvious that they really NEEDED to come out, long before I was 17!

So I think I've lost all my residual unnecessary parts now -- tonsils and appendix. At this point in my life, my ovaries are just as useless, but unless something goes wrong with them, I reckon they'll stay. I do have a cyst on one of them, which occasionally gives me a lightening-flash of pain so intense, I usually pass out -- pain is there and gone, but my brain registers how awful it is and I pass out 2-3 minutes later! :facepalm: My doc says that probably indicates that the cyst is on a nerve, but it's so small that he can't feel it when he palpates, and he says unless it grows, or the pain gets more bothersome, best to just leave it. Easy for HIM to say!



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I had a major bacterial sinus infection, fall of 2015, which I think I got from visiting my mom in the hospital.

Reminds me, my younger brother upon his first visit to hospital for back surgery got Mercer from the hospital. He was released, had to rush back in a day later due to projectile vomiting blood. Hospital got him under control, started several different broad spectrum antibiotics. They figure he was over it after a week of intense care and observation. He's released again. He's out for two days when he starts again.

The staff was beside themselves at this point as it became patently obvious he had gotten it from the hospital. He wound up quarantined for a month in a level 4 bio-hazard containment room. They literally scrubbed every millimeter of that hospital, top to bottom in the meanwhile. They could not find anything to help flush the Mercer from him. Finally, he asked if he could have someone bring him some alternate medicine.

Gin and tonic seemed to help him more so than antibiotics. He had two drinks of it a day for four days, under supervision. Not saying that is the definitive panacea for Mercer, only that it seemed to help in my brother's case. Of course, he had already been given every natural & synthetic antibiotic on the planet too. Hard to tell what actually broke it out of him. Not sure they found patient zero what infected the hospital itself, although I am sure they did extreme due diligence in doing so.

He chalked it up as just life happening, which scared the hospital. He signed off on something what says he's not going to go to court against them, nor speak ill of them. I understand his point too, everyone working there does excellent work. Entropy happens if we like it or not.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Reminds me, my younger brother upon his first visit to hospital for back surgery got Mercer from the hospital. He was released, had to rush back in a day later due to projectile vomiting blood. Hospital got him under control, started several different broad spectrum antibiotics. They figure he was over it after a week of intense care and observation. He's released again. He's out for two days when he starts again.

The staff was beside themselves at this point as it became patently obvious he had gotten it from the hospital. He wound up quarantined for a month in a level 4 bio-hazard containment room. They literally scrubbed every millimeter of that hospital, top to bottom in the meanwhile. They could not find anything to help flush the Mercer from him. Finally, he asked if he could have someone bring him some alternate medicine.

Gin and tonic seemed to help him more so than antibiotics. He had two drinks of it a day for four days, under supervision. Not saying that is the definitive panacea for Mercer, only that it seemed to help in my brother's case. Of course, he had already been given every natural & synthetic antibiotic on the planet too. Hard to tell what actually broke it out of him. Not sure they found patient zero what infected the hospital itself, although I am sure they did extreme due diligence in doing so.

He chalked it up as just life happening, which scared the hospital. He signed off on something what says he's not going to go to court against them, nor speak ill of them. I understand his point too, everyone working there does excellent work. Entropy happens if we like it or not.

When you say "mercer", do you mean "MRSA"?



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Ah, but I'm not sure he is unreliable enough to be suited as a knave. He does after all ply himself in finding good vaping gear on a somewhat consistent basis. Although the Artha program does seem to agree with you. I figure dict would as well if I were to grep it.

Bah! * lobs a very fluffy overstuffed pillow in your general direction * I'm on a break from computing stuff. Spent the morning setting up vim, reading more about Cobol, oddly being sidetracked by Ruby. I also managed sending one of my selves out to fetch in a wood box full of firewood as it's doing that snowing routine here currently, having set upon us this morn.

Right now I'm pondering weather or not I could use some bits of code to create a Linux native ejuice calculator, possibly even coil wrap calculator, battery drain application. Alright, enough pondering that. Time for a *squonk* and a :cloud:. Ah, it's trash day today. I need to clear away our bedroom trash bins. Wife is home though and that's usually one of my "no see me" jobs. Ha! I'll tell her she's seeing George Clooney doing one of those silly advertisements on the idiot tube again, not me getting trash out. Hehe. :)
Have you considered learning Swift? There's a lot of free tutorials out there for it. Also, not sure if you checked this site or not, but has a free trial period and gobs of info.


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Yes ma'am! And a MSCE certification too!
Have you looked in to programming jobs? Most pay very well. I just do the SQL stuff now. Here's a snippet. It's making my brain hurt. lol
I've let all my certs go by the wayside. Used to have A+, Dell, MSCE, and of course I'm a certifiable nutcase. hehehehe
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