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The Atheists Thread...A place for Logical, Rational and Scientific thinking with facts


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Um, Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth. Pythagoras was a philosopher and not even responsible for the mathematical theorem that bears his name.

*Doublechecks textbooks* Umm...:oops:

Oops. My bad. You're right. It was Eratosthenes. Actually, there's even a section that mentions that that feat is commonly attributed.


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Wait... these people still exist? And... after a quick scan of their wiki, cite Pythagoras even though Pathagoras was the one who calculated the diameter of the Earth using the shadow of the sun on a well shaft? Wow... they do indeed still exist.
Um, Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth. Pythagoras was a philosopher and not even responsible for the mathematical theorem that bears his name.

In any case, the Flat Earth Society's dreams lie somewhere in the world before Copernicus.

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Eratosthenes precedes Ptolemy by about 300 years.

More remarkably to me, he preceded Copernicus by almost two thousand years. But there are reasons why we refer to the pre-Copernican model as Ptolemaic, not that they matter much to anybody but historians. Anyway, I've lost track of the subject if there ever was one... o_O

No Ash More Cash

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More remarkably to me, he preceded Copernicus by almost two thousand years. But there are reasons why we refer to the pre-Copernican model as Ptolemaic, not that they matter much to anybody but historians. Anyway, I've lost track of the subject if there ever was one... o_O
It's like we should have a Leif Erickson day instead of Columbus Day... He had settlements 500 yrs before Columbus


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Not certain why any of that matters. They can create a Danny Trejo day for all it matters.

No Ash More Cash

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Scott Walker dodges question about evolution beliefs during trade visit to UK

"Even after his interviewer, Justin Webb of BBC Radio 4, asserted that 'any British politician right or left wing would laugh and say, "yes of course evolution's true," ' Walked stood his ground."
Here is the shocker for the day: As a Roman Catholic Franciscan preacher....I hereby proclaim that I in fact believe in Creationism....but stress that, we should not discount the validity of the Big Bang, Dinosaurs, Evolution....and things.


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So you think A God made Adam from Dirt and Eve from his rib?
I find myself less concerned with the how and why of things...and focus more on the injustice of man in this world, and how to compensate for it. When one spends too much time focusing on the rear view tends to run into trees.

No Ash More Cash

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I find myself less concerned with the how and why of things...and focus more on the injustice of man in this world, and how to compensate for it. When one spends too much time focusing on the rear view tends to run into trees.
"When one spends too much time focusing on the rear view tends to run into trees" Like Matthew 15:13-14? "If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” ;)

No Ash More Cash

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Scott Walker’s High-School Science Teacher: ‘Man Up’
Among those who questioned Walker: the chair of his high school science department, Ann Serpe, 73. “Answer the question when they ask you!” Serpe said in an interview. “He could have manned up a bit. That’s what I would tell him.”

Serpe, who taught chemistry and chaired the math and science department at Delavan-Darien High School in Delavan, Wis., before her retirement in 1998, now lives in nearby Elkhorn. She recalls that Walker, her pupil and an advisee in student government, was a bright, committed participant in class. Walker graduated in 1986.

What would Walker have learned in high school? “We taught the theory of evolution, and human evolution, as a prerequisite to understanding biological classification. I went out and looked at my biology textbook just to make sure.”

Serpe says, “I don’t know the dogma of the Baptist church where Scott’s father was the minister, as it concerns evolution. But I do recall that Scott was very accepting of everything in science class. He had a good sense of it.”

Walker’s onetime teacher has seen him a few times since his high-school days. She even attended one of Walker’s fundraisers in Milwaukee. Darwin, though, hasn’t come up in their conversations.

She says she hopes he—”as an intelligent young man”—would understand the importance of scientific thought, that evolution and creation are not mutually exclusive. Walker, who may be two decades removed from Serpe’s classroom, said on Twitter that science still informs his worldview.


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"When one spends too much time focusing on the rear view tends to run into trees" Like Matthew 15:13-14? "If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” ;)


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And Like Ricky Gervais brought up too.."He did it all in the dark then made light":rolleyes:
Well, to be honest, the Big Bang was dark.. no light for at least what? 400,000 years, and no stars with 'light' as we know it for 400-500 million years.


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1. Ricky Gervais was joking.
2. A process that happens without conscious intent does not need light for anyone to see what it's doing.
3. Science says the stars had to have happened first (after the big bang, that is). The bible says the stars were created 3 days after both the creation of night and day and the creation of the earth.


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1. Ricky Gervais was joking.
2. A process that happens without conscious intent does not need light for anyone to see what it's doing.
3. Science says the stars had to have happened first (after the big bang, that is). The bible says the stars were created 3 days after both the creation of night and day and the creation of the earth.
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Bible: So, the Big Bang.. The Universe was Dark and Formless... Then there was light.

Scientists: So, the Big Bang ... The Universe was filled with 'fog' and was dark.... The first Stars formed, and there was light..


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1. Ricky Gervais was joking.
2. A process that happens without conscious intent does not need light for anyone to see what it's doing.
3. Science says the stars had to have happened first (after the big bang, that is). The bible says the stars were created 3 days after both the creation of night and day and the creation of the earth.
A day as humans measure it did not exist until the first rising and setting of the Sun. For all we know, that first "Day" could have lasted millennia. A year as we know it did not exist until the Gregorian Calendar. In short, that which exists, exists regardless of how humans define it. Remember, there is no spoon.


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1. And there was evening and there was morning, one day:

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day (Day 1).

Pretty unambiguous day to me. Except that, somehow, the sun isn't responsible for another 3 days.

14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the [v]expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16 God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. 17 God placed them in the [ab]expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good. 19 There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day (Day 4).

2. The heavier elements making up the earth were created in the energies of the supernovae of dying stars. Stars died to create the earth; they didn't all come 3 days after. You can try to equivocate on the meaning of day, but there's still a problem with the ordering of creation.


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Here is the shocker for the day: As a Roman Catholic Franciscan preacher....I hereby proclaim that I in fact believe in Creationism....but stress that, we should not discount the validity of the Big Bang, Dinosaurs, Evolution....and things.

I'm afraid it's not a matter about which one can arguably have it both ways.

However, if one were to invoke the concept of the prime mover from Aristotle, Anselm, Aquinas, etc., and extend it through to Lemaitre, Hubble and myriad others since, one might relocate "creation" and "creator" to some time and place prior to the so-called big bang, which is where the great universal mystery lies.

What caused the first cause? Certainly some supreme power and potential cloaked in an eternal invisibility. At his question, the cosmologist and theologian might pause in their discussion and pour each other a drink.

Meanwhile the Creationist prattles on at the kiddie table oblivious to what the adults are talking about.


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Well then I shall leave the kiddie table and go play outside with my skip rope. Ta :)


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Creationism as I understand it is not only bad thinking, it is also in my opinion bad religious faith. If you're one of those pounding the table about Old Testament accounts of man's origin, maybe you're also someone fighting the wrong battles to help you through your own crisis of faith. Get back on track.

"And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence."

Bertrand Russell
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Well then I shall leave the kiddie table and go play outside with my skip rope. Ta :)

I don't believe you were ever at that table. :p

May I join you outside anyway? I'm getting tired of the pointless arguing. :)
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Creation in my Episcopal Sunday school.

As I recall, we were taught the Old Testament account of creation only in the first year of Sunday school and never returned to it in following years. This said to me in retrospect that it was a pro forma exercise and intended to be left behind. What was important, what we moved on to and stayed with, was the life and teachings of Christ. This is one of the priorities of my early religious education that I still find intuitively correct.

The idea that the creation story should be understood as natural history would have been abhorrent to me even at age six. Luckily that was not pushed on us and I was able remain open to the rest of the religious teaching, for better or worse.
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No Ash More Cash

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Well, to be honest, the Big Bang was dark.. no light for at least what? 400,000 years, and no stars with 'light' as we know it for 400-500 million years.
Well I'm glad you're talking years and not days and not only that but way before 6000 years :)


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If I'm allowed to believe in The Force and the devil, I'll watch your videos.

Awaiting for your valued reply,

I remain faithfully yours.



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BTW, I don't really call the devil, devil, demon, black angel, mephistopheles, etc.

To me there is a Light Force, and a Dark Force.

I'm constantly possessed by either.
But to the untrained, The Force sounds childish enough.



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Anyone a member of "The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" yes it's real and I want to try it out

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Adding a little more (I'm supposed to be working)
Even if i'm totally opposed to communist ideas.
I suffer enough in the land of birthplace, thank you.

Karl Max was right. Religion is the xxium of the people.

I considered a necessary evil, for those who can't guide themselves.


No Ash More Cash

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If I'm allowed to believe in The Force and the devil, I'll watch your videos.

Awaiting for your valued reply,

I remain faithfully yours.

Are you talking about the first videos?..You can believe in anything you want


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Also, as you know, 95% of mankind is garbage.
If they disappear, we will only lose the services.
They need religion. They life is hard and incomprehensible.
(gonna be canned) Carlos.


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Also, as you know, 95% of mankind is garbage.
If they disappear, we will only lose the services.
They need religion. They life is hard and incomprehensible.
(gonna be canned) Carlos.
We are garbage WTF you lost me

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Darth Vapous

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In the words of the late, great Hitch - I consider myself to be an antitheist, rather than an atheist.

Too many of of the vilest; nastiest people I've ever met in my life have been religious and tried to shaft people every way they could all week, before dropping to their knees to pray forgiveness from the fairies on a Sunday morning.

Religion? Can't stand it.

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No Ash More Cash

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Also, as you know, 95% of mankind is garbage.
If they disappear, we will only lose the services.
They need religion. They life is hard and incomprehensible.
(gonna be canned) Carlos.
Many Gods past and present have been around since we didn't know how things worked and back then they thought it had to be Something/Someone doing it like the sun rising or rain or pretty much anything we didn't understand...Remember this was primitive man thousands of years ago and many gods ago(The list of "Gods" and "supernatural" beings are to long to list right now) ... Anyway We still have a long way to go as a race (Human race) not believing in some kinda god/Gods


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Many Gods past and present have been around since we didn't know how things worked and back then they thought it had to be Something/Someone doing it like the sun rising or rain or pretty much anything we didn't understand...Remember this was primitive man thousands of years ago and many gods ago(The list of "Gods" and "supernatural" beings are to long to list right now) ... Anyway We still have a long way to go as a race (Human race) not believing in some kinda god/Gods

As mentioned, I don't believe in gods. But in forces.


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BTW, I try to avoid religion and politics like the pest.
Nobody convinces anybody anyway.
I'm nasty enough without them.

Will get more info from your post and maybe will come back to it.
If I don't, rest assured that, at least, I've leaned something new from it.
Thank you.


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