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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread


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I can't believe how fast I went through a liter of VG:eek: I've been using Essential Depot, while I don't have any complaints, there is just something* about it(little voice in my head sayin it's not the best). I think I may try VT's or Bull City's, anyone have any other recommendations?

I mixed a blue custard a while back, thought it was good; 2% custard, 1% bilberry, 0.3% maple. ;)
I feel the same. The last batch i received from them had an off taste to both the vg and pg.


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I'm using BullCity's VG right now and have no complaints about it. Next time I get nic from VT, I may get their VG to see if I can tell any difference.
I was wondering if theirs was any better. I asked Kevin, and he said it was...but that was it, so I don't actually know what that means.

Mr Joshua

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Just got FA cucumber, coconut and their fresh cream in today, really been wanting to put that cucumber in a few recipes. It seems like it would be great at a tiny .5 to 1% in a honeydew strawberry juice sort of thing.... or watermelon for that matter. I have been trying to make a coconut cream, to use in a few recipes like pear coconut or peach and so far not had a huge success with the creams or coconuts I have tried, TFA sweet cream being one. I think I am using too little, but want to try the FA versions after all the good things I hear about them.


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I can't believe how fast I went through a liter of VG:eek: I've been using Essential Depot, while I don't have any complaints, there is just something* about it(little voice in my head sayin it's not the best). I think I may try VT's or Bull City's, anyone have any other recommendations?

I mixed a blue custard a while back, thought it was good; 2% custard, 1% bilberry, 0.3% maple. ;)
I have heard good things about bulkapothecary VG. It is USP and only $14 a gallon. I am gonna try that once my ed vg runs out


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Time to put together an order. Need the bases so might as well get flavor to put in Em too. I have a few. Tobaccos, fruits, coffee, etc. Realized that I don't have much to mix with them. Now I have to go through all the posts and all hic, wllmc, RP, S blue, and several others posts to make my decisions. You people are an embarrassment of riches. Sheesh.


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I can't believe how fast I went through a liter of VG:eek: I've been using Essential Depot, while I don't have any complaints, there is just something* about it(little voice in my head sayin it's not the best). I think I may try VT's or Bull City's, anyone have any other recommendations?

I mixed a blue custard a while back, thought it was good; 2% custard, 1% bilberry, 0.3% maple. ;)
I've only had bull city's vg. There's nothing strange tasting, it's clear without impurities. It's good imo, as far as vg is concerned... I kinda wish I could find some local to save on shipping though... I seem to go through a lot but not enough to justify a gallon


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Time to put together an order. Need the bases so might as well get flavor to put in Em too. I have a few. Tobaccos, fruits, coffee, etc. Realized that I don't have much to mix with them. Now I have to go through all the posts and all hic, wllmc, RP, S blue, and several others posts to make my decisions. You people are an embarrassment of riches. Sheesh.
Yeah I hear ya. I'm waiting for Bull City to restock a few FA flavors to place an order. And I bet as soon as I place it I'll come across another recipe with something I don't have or want to mix something and realize I'm short "x" flavor, always happens....
I have well over 50+ (nothing compared to some of you) flavoring on hand but been bit by the FA bug recently.


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Hi, my name is RocketPuppy. I am a flavor/smell addict. It started when I received my first Strawberry Shortcake doll, and I tried to eat her arm. It didn't taste like strawberries.
mmmm I love smelling things.............. and I like to eat flavored chapstick and candles . is that weird ?


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I had the above recipe in the dripper and topped it with a couple of drops of Mocha Nips. OMG! I have been looking for THIS for a long time. :D

I'm vaping this now (Vanilla Cream Cinnamon Straws plus Mocha Nips). I'd call it Sweet Mexican Mocha :) thanks for the idea, Ld! I think you have a sweet tooth at least as big as mine.


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mmmm I love smelling things.............. and I like to eat flavored chapstick and candles . is that weird ?

You eat....candles?! Okay, that's a new one. What are your favorite Yankee Candle flavors, lol?

I'll bet Mrs. C wonders what happened to her bubble bath, air freshener, and potpourri, but we all know now.


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You eat....candles?! Okay, that's a new one. What are your favorite Yankee Candle flavors, lol?

I'll bet Mrs. C wonders what happened to her bubble bath, air freshener, and potpourri, but we all know now.
anything vanilla lol. ..... the girl in high school hated me. if they left their chapstick out I ate it. :p ( they loved to hate me ;) ha ! )


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You eat....candles?! Okay, that's a new one. What are your favorite Yankee Candle flavors, lol?

I'll bet Mrs. C wonders what happened to her bubble bath, air freshener, and potpourri, but we all know now.


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anything vanilla lol. ..... the girl in high school hated me. if they left their chapstick out I ate it. :p ( they loved to hate me ;) ha ! )
Hahaha my friends call me Vanilla girl. I guess that's what I smell like, but I'm not sure why.

Never ate Chapstick, but I have purchased lip gloss solely because it tasted delicious. No eating candles. However, I can't buy gum because I chew it like 3 times and then swallow it, especially Juicy Fruit.


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3% pineapple
1% fresh cream
.5% lemon sicily

My attempted pineapple sorbet. Not great by any means, but not horrible either. If anyone can make it better, let me know!


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3% pineapple
1% fresh cream
.5% lemon sicily

My attempted pineapple sorbet. Not great by any means, but not horrible either. If anyone can make it better, let me know!

Your recipe sounds tasty already. But actual sorbet has no fat or dairy. It's just fruit, water, usually sugar or other sweetener, sometimes thickeners like cornstarch. The non-fruit ingredients might be better represented with Marshmallow and/or Meringue than Fresh Cream. Maybe try .5% each of Marshmallow and Meringue and skip the cream....or .25% each of all three flavorings. I'll bet the Lemon Sicily is perfect with Pineapple.


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Speaking of Pineapple...does anyone else get a burnt rubber taste from it? I mixed just pineapple at 2.5% and tasted it the day after it was mixed and omg. NG. If you do get that taste, does it go away? Could just be my tastebuds too.


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Speaking of Pineapple...does anyone else get a burnt rubber taste from it? I mixed just pineapple at 2.5% and tasted it the day after it was mixed and omg. NG. If you do get that taste, does it go away? Could just be my tastebuds too.

No, not at all. Whenever I've gotten burnt rubber, it's because of my coil. Didja give the flavoring a shake before using it, check your equipment, using glass, and all that? Does the bottle itself smell weird? Which vendor did it come from?


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Got it from that e-liquid mart in CA. No glass, it didn't come in glass. Coil is fine, new wick (always for testing). Yes, the bottle smells...taking a whiff it smells like burnt rubber too. Like I said, it could be me. I get the same exact thing with TFA Pineapple, but not with INW pineapple. Problem is the INW isn't strong enough and I was hoping to add the FA to it. Oh well.


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Got it from that e-liquid mart in CA. No glass, it didn't come in glass. Coil is fine, new wick (always for testing). Yes, the bottle smells...taking a whiff it smells like burnt rubber too. Like I said, it could be me. I get the same exact thing with TFA Pineapple, but not with INW pineapple. Problem is the INW isn't strong enough and I was hoping to add the FA to it. Oh well.

Mine is from PureVapes, also in a plastic bottle. I think the flavoring bottle smells like pineapple juice.
When I smell the bottle of TFA Pineapple, I smell metallic-chemical notes with the pineapple. I taste only the pineapple when I vape it, though. When I want strong or candy pineapple flavor, I use TFA. I use FA's for pineapple juice flavor. I think FA Pineapple is one of their least-strong fruit flavors. Can you just use a higher percent of INW?


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Speaking of Pineapple...does anyone else get a burnt rubber taste from it? I mixed just pineapple at 2.5% and tasted it the day after it was mixed and omg. NG. If you do get that taste, does it go away? Could just be my tastebuds too.

I don't get burnt rubber but to me it is a really dark syrupy pineapple. I like it a lot when used as a secondary flavor at =< 1% when I want pineapple as the main flavor in a mix I use 0.5-1% FA + 2-4% HS.


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Mine is from PureVapes, also in a plastic bottle. I think the flavoring bottle smells like pineapple juice.
When I smell the bottle of TFA Pineapple, I smell metallic-chemical notes with the pineapple. I taste only the pineapple when I vape it, though. When I want strong or candy pineapple flavor, I use TFA. I use FA's for pineapple juice flavor. I think FA Pineapple is one of their least-strong fruit flavors. Can you just use a higher percent of INW?

Maybe some sort of inconsistency with the 3ml I got from PureVapes what I have seems really strong. I used it in your Sunrise Smoothie at 0.5% and it pretty much took over.


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Maybe some sort of inconsistency with the 3ml I got from PureVapes what I have seems really strong. I used it in your Sunrise Smoothie at 0.5% and it pretty much took over.

I wonder if purevapes shook theirs before measuring it out? I find TFA Pineapple 2-3 times more powerful than FA's.
I'll add Pineapple to my list I plan to get directly from FA in Italy. I'd be really pleased if it's stronger than the bottle I have!


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I bet if I sent this to anyone else, it would taste fine. lol You all are making it sound delish. Wah. @HeadInClouds I could try adding more flavoring to the INW but I'm not sure it would make a difference. I can try the HS Pineapple like @downInTn said too. Thanks ya'll. It'll either work or go on my Cannot Vape list with Strawberry, Coconut and Mango.


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It'll either work or go on my Cannot Vape list with Strawberry, Coconut and Mango.

Hey - that rings a bell. I had a lot of problems with those and many other fruit flavors (in general, not specific brands) with Wizard labs nic. I can use nearly all (still a couple exceptions) with Vapers Tek nic, though. What nic are you using?


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Vapers Tek. lol I wish it was just the nic!


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I want to try my Bilberry!

Any simple recipes for making this a bit creamy? I saw someone mentioned adding apple pie? or maybe one of the FA vanillas? is 3% a good standalone percentage for Bilberry?

thanks in advance!


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I want to try my Bilberry!

Any simple recipes for making this a bit creamy? I saw someone mentioned adding apple pie? or maybe one of the FA vanillas? is 3% a good standalone percentage for Bilberry?

thanks in advance!
It's quite strong, but very good. Authentic. HIC's note reviews suggest 2%, less with light flavors combined.


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It's quite strong, but very good. Authentic. HIC's note reviews suggest 2%, less with light flavors combined.
weird i looked for HIC's notes on it and couldn't find.


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Peanut Butter, guys! I'm vaping the flavor of Peter Pan (sweeter than Skippy or Jif) made with no custard ingredients!

I read long ago that hazelnut and caramel can fool you into tasting peanut butter, but it wasn't all that convincing to me. Today I happened upon the secret by combining a candy recipe with one of my failed attempts at cake.

The necessary ingredients are Vienna Cream, Hazelnut, Caramel, and actetyl pyrazine ( ) Vienna, Caramel, and ap are major ingredients; it needs just a touch of that very strong FA Hazelnut. It's totally convincing! I did side-by-side comparisons with a couple jars of peanut butter, and this matches Peter Pan best. I'm going to tweak this into what tastes best to me rather than matching a certain brand or another flavoring.

So I wondered what's in actual peanut butter flavoring. Check this out - acetyl pyrazine, vanillin, hazelnut, caramel notes - they're all there:

I'm already mixing with it to make peanut butter ice cream, pb cups, pb& strawberry, cookies, Elvis (with banana), and it's working fine for them all. Peanut-butter silk pie next, lol. When I'm done sidetracking, I'll go back to plain peanut butter flavor. If you're anxious, experiment with me - just keep hazelnut lower than Vienna, Caramel, and (plenty of) ap. Or wait until my local pals okay the results, and I'll post it here.

:) excited! I've missed pb vapes.


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Peanut Butter, guys! I'm vaping the flavor of Peter Pan (sweeter than Skippy or Jif) made with no custard ingredients!

I read long ago that hazelnut and caramel can fool you into tasting peanut butter, but it wasn't all that convincing to me. Today I happened upon the secret by combining a candy recipe with one of my failed attempts at cake.

The necessary ingredients are Vienna Cream, Hazelnut, Caramel, and actetyl pyrazine ( ) Vienna, Caramel, and ap are major ingredients; it needs just a touch of that very strong FA Hazelnut. It's totally convincing! I did side-by-side comparisons with a couple jars of peanut butter, and this matches Peter Pan best. I'm going to tweak this into what tastes best to me rather than matching a certain brand or another flavoring.

So I wondered what's in actual peanut butter flavoring. Check this out - acetyl pyrazine, vanillin, hazelnut, caramel notes - they're all there:

I'm already mixing with it to make peanut butter ice cream, pb cups, pb& strawberry, cookies, Elvis (with banana), and it's working fine for them all. Peanut-butter silk pie next, lol. When I'm done sidetracking, I'll go back to plain peanut butter flavor. If you're anxious, experiment with me - just keep hazelnut lower than Vienna, Caramel, and (plenty of) ap. Or wait until my local pals okay the results, and I'll post it here.

:) excited! I've missed pb vapes.

you and me....pb lovers! it's my go to juice. i like to mix it with other things too.....grape, apple, peach, mango. can't wait to see your final recipe. :)


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Ha, just got some AP this morning along with about 20 other TFA flavours. I presume it's the one that's made the whole package stinky - I could honestly smell it before the postie handed it to me! (I think I'll be trying the banana nut bread first...).

Is there AP in FA Bread Crust? Sure smells kinda similar!


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Ha, just got some AP this morning along with about 20 other TFA flavours. I presume it's the one that's made the whole package stinky - I could honestly smell it before the postie handed it to me! (I think I'll be trying the banana nut bread first...).

Is there AP in FA Bread Crust? Sure smells kinda similar!

AP smells like corn chips, taste like it also when used at => ~2%.


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AP gives me more of a toasted/roasted flavor, brings out tobaccos very well. I've always be careful of how much I've added to a recipe though.


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You guys are gonna think I've lost my mind when you see how much acetyl pyrazine it takes to make peanut butter. Looks like it will be the ingredient with the highest percentage, at least 3%. And that's for my usual fairly light flavor, lol!

If you have TFA Peanut Butter flavoring and acetyl pyrazine, sniff both bottles. They use somewhere from 1-10% of AP in there, and you sure can smell it.

Dunno about Bread Crust (I try to avoid smelling that stuff), but FA Cookie definitely includes AP.

P.S. - peanut butter and coconut is a really tasty combination. Anyone ever try that?


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LOL @ HIC Peanut Buttering everything in sight :D

FA Cookie has AP, well I'll be... I know it quite well already then!

Does AP smell linger in tanks, or is it easily rinsed out? It smells like it would linger, but Cookie rinses out fine.


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Cancel all that, maybe... the fuggy smell could just be a mixture of all of the flavours. Or maybe they put a drop of Bread Crust in the bag for a laugh!!

So I opened and sniffed the AP -- it seems quite a mild aroma actually, not really what I was expecting from some descriptions I'd read (they obviously hadn't smelled Bread Crust: The Gold Standard for Strong).


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You guys are gonna think I've lost my mind when you see how much acetyl pyrazine it takes to make peanut butter. Looks like it will be the ingredient with the highest percentage, at least 3%. And that's for my usual fairly light flavor, lol!

If you have TFA Peanut Butter flavoring and acetyl pyrazine, sniff both bottles. They use somewhere from 1-10% of AP in there, and you sure can smell it.

Dunno about Bread Crust (I try to avoid smelling that stuff), but FA Cookie definitely includes AP.

P.S. - peanut butter and coconut is a really tasty combination. Anyone ever try that?
Holy!? No corn chipness?
I think I do have both, going to give them the sniff test later.


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Cancel all that, maybe... the fuggy smell could just be a mixture of all of the flavours. Or maybe they put a drop of Bread Crust in the bag for a laugh!!

So I opened and sniffed the AP -- it seems quite a mild aroma actually, not really what I was expecting from some descriptions I'd read (they obviously hadn't smelled Bread Crust: The Gold Standard for Strong).
The dreaded bread crust! Very glad I've never ordered it! I don't like smells that you can smell in the next room.


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3% pineapple
1% fresh cream
.5% lemon sicily

My attempted pineapple sorbet. Not great by any means, but not horrible either. If anyone can make it better, let me know!

Gonna try this out with Hangsen Pineapple since I don't have FA for this one. May sub in some of that merengue with it also.

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