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VAPE land night randomness


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I'm not an orange cream fan - but FW Blood Orange, Capella's Juicy Orange, and probably a mix of TFA Sweet Cream and FW Whipped cream would be my suggestions. FW Blood orange IS actually plastic tank safe on its own. I don't know about capella's Juicy Orange as its new.


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Yep! Proving on a daily basis that oldtimers has a greater affect on the entire community! And yes, I'm currently sporting the new dumb ass sign above my head!


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Today at work was as dead as the morgue on Tuesday. I was sort of hoping since its town festival weekend we'd be swamped. But police not enforcing the 15minute parking thing out front really cost us customers I think. Back at it tomorrow er uh today at 3pm.


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Today at work was as dead as the morgue on Tuesday. I was sort of hoping since its town festival weekend we'd be swamped. But police not enforcing the 15minute parking thing out front really cost us customers I think. Back at it tomorrow er uh today at 3pm.
Good luck with that!


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Random logic fail:
TSA rules - you're not allowed to carry on: tweezers or nail clippers - but you can buy them in the gift shop after you clear TSA baggage inspection at most airports, and pay $5-10 each.
You're not allowed to carry-on or check a parachute (meaning you can't transport a parachute by any domestic flight without an authorized exception), but you absolutely can carry-on a pair of ice-skates with blades attached, because you can conceal a parachute and strangle someone with it, but no one's going to think of using the bladed ice skates to slice someone's throat open - like happens in hockey games at least once a season.

Pick up that bucket of logic and throw it out the highest window you own.


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yep - because Emory has one of only 4 isolation wards in the entire quote some redneck "what's the worst that could happen?"
Though the odds of the US being at risk of spreading it like it has been spread in Africa are slim, just because the US has a fascination with hand sanitizer, because its methods of spreading aren't common in the US. Its not airborne as other problems like measles or whooping cough for example. Its only by bodily fluids: blood, urine, fecal matter. I still don't think its a bright idea to bring the aid workers back on US soil, let alone inland...but the odds of it spreading are lower than an airborne virus.


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In vaping news I got juice from a facebook giveaway win today (er Friday), and got to tinker with some new flavor combos at work. My boss thinks I'm insane. Her idea of complex is 3 flavors in equal parts, my newest has 11 components. I haven't tasted it yet.


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yep - because Emory has one of only 4 isolation wards in the entire quote some redneck "what's the worst that could happen?"
Though the odds of the US being at risk of spreading it like it has been spread in Africa are slim, just because the US has a fascination with hand sanitizer, because its methods of spreading aren't common in the US. Its not airborne as other problems like measles or whooping cough for example. Its only by bodily fluids: blood, urine, fecal matter. I still don't think its a bright idea to bring the aid workers back on US soil, let alone inland...but the odds of it spreading are lower than an airborne virus.

It's scary and dumb either way!

Anyone want to figure out what this is all about:


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*looking for larry and moe now

Edit - this was meant for back in the page before this's not funny now lol
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In vaping news I got juice from a facebook giveaway win today (er Friday), and got to tinker with some new flavor combos at work. My boss thinks I'm insane. Her idea of complex is 3 flavors in equal parts, my newest has 11 components. I haven't tasted it yet.

11? I wouldn't know how to come up with that many ingredients that meld well.


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yep - because Emory has one of only 4 isolation wards in the entire quote some redneck "what's the worst that could happen?"
Though the odds of the US being at risk of spreading it like it has been spread in Africa are slim, just because the US has a fascination with hand sanitizer, because its methods of spreading aren't common in the US. Its not airborne as other problems like measles or whooping cough for example. Its only by bodily fluids: blood, urine, fecal matter. I still don't think its a bright idea to bring the aid workers back on US soil, let alone inland...but the odds of it spreading are lower than an airborne virus.
It's still a dumb ass move!


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Random logic fail:
TSA rules - you're not allowed to carry on: tweezers or nail clippers - but you can buy them in the gift shop after you clear TSA baggage inspection at most airports, and pay $5-10 each.
You're not allowed to carry-on or check a parachute (meaning you can't transport a parachute by any domestic flight without an authorized exception), but you absolutely can carry-on a pair of ice-skates with blades attached, because you can conceal a parachute and strangle someone with it, but no one's going to think of using the bladed ice skates to slice someone's throat open - like happens in hockey games at least once a season.

Pick up that bucket of logic and throw it out the highest window you own.
I'm just pissed I can't bring my snow globe collection on planes anymore.


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Dr. Who starts back up in about 3 weeks. YES!

Hell yeah!


Have you watched "An Adventure in Space And Time"? I liked it a lot. :D

Not in the same vein as The Day of the Doctor, but it's a very poignant movie and a good bit of Whovian history.


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My Cousin Vinny?
Sorry, got busy last night then fell out. The dumb ass move I referred to was the fact that they brought the disease to us. Where before, there was no potential for exposure, now there is.


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Sorry, got busy last night then fell out. The dumb ass move I referred to was the fact that they brought the disease to us. Where before, there was no potential for exposure, now there is.

Well, as long as we have intercontinental flights and shipping, we have the chance of anything slipping through.
These two affected are doctors who went there to save lives and now need help. I think they deserve that much.

It's not an airborne disease, pretty sure the CDC knows how to quarantine them. ;)


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Agreed, and I'm not suggesting we abandon them. Just move the resources to them. The WHO has mobile units that are specifically made for this exact scenario. I would rather they utilize every available option, no matter the costs, to save these people; except putting my family at risk to do so.


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A perfect usage for Guantanamo (Gitmo). I'm not really trying to be funny or political. That puts the patients totally in US control and closer to the motherland - without the risk of national exposier. They have one of our best US Navy Hospitals there.


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IDK, I think a lot of people are afraid because of how the media makes everything sound. It's their job to sensationalize.

Your family is more likely to die of an infection in a hospital or from god-knows-what that was just left on that grocery cart you put your hands on. ;)

Dad was a Pathologist, so I learned to be aware of vectors of infection and contamination, but not to fear the world.

For example: back in HS in Adv Bio class, we did cultures of swabs from all over the school for an experiment. Pretty grim stuff came back.


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IDK, I think a lot of people are afraid because of how the media makes everything sound. It's their job to sensationalize.

Your family is more likely to die of an infection in a hospital or from god-knows-what that was just left on that grocery cart you put your hands on. ;)

Dad was a Pathologist, so I learned to be aware of vectors of infection and contamination, but not to fear the world.

For example: back in HS in Adv Bio class, we did cultures of swabs from all over the school for an experiment. Pretty grim stuff came back.
Again, your argument is sound, but the very first priority of an outbreak is to quarantine and mitigation. To me, they just spread the possibility, no matter how small, of infection to two more entire continents where the possibility did not exist previously for a verified known route. There was already the possibility of unknown routes, but to knowingly bring it here.... again only INHO.... WAS a stupid move. It's too late now and we can only hope for the best and prey for the people infected.


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Well folks, gots some stuffs to do! Will catch up later! Be good, or at lest don't get caught!


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11? I wouldn't know how to come up with that many ingredients that meld well.
Its trying for something suggested, with a limited list of options to pick from. Increasing the options for flavor bases to choose from, would decrease the # I had to use to get something "close" to what was suggested. I'm making a list for the boss to look at to increase her flavor line. She's got a lot of stuff up that hasn't moved at all, and her last increase of 5 juices, only one of them has sold anything in a month and a half. "Just because you like it doesn't mean anyone else will," is a phrase I repeat every day. Along with "Some juices get better over time, some don't, beta-testing your flavors for 2-3 weeks or months can help weed out the flavors that may not have a lot of appeal, to a broad range of customers."

Example: 9 chocolate flavors; 2 are selling at all, the other 7 every single customer except for one or two says "they taste like burned coffee," explaining to the owner "just because you like that, not everyone will, make that for yourself, come up with something different for the shop."

So we're testing some flavors that the customers will help decide if they stay on the menu or not. Most of it is me guessing recipes based on the suggestion box we have in the store. Though you have to love suggestions like "Popstarts" (we think poptart but no idea which flavor); "Bushlight" (busch light? Beer??as a vape??), and "Something yummy" (vague much?). Others were really specific and somewhat possible if the boss buys more base options...


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Its trying for something suggested, with a limited list of options to pick from. Increasing the options for flavor bases to choose from, would decrease the # I had to use to get something "close" to what was suggested. I'm making a list for the boss to look at to increase her flavor line. She's got a lot of stuff up that hasn't moved at all, and her last increase of 5 juices, only one of them has sold anything in a month and a half. "Just because you like it doesn't mean anyone else will," is a phrase I repeat every day. Along with "Some juices get better over time, some don't, beta-testing your flavors for 2-3 weeks or months can help weed out the flavors that may not have a lot of appeal, to a broad range of customers."

Example: 9 chocolate flavors; 2 are selling at all, the other 7 every single customer except for one or two says "they taste like burned coffee," explaining to the owner "just because you like that, not everyone will, make that for yourself, come up with something different for the shop."

So we're testing some flavors that the customers will help decide if they stay on the menu or not. Most of it is me guessing recipes based on the suggestion box we have in the store. Though you have to love suggestions like "Popstarts" (we think poptart but no idea which flavor); "Bushlight" (busch light? Beer??as a vape??), and "Something yummy" (vague much?). Others were really specific and somewhat possible if the boss buys more base options...

Great advice. I'm working my way to more complex recipes. I'm pretty much stuck at 4 as my max so far.


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Dang, just had some weather randomness....


That nasty thing? it just ran over the city. I think we have around 27,000 people out of power, a few brush fires on account of fallen trees and poles.

Winds were pretty strong, 50mph+. Blew a mattress and box spring that was next to the dumpster clean across the parking lot. Pretty constant FD sirens going on around here.

I had lights flicker twice and my power went out for a couple of seconds, so shut it all down...didn't lose all power fortunately.

Fun weather we're having. Oh, and it's still nearly 85F at 7:30pm.
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Great advice. I'm working my way to more complex recipes. I'm pretty much stuck at 4 as my max so far.
Sometimes being restricted can be a way to be more creative, sometimes I want to pull out my hair...


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Hey @CaFF , there's one he'll of a light show in the sky to the south if you stick your head out the door! Look up the south hill towards tower mt. I think it's all over in ID now.


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What is that? A vault door?


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I had to Google images of vault doors, not having seen any IRL. I see what you mean. That one in the picture looks kind of nouveau steampunk. Some of the round ones are wow.
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I started taking pics of them for reference for work but there's a few that are just so damn cool. also anything that still works like new 50+ years after it was made is impressive. Edit: 50+ years of daily use.
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That reminds me of a story I saw the other day of a light bulb that has been working since 1901. That's amazing. I feel like I'm turning into my parents and grandparents when I say this, but it's true, they don't make things like they used to.


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Hell, I wish I worked as well as I did just 20 years ago! However, artistic craftsmanship is rare as mechanization and mass production have taken over the manufacturing processes.


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IDK, I think a lot of people are afraid because of how the media makes everything sound. It's their job to sensationalize.

Your family is more likely to die of an infection in a hospital or from god-knows-what that was just left on that grocery cart you put your hands on. ;)

MRSA scares me much more than the prospect of stateside Ebola patients.


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MRSA scares me much more than the prospect of stateside Ebola patients.
Ebola 90%+ mortality rate, MRSA 90%+ survivability rate. However, staff is absolutely everywhere and has a higher probability of infection.


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Is this all sarcasm, or are some of you truly concerned by this?

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