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So, Trump is trying to start another cold war huh....well apparently Putin didn't get your is a letter he wrote to Trump recently....

President-elect Donald Trump is sharing a private Christmas letter to him from Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
The letter was addressed to “His Excellency” Donald Trump:

Dear Mr. Trump, Please accept my warmest Christmas and New Year greetings. Serious global and regional challenges, which our countries have to face in recent years, show that the relations between Russia and the U.S. remain an important factor in ensuring stability and security of the modern world. I hope that after you assume the position of the President of the United States of America we will be able – by acting in a constructive and pragmatic manner – to take real steps to restore the framework of bilateral cooperation in different areas as well as bring our level of collaboration on the international scene to a qualitatively new level. Please accept my sincere wishes to you and your family of sound health, happiness, wellbeing, success and all the best.

Sincerely, v.Putin

But, the media says! Damn it! I saw it on CNN. The talking heads heads said so. And in the next segment, the talking heads said Trump was too friendly.

Fuckin Trump is too nice to Putin AND he's trying to start a war with Putin! Both at the same fucking time. LOL.

I wish they'd pick one story and stick with it. The conflicting narratives running at the same time are giving me a headache.

Besides, I wrote this back in june.

Is it enough to overcome the globalists? I don't know. I think when the elite become desperate, the wars will start. I see more "Russian threat" propaganda in the near future. Something to rally sheep around. Something to prove that globalization is the only answer.

Sure enough, Russian hysteria is all the rage now.
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I can't help but think of how Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.... And if trump is the new Christ.

-just sayin a cheak is a cheak, afterall.
I see your knowledge of theology is as far reaching as your extensive study of european history.

First you liken Trump to Hitler and now to the Christ....there must be a real flying circus going on between your ears.never a dull moment.


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I see your knowledge of theology is as far reaching as your extensive study of european history.

First you liken Trump to Hitler and now to the Christ....there must be a real flying circus going on between your ears.never a dull moment.

I guess Trump's rise to power was the same as Jesus rise to power. LOL.

Get ready for some Trump/Christ memes and a youtube video from a wackjob to prove it.

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Now the bar going is going to need an extra delivery to keep up with the two experts on all things. Maybe this round should be a dry red to go with their Christ and dry lack of humor.

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If Trump goes along with his plans to expand our nuclear capabilities, the honeymoon between him and Putin will be over real quick. Expansion would more than likely be in direct violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.


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If Trump goes along with his plans to expand our nuclear capabilities, the honeymoon between him and Putin will be over real quick. Expansion would more than likely be in direct violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
doubt it.

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If Trump goes along with his plans to expand our nuclear capabilities, the honeymoon between him and Putin will be over real quick. Expansion would more than likely be in direct violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
Now, you know we can't start making any sense around here.
I'll bet you a bottle juice that the two disciples will educate us all. :vino:

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Hahahaha I must be a psychic......


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If Trump goes along with his plans to expand our nuclear capabilities, the honeymoon between him and Putin will be over real quick. Expansion would more than likely be in direct violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

Think of it like this.... As soon as Putin mentions arming up on Nukes, Trump jumps to twitter and screams we need to up OUR arsenal. What kind of "leader" or sound businessman, makes dumb fucking knee jerk reactions like that?

I'm of the opinion, Putin made the announcement on purpose, to see what response Trump would make. I didn't listen to media hype about Trump in that aspect before, but OH BOY, were they right.

With a stupid, childish temper tantrum, like he has, THAT could be very dangerous for our country.

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Think of it like this.... As soon as Putin mentions arming up on Nukes, Trump jumps to twitter and screams we need to up OUR arsenal. What kind of "leader" or sound businessman, makes dumb fucking knee jerk reactions like that?

I'm of the opinion, Putin made the announcement on purpose, to see what response Trump would make. I didn't listen to media hype about Trump in that aspect before, but OH BOY, were they right.

With a stupid, childish temper tantrum, like he has, THAT could be very dangerous for our country.

Amen to that! Ive never put any stock in all the crazy bunker alarmists and end of the world theories. However, we have more than enough warheads to turn the earth into dust pile again.... I can legitimately understand putting money into increasing and updating military hardware and armaments, especially things like more up to date aircraft, sea vessels and technological advancements. However, increasing the inventory of weapons whose use will only ensure mutually assured destruction seems like a supreme waste of resources.


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Think of it like this.... As soon as Putin mentions arming up on Nukes, Trump jumps to twitter and screams we need to up OUR arsenal. What kind of "leader" or sound businessman, makes dumb fucking knee jerk reactions like that?

I'm of the opinion, Putin made the announcement on purpose, to see what response Trump would make. I didn't listen to media hype about Trump in that aspect before, but OH BOY, were they right.

With a stupid, childish temper tantrum, like he has, THAT could be very dangerous for our country.

I hope our generals in the cabinet put trump in check!!! I doubt that he would listen... we shall see!! Expansion of nukes? FUCK MAN.. expand the workforce, give the middle class tax breaks, spend money on our borders...... who out there would DARE to start war? except the USA!!! Come on mang!! TWEET THAT SHIT TOO!



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If Trump goes along with his plans to expand our nuclear capabilities, the honeymoon between him and Putin will be over real quick. Expansion would more than likely be in direct violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

Russia is already upgrading their nuke capacity and they have already announced suspension of an arms reduction agreement. Their new missiles come on line next year. Ours are from the 1970's.

So, there is that.

Not to mention that Putin already called for an expansion before Trump did.

"We need to strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces, especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defence systems," the Russian president said.

Trump is responding, quite appropriately. What did Obama say about putin calling for the strengthening of their nukes? Oh yeah, nothing. Zip. Nada.

Good for Trump.

Sitting back and letting Russia get the upper hand with nukes is fucking retarded.
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How about a blast from the past?

There is a big difference what Trump can do, and what that crooked, murdering bitch can do. And I do not mean that in a good way. @Synphul aptly points that out.

Trump may have used the LA thing as a photo OP, but he also did something none of the others did, and that was use hos own money to give the people something. Did the OBUMMER, even stop playing golf to go look? Did traitor Clinton take the time to go there? No and no.

Which one if President do you think would really do a better job? Because I think Trump would by far, be less damaging to this country.

Not that I even like Trump, but at least I would vote for him given the choices at this point.


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Backpack or murse?

My backpack I use to carry the essentials..



Murses are fun to look at..



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Another blast from the past.

We'll see come November, if I'm wrong (don't believe I am) but I'll at least own up to it and not make excuses.

This looks like an excuse to me.

Only reason why he won was due to the release of the emails. If that didn't happen Hillary would have won.

Especially since the top quote was taken after the release of the emails.


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How about a blast from the past?
Huh, I guess all the Trump voters were wrong.

Looks like Trump wants to pick a fight with Russia, didn't it?

Do you want to bet, if Trump keeps going like he is, that the next election, he will lose to a Democrat? I bet the voters will be totally pissed off by the end of his term (if he doesn't end up impeached at some point) because of his childish antics, his lies, and his lack of real direction. Trump will be another G.W. Bush.

Lets just do a little review of Trump at this point, before he is even officially in office...
1 Made campaign promises, and as soon as he was elected, openly says he has no intentions of fulfilling them.
2 Fills his cabinet with the swamp he promised to drain.
3 Has all the neo-cons and old party politicians on his "side". Even democrats....
4 Starts puffing his chest to Russia, whom was a nation he "respected" and wants to get along with.
5 Has insulted China, a nation who own much of our debt, and whom manufactures most of our goods, as well as buys a lot of our agricultural products.
6 Has promised to make replacing ObamaCare his top priority when he gets into office, but as of yet, has not said what he is going to replace it with, or really what might change.
7 Has said we need to spend billions on roads and bridges, has not proposed how we will come up with the money, or even named any specific projects (or where) they will be concentrating on.

Now really... IF Clinton had won, what would be much different?
Picking a fight with Russia? Trump already has.
Promising to lower middle class income? Trump did that too, and I know neither would have a plan.
How about both sides working with the president? I don't think Clinton could accomplished that, not as well as Trump has.

So you can try to justify how good Trump is, in your blind eyes. Me, I'm observing everything this lying prick is doing, and using my critical thinking skills to disseminate what he is doing. You can run around with your face glued in his crotch, like you have been. I don't live in fantasy land like you do.


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Another blast from the past.

This looks like an excuse to me.

Especially since the top quote was taken after the release of the emails.
I said I was wrong, don't know what planet you're one but admitting when you're wrong sure in the fuck isn't an excuse.

Spin it how ever the fuck you want, but it's pretty pathetic ya know.


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Huh, I guess all the Trump voters were wrong.

Looks like Trump wants to pick a fight with Russia, didn't it?

Do you want to bet, if Trump keeps going like he is, that the next election, he will lose to a Democrat? I bet the voters will be totally pissed off by the end of his term (if he doesn't end up impeached at some point) because of his childish antics, his lies, and his lack of real direction. Trump will be another G.W. Bush.

Lets just do a little review of Trump at this point, before he is even officially in office...
1 Made campaign promises, and as soon as he was elected, openly says he has no intentions of fulfilling them.
2 Fills his cabinet with the swamp he promised to drain.
3 Has all the neo-cons and old party politicians on his "side". Even democrats....
4 Starts puffing his chest to Russia, whom was a nation he "respected" and wants to get along with.
5 Has insulted China, a nation who own much of our debt, and whom manufactures most of our goods, as well as buys a lot of our agricultural products.
6 Has promised to make replacing ObamaCare his top priority when he gets into office, but as of yet, has not said what he is going to replace it with, or really what might change.
7 Has said we need to spend billions on roads and bridges, has not proposed how we will come up with the money, or even named any specific projects (or where) they will be concentrating on.

Now really... IF Clinton had won, what would be much different?
Picking a fight with Russia? Trump already has.
Promising to lower middle class income? Trump did that too, and I know neither would have a plan.
How about both sides working with the president? I don't think Clinton could accomplished that, not as well as Trump has.

So you can try to justify how good Trump is, in your blind eyes. Me, I'm observing everything this lying prick is doing, and using my critical thinking skills to disseminate what he is doing. You can run around with your face glued in his crotch, like you have been. I don't live in fantasy land like you do.

All I have to do is remember your posts and quote them for the next four years with actual results.

I never said Trump was the next Ron Paul, nor did I say he would accomplish everything he said he would. You are free to find my quotes. They'll say things like, 'If all Trump does is just enforce the current immigration laws, he will be better than Hitlery and Obama'. I think he'll do that. We'll have to wait and see. But, despite your insistence that I seem to think Trump is all that and a bag of chips, you find a post from me that actually says it. That's your version of my position.

Trump IS better than Hitlery. I'll be proving it soon enough.

But, just to be clear, I have another blast from the past. My own quote.

Where we disagree is that you feel no action(a symbolic vote) is better than a chance at getting something done. I feel that Trump may at least get immigration and a better foreign policy and trade policy done. It's just a chance. Your way leaves me with no chance to improve or turn anything around. My way, well, it's better than no way. I'm under no illusion that it's guaranteed. Saying I'm the same as an Obama supporter is ridiculous. Nobody in this thread is claiming Trump is any sort of a guaranteed savior and to say otherwise is either obtuse or dishonest on your part.


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So after getting elected, Trump already back off his immigration stance, has pissed China off more than once, and you think he will do "OK" at immigration and trade. Lol. You really are dumber than a box of hammers.....

He is not even in office yet, and has done a 180 on what he said he would do. Yet you are holding hope he will do something right. Boy, you sure are good at making piss poor excuses.....


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So after getting elected, Trump already back off his immigration stance, has pissed China off more than once, and you think he will do "OK" at immigration and trade. Lol. You really are dumber than a box of hammers.....

He is not even in office yet, and has done a 180 on what he said he would do. Yet you are holding hope he will do something right. Boy, you sure are good at making piss poor excuses.....

It's much better than going full retard liberal. Blaming the rich for everything. Spouting leftist talking points. Hitlery and Burny are proud of you. I bet CNN and MSNBC would put you on their shows. The VU liberals are sure liking the hell out of your posts. Something to be proud of, I'm sure. LOL.

Yeah, I'll stick with Trump for now. He's still better than Hitlery. You're certainly free to join the protesting snowflakes on inauguration day. You and birdbrain can hold trump is hitler signs together.

I'm laughing at the crying liberal losers and you joined them.
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Not agreeing with trump = liberal.?
Sounds like a total brain damaged candy striper to me


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Amen to that! Ive never put any stock in all the crazy bunker alarmists and end of the world theories. However, we have more than enough warheads to turn the earth into dust pile again.... I can legitimately understand putting money into increasing and updating military hardware and armaments, especially things like more up to date aircraft, sea vessels and technological advancements. However, increasing the inventory of weapons whose use will only ensure mutually assured destruction seems like a supreme waste of resources.
Think of all the Asteroids we could blast with a new inventory of nukes!

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Think of all the Asteroids we could blast with a new inventory of nukes!
Lmao!!!! Bruce Willis can leave Ben Affleck on a rock in space over and over again. :giggle:
-that was the best part of that movie


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You link and use CNN to stand up your "point" but yet decry them as some useless, liberal drivel.

Which is it? Make up your puny mind. Either CNN and the other media outlets are liars and liberal, or they aren't. You can't have it both ways.

You lay it off like they are a shrine to liberalism and lies. If they are, don't link ANY articles from them anymore, or whatever point you are trying to make is automatically thrown out.

Like I said, you are dumber than a box of hammers. You are better off if you stick to milking stallions. Your debating skills are non existent.


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Wa wa wa. The government took all my money. The only thing I can afford to give to my significant other this Christmas is the 'ole..



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You link and use CNN to stand up your "point" but yet decry them as some useless, liberal drivel.

Which is it? Make up your puny mind. Either CNN and the other media outlets are liars and liberal, or they aren't. You can't have it both ways.

You lay it off like they are a shrine to liberalism and lies. If they are, don't link ANY articles from them anymore, or whatever point you are trying to make is automatically thrown out.

Like I said, you are dumber than a box of hammers. You are better off if you stick to milking stallions. Your debating skills are non existent.

It was the first link in a google search you fuckin mook. Did you really think I was going to search the internet for a article I read months ago?

Find one you believe,

Since it was widely reported even cnn covered it. I had no desire to search Zerohedge for the article I read months ago.

And yes, I do watch CNN. I like to know what you liberals are going to whine about from your source. That's how I know you are singing the same tune. You and Van Jones use the same material.


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He didn't build his business empire being ethical, that's almost impossible. No one should expect him to behave any differently as president. Presidents appoint people from their circles. If Hilary had won, she would have appointed her friends who are all rotten politicians. Trump is going to do the same and his circle consist of bankers and sleazy business moguls. Even if Trump wanted to make all the changes he talked about (and I don't think he ever intended to) I don't see how that will be possible.


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I hate Business people in politics
I said this before and I'm gonna remind the fanbois again!



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He didn't build his business empire being ethical, that's almost impossible. No one should expect him to behave any differently as president. Presidents appoint people from their circles. If Hilary had won, she would have appointed her friends who are all rotten politicians. Trump is going to do the same and his circle consist of bankers and sleazy business moguls. Even if Trump wanted to make all the changes he talked about (and I don't think he ever intended to) I don't see how that will be possible.
I think what you are failing to address, is that Trump claimed to be beholden to NO ONE. Another of his points, he relentlessly keep mouthing off about. Yet 40% of his cabinet are people who made donations to him.
So.... He IS very much controlled by those people.

And you are right about your assessment of trump. You don't get that rich, and do the things he does, by being straight as an arrow.

But the way I and lots of people see it, Trump is no better a pick then Clinton at this point. We are just beginning to see what trouble we are in for. I don't care what side you sit on, I think we all will agree that wallstreet or liberal fools, you don't want either of them running the country. ..

Besides, we elected a guy who has LOVED to abuse eminent domain. He LOVED using it to steal property from people.


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I think what you are failing to address, is that Trump claimed to be beholden to NO ONE. Another of his points, he relentlessly keep mouthing off about. Yet 40% of his cabinet are people who made donations to him.
So.... He IS very much controlled by those people.

And you are right about your assessment of trump. You don't get that rich, and do the things he does, by being straight as an arrow.

But the way I and lots of people see it, Trump is no better a pick then Clinton at this point. We are just beginning to see what trouble we are in for. I don't care what side you sit on, I think we all will agree that wallstreet or liberal fools, you don't want either of them running the country. ..

Besides, we elected a guy who has LOVED to abuse eminent domain. He LOVED using it to steal property from people.

That a good point, he loved to bring up that fact that there was no one pulling his strings. With Clinton, she would have appointed people who take bribes, trumps appointing the people who pay the bribes. I fail to see how things will get any better for the American people.

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Was wondering when this was going to wake back up

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Rich people want to make america great again; because they are all selfless givers and want world peace
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