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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
“Greenwashing" is a shady yet increasingly common practice.

It tricks people into buying skincare, food, and other products because they're good for them... when they're really not. Just when you think you're making a safer, smarter, and more effective skincare choice, you may actually be feeding your skin and body toxic ingredients.
The product labels and marketing for your skincare might use words like “natural,” “wild-crafted," “paraben-free," and “organic," but if you look closer, you’ll might just see a few organic ingredients among a sea of synthetic ones.

If you’re the type who wants to know the straightforward way to bypass this greenwashing – in skincare, other personal care products, the food you choose, and more – then you’re going to love this great free resource.

CLICK to watch “The Essential Natural Secrets You Must Know to Achieve Your Healthiest, Youngest-Looking Skin”. >>
Purity Woods Age-Defying Botanicals
This informative session is led by our friend, Brian Vaszily, who’s been a renowned and trusted natural health, healthy aging, and longevity researcher for well over 20 years.

Watch and discover:
  • The widely used yet outdated skincare approaches that can lead to early aging… and may even be behind “mystery symptoms” such as fatigue and brain fog.
  • 9 potentially toxic “worst offender” ingredients in cosmetics you’ll definitely want to avoid feeding your skin.
  • The most effective plant ingredients for your healthiest, youngest-looking skin.
  • The EASY and highly effective 4-step routine to achieve your youngest-looking skin fast.
  • ·And much more!
So much of what passes for advice on healthy skin today is itself a sort of greenwashing generated by the mega-billion-dollar cosmetics industry.

Brian pulls back the veil and shares what you really need to know. Get ready for his helpful and fascinating takes!
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why Date Sugar May be a Game-Changer for Diabetics
For centuries, dates have been celebrated for their medicinal properties, but now, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that this ancient fruit could hold the key to revolutionizing diabetes management.
Miron Glass: The Ancient Egyptian Art and Science of Preserving Nature's Goodness
Embrace the artistry and science of Miron Glass, inspired by the ancient use of purple glass in Egypt and Greece, and now also the modern-day guardian of nature's most precious gifts.
Scamdemic Bird Flu: Vaccines for 33 Billion Chickens? Digital Food Rationing? The End of Animal Agriculture?
The overhyped threat of a human bird flu pandemic is a hoax to "reset" our food system.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You don't get sick because you have cancer, you get cancer because you are sick!!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Advancements in Peptides and Hormone Replacement Therapy, Lauren Beardsley, NMD

Hi there!

I'm excited to share with you my own naturopath and friend, Dr. Lauren Beardsley.

We are going to have a fun interview on some of the latest amazing developments in modern naturopathic medicine like peptide therapy & nebulized glutathione.

We also talk about some patterns that can get missed with so-so medical care, like anemia & a correct thyroid diagnosis & treatment.

I hope you join us Thursday at 12 PST, 3 EST!

Simply save the date and this email and click here at start time.

If you can't come live, watch the recording, which is immediately available the same link.


Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDN-P

More about Lauren:

Dr. Lauren Beardsley is an Arizona-based Naturopathic physician receiving her Medical degree from Sonoran University of Health Sciences.

Prior to medical school, she worked with the University of Arizona in Cardiovascular Research and Diabetic health as well as with Scottsdale Healthcare completing research in Family/Community medicine.

She received postgraduate training in athletic performance optimization, pain management, women’s health and bio identical hormone replacement therapy.

Dr. Beardsley specializes in Natural Endocrinology, Regenerative Medicine and Stress Resilience. As a certified practitioner trained in the Neuro-Endo-Immune Connection, Dr. Beardsley integrates her knowledge of how perceived stress directly affects the body’s biochemistry and physiology.

Through her own health journey, Dr. Beardsley learned to embrace struggle to achieve success. She believes that to build optimal wellness, individuals must first understand dis-ease. Her goal for herself and her clients is Balance, Longevity and Resilience.

Dr. Beardsley resides in Scottsdale, AZ and when not practicing medicine, she enjoys finding ways to have fun with her husband and 4, soon to be 5 children.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

If you’re part of our tribe, then we know you care about your health and well-being. That’s pretty much a given.

BUT, for many of us “caring” about our health often looks – and feels – a LOT more like worrying and obsessing.

And we understand why.

First, there’s seemingly more stuff to worry about than ever before – and it’s not just with health, but also every aspect of our increasingly complicated lives.

And then there’s the ever-growing mountain of health information available, which can often contradict itself. Even our favorite health experts disagree with each other on the best health approaches – and that can leave us frustrated and unsure of what’s best for us.

Take nutrition.

There are SO many different schools of thought on what, when, and how to eat.

Just think about the handful of diets you probably know of, off the top of your head:

  • Keto
  • Paleo
  • Vegan/Vegetarian
  • Blood Type
  • Alkaline
  • Carnivore
  • Low-fat
  • Low-calorie

Beyond that, there are therapeutic diets for conditions like IBS, SIBO, inflammatory conditions, diabetes, and heart disease. There’s belief- or faith-based dieting. There’s all kinds of fasting or cleansing approaches – and so, so many more. If we were to take a good look together, we would see hundreds of different diet approaches.

Knowing what’s right for our unique body can feel pretty challenging – and when we’re faced with all this, we can easily end up spiraling into worry.

And worry doesn’t exactly lead us to the relaxed, easygoing relationship with food that we crave.

So in this week’s podcast episode, “Finding Calm In The Nutritional Storm,” Marc helps us regroup, and discover how we can find what’s right for us – without all the nutritional anxiety.

You’ll hear Marc work with Kesia, a mother of five who has multiple food and body concerns that are beyond negatively impacting her quality of life.

Like so many of us, Kesia wants to get nutrition “right” – and in her efforts to do so, spends a lot of time caught in questions about what to eat, what her kids should eat, how that’s going to impact her health and weight, and so on.

The shift for Kesia and the rest of us who worry about our nutrition and health is to recognize the key role our beliefs have on our relationship with food.

By examining our nutritional beliefs, we can begin to unwind a lot of the worry and confusion that lives in our system.

To learn more, be sure to tune into the episode.

We hope you enjoy it!

Warm Wishes,

The Institute for the Psychology of Eating
[email protected]


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 147, Featuring Dr. Christina Parks PHD Founder VITA- the Vaccine Injury Treatment Alliance

Wednesday, 5/15, our 147th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

MAY 15
Click to watch Wednesday at 11:30 AM

Understanding Vaccines: A Deep Dive with Dr. Christina Parks​

In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul emphasizes the liberating power of simplicity, drawing from his personal experiences and observations during a family trip to Zimbabwe. He highlights the joy and peace found in a village with minimal possessions, contrasting it with the constant striving for and protection of possessions in city life. Dr. Paul concludes by encouraging us to embrace the moment, simplify our lives, and find freedom in simplicity.
"I think our self-love is really actually being present for ourselves... allowing yourself to grieve, to let go of what's been, of all of the ways that life did not work out the way you thought it would. Because you cannot find that part of yourself that wants to express itself, that wants to truly live and not just survive, until you start processing through all of that and letting it go."
— Dr. Christina Park
In this week’s show, we talk about the complexities of vaccines and immune system functioning with Dr. Christina Parks, a Ph.D. holder in cellular and molecular biology. We explore the role of cytokines, immune signaling, and the risk of chronic immune activation. Dr. Parks also emphasizes the role of diet and supplements in managing inflammation and supporting immune health. Tune in for a message of empowerment that will encourage you to make informed health decisions for you and your family!

In closing, don’t miss out on DeeDee’s closing thoughts where she explores the concept of inner strength, something she believes originates in the soul. DeeDee encourages us to tap into our spiritual core to find our strength to overcome significant obstacles. This strength, she asserts, is crucial in advocating for medical freedom.
To visit the VITA site scan the QR code here. Just open your phone's camera app, point it at the code until you see a pop-up, and tap that pop-up to visit!

Show available Wednesday 11:30 AM​

Watch the Show



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
When Erin was 28 years old, she was diagnosed with Lupus and Sjogren’s. She took this as an opportunity to discover her body, mind, and soul, which has been enlivening. Navigating life, loss, and motherhood, Erin understands how pushing her body to do what she wants isn't always what it needs. She believe that at any age, or stage of life, we can empower ourselves to live the life that is right for us. Erin is a Registered Nurse, Yoga Teacher (specializing in Restorative Yoga), Trained Grief Support Group Facilitator, and Certified Radical Remission Health Coach, in addition to being a Wife and Mother of 4.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Latest Factor In Action Episode​
Don't forget to listen in to our mini-episode on Mondays!

5/13 - Karla discusses the importance of mindset to find a positive perspective while making changes to your lifestyle.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Have you been feeling tired all the time? Not just regular tired, like you feel at the end of a long day… but bone-weary, dog-tired, too exhausted to think straight even when you’ve gotten a full night’s sleep?
That fatigue is a message from your body, like a warning light on your dashboard. It’s not just a normal part of aging or being overworked. That kind of fatigue comes from energy depletion – meaning your body can’t create enough energy to keep you going.
You may try to power through, relying on coffee and energy drinks. Those give you a quick boost, but then you crash harder later on. That’s because stimulants like caffeine deal with the surface problem, not the root causes of low energy. And it’s why powering through just makes you feel worse—until you eventually burn out completely.
So don’t ignore the message your body is sending. Take steps to reduce your fatigue… and restore your own natural energy supply… so you can feel better, stronger, and revitalized every day.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Have you been feeling tired all the time? Not just regular tired, like you feel at the end of a long day… but bone-weary, dog-tired, too exhausted to think straight even when you’ve gotten a full night’s sleep?
That fatigue is a message from your body, like a warning light on your dashboard. It’s not just a normal part of aging or being overworked. That kind of fatigue comes from energy depletion – meaning your body can’t create enough energy to keep you going.
You may try to power through, relying on coffee and energy drinks. Those give you a quick boost, but then you crash harder later on. That’s because stimulants like caffeine deal with the surface problem, not the root causes of low energy. And it’s why powering through just makes you feel worse—until you eventually burn out completely.
So don’t ignore the message your body is sending. Take steps to reduce your fatigue… and restore your own natural energy supply… so you can feel better, stronger, and revitalized every day.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
Would you love to lose some weight but don’t want to go on a diet?
I am with you!
As someone who was a chronic yo-yo dieter for DECADES, I am forever DONE with diets!
They don’t work and aren’t sustainable anyway, leaving you feeling like a failure.
If you’d like to learn how to eat MORE and lose weight, then join my FREE MASTERCLASS called, “How the RIGHT Plant Based Diet can help you improve your health, lose weight, & feel AMAZING!”
I will share with you the secrets to sustainable weight loss on a plant-based diet without calorie counting, portion control, or deprivation.
You’ll get to eat MORE, not less! Yes, for REAL!
This is the SECRET to a long-term way of eating because you won’t feel hungry or like you have to use willpower to make it through the day.
Plus, this isn't just about weight loss. You can do many things to lose weight, but that doesn't make it good for your health.
This is also about your HEALTH - lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, improving your A1C, having more energy, improving your mood, and so much more.
The weight loss comes as a happy side effect!
So, REGISTER HERE to join this free class!
See ya there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Episode 9 just went live!
In tonight's finale, we’re going to be exploring ancient remedies for everything reproduction-oriented. There’s far more to this sacred aspect of ourselves than we were taught as teenagers in health class!
We’ll be uncovering ancient “bedroom herbs” that are revered for their ability to boost circulation to the reproductive regions of our body and others that promote fertility in those who are having difficulty conceiving.
You’ll also be shown some powerful green medicines for balancing out the testosterone and estrogen levels in your body. One of these herbs is a medicinal tree that grows in just about every forest in the northern hemisphere!
Don’t miss this exciting final episode of our Remedy docuseries!
You can use the link below to watch it now for free.
Click here to watch Episode 9

In Episode 9, we’re not only bringing in the most promising natural remedies for every aspect of human procreation – but we will ALSO be diving into herbs for increased enjoyment in the love department.
Like Ellen Kamhi tells us in this episode, reproductive function is a perfect place to begin experimenting with the rich variety of herbs that exist. Our goal is to give you access to the full spectrum of what these healing plants can do – and this is a realm of life that is important to our health, happiness, and connection to our partners.
When it comes to overall hormone health, this is an area where herbs really shine. Hormone balance is so vital to the proper function of the rest of our body – and as we get older, these levels can get out of whack. There are extremely effective green medicines that can help us out in this department - as you’re about to discover.
Make sure to watch this one while it’s still up!
Click here to watch Episode 9
Stay curious,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Workshop
What’s Hiding In Your Relationship?
with Dr. Gabor Maté and Daniel Maté
Discover the core causes of conflict between parents and adult children. Watch the free 45-minute lesson.​
Hello Jim,

Do you know there are four people in every relationship?
  1. Who you are
  2. Who they are
  3. Who you think they are
  4. Who they think you are
Whether you realize it or not, you have a “working theory” about the other person — and it’s controlling your relationship.

Your working theory prevents you from seeing the other person as they really are. Instead, you can only see who your view says they are.

What you already believe about your parent or adult child shapes your expectations and how you prepare for them to show up. Then you act in a way that leads them to confirm your beliefs.

In this free excerpt from Dr. Gabor and Daniel Maté’s new online workshop, Starting Fresh, you will finally begin to uproot your working theories. The clarity and freedom you’ll gain from this discovery can break down barriers and open up a world of new possibilities for your relationship.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, my friend!

Did you know food is medicine? That the foods we eat directly influence our health and have the power to heal.
Foods fuel our bodies at a cellular level and if we ingest toxic, highly processed foods, then guess what happens to our bodies? They become toxic, inflamed and predisposed to illness and disease.
And this is what many of us are currently doing. Our diets are abundant in high calorie processed foods.
If, however, we eat a wide variety of nutrient dense foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, we can reverse the harm we have been doing to ourselves and heal ourselves whilst protecting ourselves from future chronic illness and disease.
To help give you hope and inspire you to take action today and make better food and nutrition choices and embrace the philosophy of FOOD AS MEDICINE join me and watch the FREE 2024 FOOD HEALED ME Series — on May 20th!

Over 16 days, you’ll learn how 16 everyday people who used food to heal themselves from life threatening illnesses and diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s and heart disease. I will be one of the people sharing my story.
Get ready to be inspired by 16 incredible people who overcame what many of their physicians told them would be impossible and are now living lives healthier than before. .
Save your spot to watch this completely free online interview series 👇



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
At Home Techniques to Stimulate Lymphatic Drainage​
The primary function of the lymphatic system is to keep the fluids equalized throughout your body. It also works closely with and is responsible for supporting the immune system, facilitating the transport of large molecules like hormones and lipids into the bloodstream, and returning fluid to the heart. These functions are vital for maintaining our health.

Learn more about what can cause your lymph system to become sluggish, the signs and symptoms of a clogged lymphatic system, and simple DIY lymphatic techniques.

>> At Home Techniques to Stimulate Lymphatic Drainage


Heavy Metals and Chronic Illness Connection​

There is an intricate relationship between heavy metals and chronic illness. Metals can be a contributing factor to conditions such as ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune conditions, and Chronic Lyme Disease, just to name a few.

Environmentally acquired illness expert Dr. Nafysa Parpia sheds light on why heavy metals are significant causative factors in these diagnoses, with a particular focus on arsenic, mercury and lead in the upcoming Toxic World Weekend series, May 20th - 22nd.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Immune for Life​

We rarely die of acute infections, and modern medicine allows our body to survive most physical traumas.

However, we are seeing, especially after the age of 40, more and more people with chronic conditions, including pain, fatigue, brain fog, allergies, and a lifetime medication regimen.

In part, this has happened because of the change in our lifestyle… we move our bodies less frequently and we eat less wholesome foods. It has also happened due to an increase in environmental toxins in our environment and thus in our bodies.

Because of the decrease in dietary nutrients and in movement in addition to an increased toxic burden, our immune systems are confused.

However, you can learn how to live in harmony with the current world and environment we have created.

We just have to learn NEW techniques for survival.

Dr. Eric Gordon shares more about this topic in the upcoming Immune for Life 10-Part Docu-Series, live May 27th. It is a beautiful series created by award-winning filmmaker Stephan Apostolov.

“I wanted to be involved in this important conversation around what it means to have immunity and was honored to be one of 35 medical doctors and health experts that were interviewed for the docu-series.”


Understanding the Impact of Lyme Disease and Mold on Gut Health​

Join us for the Gut-Whole Body Summit as Dr. Jamie Kunkle discusses the profound significance of gut health in the recovery process from tick-borne illnesses and mold/mycotoxin exposures.

Here is a new short excerpt in which Dr. Kunkle discusses the question of why we are having more issues with mold than ever before.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you get a great night’s sleep every night, Jim?

Or do you:

  • Jolt awake at 3AM
  • Have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning after 9 hours (and you still feel tired!)
  • Wake up drenched, soaked to the bone in sweat
  • Feel tired all day, but then ready to stay up late watching a show when you should be sleeping
Here’s the thing.

While it may seem like "everyone’s tired all the time" — not getting enough sleep can be very serious for your health.


Because even one night of missed sleep can mess with your stress hormones and your blood sugar…which in turn mess with your sleep!

Which in turn mess with your weight and metabolism and your hormones.

Which in turn mess with your sleep.


Talk about a vicious cycle that leaves you feeling frumpy, exhausted, overweight — and in danger of developing major health problems.

No fun.

Let my good friend and renowned expert on women’s hormones show you how to fix your hormone imbalances and FINALLY get a good night’s sleep In her F-R-E-E Fix Your Metabolism Masterclass.

And once you get your sleep under control — there’s no stopping you.

You’ll be able to:

  • Tackle the day with real energy
  • Drop those extra pounds that have been bothering you
  • Sleep through the night without that panicky, 3AM wake up call you never asked for
Dr. Mariza is the only person I trust when it comes to my hormones, metabolic health, and sleep.

And her Fix Your Metabolism Masterclass is a must-see for any woman over 35.

Click here to register for it, and she’ll send you a no-cost gift as thank you, too. It’s a Recipe Book with 14 Hormone Balancing Recipes to set you on the right track to a fab night’s sleep.

I’m so excited about this class,
Jim! I really hope I see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why Do You Need Minerals?
Why minerals? These are some of the many reasons your body needs the magic of minerals:

  • Minerals are the ultimate nutrient booster. Getting the minerals you need helps your body absorb and use other nutrients better, such as probiotics, phytonutrients from plants, and essential fatty acids.
  • Minerals are needed for healthy teeth. I had cavities every year my whole life when I went to the dentist. Then, 15 years ago, I started taking Ultimate Minerals, and I’ve never had a cavity since then.
  • Minerals give you stronger nails and healthy hair. When I started taking Ultimate Minerals, my hair and nails grew twice as fast, and thicker. This is one of the most common things we hear from customers who love their results.
  • Minerals support healthy sleep. Hormonal imbalances can disrupt your circadian rhythms. And minerals are key to regulating hormones. Ultimate Minerals was key in solving years of insomnia for me.
  • Minerals are necessary for healthy brain function. If you have plenty of mineral reserves, your brain can function well. But, if your mineral reserves start to run out, your brain cells can’t communicate properly, potentially resulting in brain fog, memory loss, and other issues.
  • Minerals energize all cell life. The fulvic acid in Ultimate Minerals oxygenates cells, helping you feel more energized all day. This is different from energy from a stimulant, like coffee. It’s steadier, without the nervousness, shaking, or anxiety.
  • Minerals slow down aging and reduce inflammation. Just about all chronic diseases are connected to inflammation. The fulvic acid in Ultimate Minerals fights free radicals, reducing chronic pain and inflammation.
  • Minerals support healthy detoxification. The fulvic acid in Ultimate Minerals bonds naturally to heavy metals, neutralizing them and helping flush them out of the body.
  • Minerals boost immunity. Stay well and speed up your healing with the power of the fulvic and humic acid in Ultimate Minerals.
Addressing mineral deficiencies is one of the most powerful things you can do for your health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you eating this Group 1 Carcinogen?

Hey Jimi,
Before I went plant-based, I used to eat this almost every day.
I thought I was making a healthy choice and had NO IDEA it was so dangerous.
In fact, I encouraged my children to eat it!
Yet, according to the World Health Organization, it is a Group 1 Carcinogen, which means "there is enough evidence that it can cause cancer in humans."
That's the same category as cigarettes & asbestos.
Have you guessed what it is yet?
Processed meats.
What am I talking about?
Deli meats (like ham, turkey, bologna, etc), bacon, beef jerky, sausage, canned meats, and dogs that we feed our kids.
Just 1 serving daily is associated with an 18% increased risk of cancer.
And just HALF a serving daily is associated with a 21% increased risk of breast cancer.
I would eat at a popular sub restaurant (can you guess which one?) sometimes every day for lunch, and I thought I was making a healthy choice by getting a lean turkey sandwich on wheat bread with a few veggies.
It makes me so mad that this information is not mainstream because I have more & more friends & relatives being diagnosed with cancer.
But now YOU know the truth. Look it up for yourself. It's well-published and researched.
But you won't see it on the evening news, sadly.
If you'd like to learn more about the REAL science (and not fake news) about how to eat to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases, then be sure to come to my masterclass - How the RIGHT Plant-Based Diet can help you improve your health, lose weight, & feel AMAZING! (it's FREE)
I'll cover all your biggest questions, including:
  • Can you get enough protein just by eating plants?
  • Do you need dairy for calcium and strong bones?
  • Does soy cause cancer?
  • Are carbs good or bad?
  • Is olive oil & coconut oil healthy?
  • Which plant-based foods are healthy and which are not?
  • How can you lose weight on a plant-based diet and not always be hungry?
  • What if I'm afraid to go 100% plant-based?
  • How can I get started without it being another failed diet?

I promise you, you'll get SO much out of this 90-minute class, and you'll have confidence & HOPE for a healthy future moving forward.
But, this masterclass won't be around for long, so be sure to grab your spot HERE before it's gone!
Hope to see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Apricot Seeds 101:
A Powerful Adjunct to Consider

by Suzy Griswold

In 2009, amidst my commitment to the Gerson Therapy for my healing, my explorations led me to dive into research associated with additional supplements and treatments. As time went on, I sought out complementary practices that I could integrate easily to my daily regimen. This quest led me to embrace ancient remedies such as Essiac tea and grounding techniques. Expanding beyond that, I incorporated high dose Vitamin C and subsequently delved into the potent properties of a substance present in apricot kernels, apple seeds, and almonds known as Amygdalin or vitamin B17.

While my initial focus remained attuned to the principles of the Gerson diet and detoxification, I also recognized the significance of emotional healing and establishing a deeper connection with my faith and reading God's Word. Embracing the teachings of Essiac Tea and the potential benefits of Amygdalin, I integrated these elements into my daily routine for a significant period and chronicled these adjunct therapies in the HealingStrong Participant Guide. You can download a copy of it for free, or just ask any Group Leader on how to obtain a hard copy.

Apricot Kernels containing amygdaline are small but mighty and possess a remarkable ability when it encounters unhealthy cells. In a fascinating process, it transforms into cyanide within these cells, ultimately working to eradicate them. While the notion of cyanide may sound alarming, the mechanism through which Amygdalin carries out this function is both intriguing and safe. Unfortunately, misconceptions surrounding cyanide abound, making it crucial to turn to an expert like John Richardson for a comprehensive understanding of this compound. John and our podcast host, Jim Mann, dive into this subject a little more.

Before delving into John's insights, it is essential to provide additional context regarding the apricot seed and its association with the potential benefits of B17.

What They Are:
Apricot Seeds are the kernels found inside apricot pits, peaches and bitter almonds. Laetrile is a synthetic form of a compound called Amygdalin, which is naturally found in Apricot Seeds. Vitamin B17 is another term that has been used to refer to Laetrile.

What is B17 and the Benefits:
Vitamin B17 is a supplement derived from apricot pits and other natural sources. The chemical name for this compound is Amygdalin or Laetrile. Extracted from the seeds of certain fruits and tree nuts, Amygdalin is found in more than 1,200 different foods such as apple seeds, almonds, cashews, plums. However, in nature the highest concentration of Amygdalin is found in Raw Bitter Apricot Seeds. Vitamin B17 can be used as a supplement and is beneficial to overall well-being, promoting optimal health.

Why is it Important:
A balanced diet is essential to a healthy life, and few of us consume enough vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat. B17 contains powerful immunity-boosting properties to strengthen your body's natural defenses.

Healing Secrets of Apricot Seeds

& Laetrile Therapy

Ep #87

John A. Richardson Jr. (President of Richardson Nutritional Center), an advocate for nutritional therapy and a true believer in the science of Laetrile, brings hope, and deep dives into the heart of natural health and Biblical wisdom. Together, we peel back the layers surrounding the controversial amygdalin derivative and its role in cancer therapy, challenging long-held misconceptions and offering a fresh perspective on what it means to harness nature's gifts for our well-being.

The discussion reaches beyond our hosts personal experience and into the realm of science, where Laetrile, often termed vitamin B17, is met with skepticism from the medical and media arenas. With a collection of recovery stories and a critical look at the myths tied to its cyanide content, the discussion covers a side that's seldom told—one that's rooted in both empirical evidence and a profound respect for the ancient texts. John shares the journey of his father, a pioneering doctor who personally documented seventy healed patients with Laetrile.

The importance of diet, the benefits of vitamins found in apricot seeds, and the ways in which we can all support our bodies' natural defenses are discussed. This conversation is more than an exchange of ideas; it's an invitation to look beyond conventional, and embrace the strength found in community, and to walk a path of hope and healing.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Pfizer Settles Zantac Lawsuits: A 40-Year Cover-Up of Cancer Risks Revealed
When popping a pill for heartburn, you might be trading short-term relief for long-term risks - risks that drug companies knew about but failed to warn you of.
The Skin Healing Properties of Black Seed Oil
The healing properties of black seed (Nigella sativa) oil have been known for thousands of years. It has been used both orally and topically fight disease in many different practices of medicine through-out the ages. In our modern times its actions and efficacy is increasingly backed by solid scientific understanding and an evidence base.
Arnica montana and Bellis perennis: Homeopathic Allies in Bone Regeneration
Could the key to unlocking the body's innate healing potential for bone regeneration lie in the ultra-diluted remedies of homeopathy? A groundbreaking study suggests that two well-known homeopathic medicines, Arnica montana and Bellis perennis, may hold the answer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I don't know about you, but the world seems to get busier and faster every week. 🌍💨

I've found that for most of us, all we really want is the ability to slow down, pause, reflect, and relax. 😌

I've personally struggled with stress and anxiety for as long as I can remember, which is why I became obsessed with breathwork.

Hi, my name is Mike Maher and I am a breath coach. 🙏

🙋‍♂️ You might know me from my YouTube channel, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, with over 225,000 followers and 30 million views. We are a breathing resource for the world, and I look forward to breathing with you! 🌍

When I first changed the way I breathed, my whole reality shifted. I became obsessed, seeking out doctors, researchers, authors, and yogis to unlock the secret of breathing for stress and anxiety relief.

It's been nearly 8 years on this breath journey, during which I've interviewed around 100 experts on my podcast. Now, I'm finally ready to share some of the lessons I've learned along the way.

These are the habits, tricks, and techniques I use daily, and my clients use to reduce overwhelm, feel calm, sleep better, and find peace no matter how busy the day is.

🌟 Join me for a FREE breathing class:
🗓️ Date: Saturday, 18th May
🕖 Time: 7 PM London Time (2pm ET, 11am PST)
🔗 [Register Here]

What you will learn:

🔬 Science-based breathing techniques to reduce stress and anxiety
😴 How to get a great night's restorative sleep
🛡️ Techniques to prevent stress
🚨 "Break glass in case of emergency" techniques for stressful situations
🤝 How to work more with Mike, either 1:1 or in a group setting

What to Expect:

- Teaching and guidance on breathwork techniques
- Q&A sessions
- Practical breathing exercises you can use to improve your life

How to Join:
If you're ready to reduce stress and anxiety, register now! But please, if you decide to register, make sure to attend. We have limited spots, and it would be great to save a spot for someone who can definitely make it.

🔗 [Register Here]

See you on Saturday,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today, Del kicks off with perhaps one of the biggest legal challenges of our time. ICAN’s lead counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., is representing Brianne Dressen, who says AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine harmed her during its clinical trial. Despite a contract signed upon entering the trial assuring care if any harm was experienced, Dressen has been ignored since alerting the company to her medical concerns.

Then, Jefferey Jaxen reports on the fallout from AstraZeneca in the UK as the company admits its COVID shot can cause blood clots, and the media scrambles to do damage control. A whooping cough outbreak has us re-examining acellular pertussis-containing vaccines. Then, the idea of giving puberty blockers to minors meets its day of reckoning by the public.

Del is joined by Dr. Eithan Haim, a Texas whistleblower exposing the unethical transitioning of children in the state’s largest pediatric hospital. As a medical doctor on the front lines, Haim has been at the focal point of the issue surrounding these controversial and unscientific therapies.

Finally, we are nearing our goal of $500,000 for our ICAN Legal Match Campaign!!! An incredibly generous donor is doubling every dollar you donate! Your gift today could be the one that helps us cross the finish line, so donate NOW, HERE!!

We’re exposing BAD MEDICINE Today on The HighWire!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
We're in the final hours before our Remedy screening ends, and it’s truly inspiring to see that thousands of people are currently tuned into Episode 9 on Herbs for Intimacy, Fertility and Hormones.
I've shared something really cool below, but before we get to that:
If you haven’t watched Episode 9 yet, make sure to squeeze it in before it comes down tonight at 9pm Eastern Time! You can use the link below to watch it:
Click here to watch Episode 9


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you struggling with lingering symptoms from COVID, post-vaccination syndrome or other biotoxin illnesses? Histamine intolerance could be a major culprit behind your discomfort.
Discover the power of organic acid testing and learn how organic acid testing can unveil vital insights into your body’s histamine levels!
--->>Download your complimentary eBook, The Immune Battle: Understanding and Treating Histamine Intolerance in Long COVID.
Histamine intolerance plays a HUGE role in COVID long haul / long vax symptoms as well as many chronic biotoxin illnesses.
Organic acid testing is one way to really understand how histamine is being produced and metabolized in the body and can give many clues about needed nutritional support.
In this comprehensive eBook for practitioners and patients alike, master educator and nutritionist Dr. Gail Clayton shares in-depth how to assess nutrient deficiencies and histamine status using organic acid testing, and how to create effective, tailored solutions based on the results.
What you’ll learn:
  • The role of histamine in COVID long-haul and chronic biotoxin illnesses
  • How organic acid testing reveals crucial insights into histamine levels
  • How the body breaks down histamine in the gut and the rest of the body
  • Utilizing personalized nutritional support to alleviate histamine intolerance symptoms
  • Role of limbic system regulation in overcoming chronic symptoms
  • And more!
--->>Gain immediate access to the 27-page The Immune Battle: Understanding and Treating Histamine Intolerance in Long COVID eBook now!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also reserve a seat for the free, online Hormonal Havoc: The COVID Fallout and How to Fix It Summit taking place on June 17-23, 2024, where over 45 experts will teach you more about the health impacts of spike protein toxicity, and how you can optimize and recover your total body health!
Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hope you’re enjoying the series so far!

Tonight, I have another powerful episode to share with you and this one could be the most important of the entire docuseries…

But before we get started, I’d just like to encourage you to share this with everyone you know.

As we talked about in Episode 2, the true causes of cancer and what actually heals it are not being talked about by anyone in the mainstream...

And since that’s where many people get their information from unfortunately...

We should do everything we can to spread this message of healing to those around us.

Now, tonight’s episode is one you do NOT want to miss...

And that’s because we’re going to go deep into one of the deepest, little-known root causes of cancer (i.e. the “missing link”).

>> Watch Episode 3 of The Missing Link right here.

This episode reveals how it’s possible that you can come out of a cancer diagnosis feeling stronger, healthier, and more powerful than ever!

What we talked about with Dr. Bruce Lipton in Episode 1 built the foundation for what we talk about in this episode. And it basically gives you a “masterclass” in how this missing link works…

Just remember, you have 24 hours to watch Episode 3, so please watch it now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Studies show us that arugula could be good for your heart and your bones, and that it could help to fight cancer and Type 2 diabetes.
Arugula also delivers more nitric-oxide-producing nitrates than any other food, including beet juice, which means it can help your cardiovascular system operate at peak capacity.
But are there any downsides? What about oxalates, goitrogens, and pesticide contamination?
Get the whole story on arugula here.
Yours for healthy choices,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Arugula has a feisty, zesty flavor that adds a unique twist to raw and cooked dishes. And it delivers an impressive array of vitamins, minerals, and especially antioxidants. So, should you eat it? Find out all about arugula and what it can do for you, right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey there Jimi,
A lot of people have really enjoyed my plant-based diet masterclass, and there's still time for you to catch it here.
You'll discover what the RIGHT plant-based diet is for health & weight loss and how to make it LAST so it's not another failed diet.
I'll teach you how to eat MORE and STILL lose weight so you aren't hungry or deprived.
No calorie counting, no portion control, and no crazy diet gimmicks.
You'll learn how to lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar with the POWER OF PLANTS!
And, you'll be inspired by success stories from real people like Katie:
“After the COVID-19 lockdown, I didn't feel very positive about longevity or quality of life. I felt crummy, had high blood pressure, diabetes, & edema in my legs. My A1C is back down now, I got off Metformin, cut my blood pressure meds in half, lowered my cholesterol numbers, and my edema is just about gone. So far, I've lost 40 pounds! Your plan has been the single most important step for me to work toward totally regaining my health! Thank you, Kim, from the bottom of my heart!”
If she can do it, SO CAN YOU!
This masterclass will only be available for free for a limited time, so make sure to register now.
Count down to 2024-05-20T07:00:00.000Z


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Aspartame & Cancer Stem Cells: How This "Sweet Treat" May Drive Aggressive Tumor Growth
A concerning new study reveals the artificial sweetener aspartame could be fueling aggressive cancer growth by promoting cancer stem cell populations in one of the most hard to treat cancers.
The Dangers of Low-Dose Aspirin: Time to Reconsider Its Widespread Use
Aspirin, one of the most widely used medications worldwide, has been a staple in the prevention of cardiovascular disease for decades. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that the risks associated with daily low-dose aspirin use may outweigh its potential benefits for many individuals. Recent studies have shed light on the serious side effects linked to aspirin, including an increased risk of life-threatening bleeding events and the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
The Three Trade Lawyers Who Will Decide Whether Mexicans Can Be Forced to Eat the U.S.'s Genetically Engineered Corn
Mexico has been making bold policy moves against genetically modified crops and the toxic pesticides they were engineered to be grown with, by phasing-out imports of GMO corn and showing its support for food sovereignty, soil regeneration and agroecology.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Did you catch last night’s episode on the "missing link" to cancer? What Nathan and our experts revealed was truly groundbreaking and eye-opening for our viewers.

You would never think how truly important our mental, emotional, and spiritual health is...

If you were there, then you know what we’re talking about.

And if you weren’t there, or want to catch up on anything you missed...

>> Go here to watch the replay of Episode 3.

But what if we told you that this was only the beginning?

Because tonight, we’re going to air Episode 4, which covers the SECOND half of the "missing link" to cancer.

Yes, Episodes 3 and 4 are like twins. They complement each other. You can’t have one without the other, so you won’t want to watch one without the other.

And that’s because Episode 4 takes the theoretical part of Episode 3, and shows you how to INSTANTLY and EASILY apply it to your life!

You’re going to hear from these four amazing experts: Dr. Lin Morel, Koya Webb, Anne Crook, and Marissa Peer... as well as a bonus interview with another cancer conqueror.

And by the time you’re done with Episode 4, you’ll have a clear roadmap to conquering or preventing cancer based on the latest scientific information.

We’ll send you more information on how that works tonight plus your private viewing link...

But for now, make sure that you watch Episode 3 first.

It goes offline as soon as we release Episode 4 tonight at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific.

To your health,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Supercharge Your Metabolism: Expert-Backed Secrets for Faster Metabolic Health
Hey Jim,

For this this inspiring conversation, Nagina Abdullah joins me to share her personal journey of overcoming weight struggles and sugar cravings, unveiling her revolutionary approach to boosting metabolism and achieving sustainable weight loss.

Here are the key highlights from our discussion:
  • Personal Transformation: Nagina Abdullah opens up about her own battles with weight and sugar cravings, inspiring listeners with her journey towards lasting health and vitality.
  • The Fat-Burning Food Framework: Nagina introduces her groundbreaking fat-burning food framework, which prioritizes protein, tasty veggies, healthy carbs, and healthy fats. This approach not only supports weight loss but also enhances metabolic function and overall well-being.
  • Nutrient Density and Spices: Nagina underscores the importance of nutrient-dense foods and spices in revving up metabolism and promoting optimal health. By incorporating flavorful spices into meals, individuals can enjoy satisfying and metabolism-boosting dishes.
  • Eliminating Gluten: Nagina advises on the potential benefits of reducing or eliminating gluten from the diet to minimize inflammation and sensitivity, thereby supporting metabolic health and overall vitality.
  • This episode offers practical insights and expert-backed strategies for supercharging your metabolism and achieving your wellness goals. Nagina Abdullah's expertise and personal journey serve as a beacon of hope for anyone seeking to transform their health and vitality.
>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Supercharge Your Metabolism: Expert-Backed Secrets for Faster Metabolic Health - with Nagina Abdu…
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
You May Also Like... Mushrooms 101 with Jeff Chilton 🍄

For this episode I am joined by Jeff Chilton, a mushroom expert, to discuss the importance of mushrooms for health and the misleading labeling of mushroom supplements. We go over the difference between mycelium and fruiting bodies, the active constituents in mushrooms, and the benefits they offer.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,​

This week's newsletter explores the impact of pupil dilation on working memory, nature versus nurture, why young people need to focus on maintaining healthy blood sugar, why we remember some things over others, and more...

-->> Healthy Lifestyle Can Overcome Poor Genes by 60% - Technology Networks (April 2024)​

Can nurture beat nature?

-->> Eye-Opener: Pupils Enlarge When People Focus on Tasks - UT Arlington (April 2023)​

Researchers found that the more a person’s eyes dilated during the task, the better they did on tests measuring their working memory...

-->> Young People with Diabetes May Face Higher Alzheimer's Risk - Healthline (May 2024)​

The authors found that young adults with diabetes — both type 1 and type 2 — have blood markers associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease, whereas young adults without diabetes did not...

-->> What makes a memory? It may be related to how hard your brain had to work - Yale News (May 2024)​

A computational model and behavioral study developed by Yale scientists gives a new clue to the age-old question of how our brain prioritizes what to remember...

-->> Anosognosia: The Complicated Condition That Affects Most Dementia Patients - MBG (May 2024)​

Anosognosia means "without knowledge of disease"; it's a neurological condition where the brain can't recognize its cognitive or psychiatric illness...

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