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Nicotine For The Rest Of Your Life (UPDATED)


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Hello everyone. I was thinking the other day about these new regulations that are coming down the pike as it were, and something crossed my mind. I feel compelled to talk about it. The government wants to classify vaping as a tobacco product and if we know anything about smoking, we know that this will open the door to all kinds of industry crushing regulatory rules that will put all of us DIYers out to business quickly. Here is one thing that they could, and probably will do, that will kill DIYing in one fell swoop.

The government could make it illegal to ship nicotine across state lines without an expensive license. This is the one rule that can kill vaping and DIYing all at once. If they make it illegal to ship nicotine, we won't be able to buy it from online suppliers unless you live in the state that the shop is located. That means ECIG Express and Bull City Vapor are out of the question for supplies, unless you vape zero nicotine. Just think about that for a moment.

I was listening to a podcast from Wayne form DIY OR DIE, and I came up with an idea. It might sound a little off the wall, but it might be time for us to start thinking outside the box here. We only have 3 months, so the time to act is quickly. What if we came up with a calculator to calculate how much nicotine we would use for the rest of our lives? People please bare with me for a moment. LOL. If there is anyone reading this that is good with creating calculators, if you could come up with a calculator where we could input the present date, then have an input for how many MLs of juice you vape per day and at what nic level, then add this number up over the course of a lifetime, based on the average life expectancy of 78 years, we could then get a rough estimate of how much nicotine we would need for the rest of our lives.

I know that this might sound a little crazy but we have to do something to protect our selves. If there is anyone that could help me create this calculator please let me know. Then maybe we could make this a sticky, give this person some credit, hell I will even make you a 120 ml bottle of juice and send it to you!

Now let's just estimate here, I'm just throwing out a ballpark figure because I really have no idea, but lets say that I would need 1.5 gallons of 100 MG Nicotine to last me until I am 78 years old. I could in reality, purchase this amount now, add some argon to it, and store it in the deep freeze for practically years and years, so that once they make it illegal to buy nicotine, I am giving exactly zero f&^ks. Think about this.

Everyone please chime in on this and lets start a conversation because we may be coming up on a time where we need to do exactly this. I love each and everyone of you and I feel so much gratitude for the love and welcome that you have given me in this community.

I was just listening to a podcast and there was a chemist from Penn State University that stated if nicotine is kept in a glass or stainless steel bottle and stored in the freezer the storage time is indefinite. Indefinite to me means FOREVER. So there you have it folks. I am going to be purchasing 5 liters of Vaperstek nicotine, transferring it to stainless steel bottles and storing it in the freezer. Once I run out of 5 fucking liters of 100 mg nicotine,... Well lets just say that if I am still alive, I will cross that bridge when I get to it. So get to it people, store your nic now before it's too late. Our government is going to do what they want to do because this is bigger than advocacy. The bottom line is that they have been bought and are now owned by big tobacco and big tobacco doesn't give a damn about us.

My name is DmagicP
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For the new vaper this really sucks or anyone wanting to try vaping. But for the more experienced vaper who is vaping 3 mg at this point using 0 non nic flavoring I would say is not a issue any longer. I have tried non nic flavors several times for the whole day without having any withdrawals or urges for nic.

On a side note there will always be places to buy your Nic, it may be underground with having to know someone to vouch for your credibility. Plus it will take some time to have customs search every package that comes over from China, especially if not labeled nicotine. Remember most of your nicotine does come from China. .


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It's not hard to figure out how much nic you need - but it is hard to know exactly how long 100mg nic will last in the freezer. Nobody knows this yet, so if you're fairly young (as opposed to us who are not) it's a risk. And in that time regs will change as they always do.

Actually, none of my nic comes from China - but that makes no difference, because like some other things importing personally may be tricky.

However, as Teresa said when you mix for other people (and many of us do), it's hard to calculate how much you really need.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Nic base has an expiration date and even in the freezer, it won't last you a life time.


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It's not hard to figure out how much nic you need - but it is hard to know exactly how long 100mg nic will last in the freezer. Nobody knows this yet, so if you're fairly young (as opposed to us who are not) it's a risk. And in that time regs will change as they always do.

Actually, none of my nic comes from China - but that makes no difference, because like some other things importing personally may be tricky.

However, as Teresa said when you mix for other people (and many of us do), it's hard to calculate how much you really need.
If not from China your Nic then where from? Have a link please!


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I buy Vaperstek nic, which is Chemnovatic - I believe the original source is India, although it's imported from Europe.
Yes India is another source where nic comes from plus another country that I can not remember off the top of my head which sells mostly to Pharmaceutical Company's Unlike China where there is no quality control of nic those two other countries do have quality control.


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Yes India is another source where nic comes from plus another country that I can not remember off the top of my head which sells mostly to Pharmaceutical Company's Unlike China where there is no quality control of nic those two other countries do have quality control.

Yes, probably why so many of us prefer this nic!


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Although I don't necessarily believe them, these guys claim Made in the USA. Pure nicotine is some dangerous shit though, and I don't recommend that anyone without proper training and a lab mess with it. I also don't think acquiring nicotine will ever be impossible, but a small bottle of this vacuum sealed and frozen might allay any fears.


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Although I don't necessarily believe them, these guys claim Made in the USA. Pure nicotine is some dangerous shit though, and I don't recommend that anyone without proper training and a lab mess with it. I also don't think acquiring nicotine will ever be impossible, but a small bottle of this vacuum sealed and frozen might allay any fears.
Do they make this or is it sourced elsewhere? They have a decent price on a gallon of 100mg/ml nicotine


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Do they make this or is it sourced elsewhere? They have a decent price on a gallon of 100mg/ml nicotine
Ask them before buying I would suggest


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Too many dangers involved with pure nic. Nope. Nope. Nope.

It CAN KILL YOU. You can't just throw on latex gloves and a mask to work with this stuff.
I know I would never touch pure nic. However, the same website has some normal nic for less than 50 bucks a liter. I never heard of this company before.

I'll probably pic up some nic from a familiar place. I have a hard time trusting change these days.


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It says it's a branch of - I'm betting it's imported from China.
Thank you for looking. I didn't investigate that well.

To the OP. I estimated a rough guess that I would need about 288mL of 100mg/mL nicotine to supply me and my brother with 3mg/mL nic for our use for one year. That is guesstimating only a 30mL a week usage. My sister in law is zero nic so I don't count her.


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I know that this might sound a little crazy but we have to do something to protect our selves.

It's easy for me to say, but maybe another crazy idea to consider is kicking the addiction to nicotine.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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It's easy for me to say, but maybe another crazy idea to consider is kicking the addiction to nicotine.

It would be pretty easy for a lot of us, since nicotine, divorced from all the shit in burning tobacco, is not really very addictive at all. But I DON'T WANT to go without nicotine; I had one grandmother die from alzheimer's, and the other didn't know who she was for the last 15 yrs of her life due to senile dementia... Given that nicotine may help prevent cognitive disorders, I'll never go without nicotine. Got 2L in the freezer already, and if I can figure out how to get another liter in there, I'll be doing that. I'm almost 55, and vape 5mg now, so very likely, the 2L I already have is enough for the rest of my life, but another liter would ensure it.

The FDA can kiss my shiny white ass; they WON'T be stopping me from vaping.


Teresa P

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It would be pretty easy for a lot of us, since nicotine, divorced from all the shit in burning tobacco, is not really very addictive at all. But I DON'T WANT to go without nicotine; I had one grandmother die from alzheimer's, and the other didn't know who she was for the last 15 yrs of her life due to senile dementia... Given that nicotine may help prevent cognitive disorders, I'll never go without nicotine. Got 2L in the freezer already, and if I can figure out how to get another liter in there, I'll be doing that. I'm almost 55, and vape 5mg now, so very likely, the 2L I already have is enough for the rest of my life, but another liter would ensure it.

The FDA can kiss my shiny white ass; they WON'T be stopping me from vaping.



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DON'T WORRY ABOUT NICOTINE, That will be available. Tell me a single "ITEM" which is band in country and that is not available there? as they say "Where There's will, There's way" :bingo:


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Wow. Thank you to all of you for the great comments.


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IBut I DON'T WANT to go without nicotine; I had one grandmother die from alzheimer's, and the other didn't know who she was for the last 15 yrs of her life due to senile dementia... Given that nicotine may help prevent cognitive disorders, I'll never go without nicotine.

Good point. I'd forgotten about that.

The FDA can kiss my shiny white ass; they WON'T be stopping me from vaping.

Preach, sister!

I predict a rise in civil disobedience. :)


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I just read an article from a chemist that stated that if liquid nicotine is stored in a sealed glass bottle in the freezer, the expiration date is indefinite.


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I just read an article from a chemist that stated that if liquid nicotine is stored in a sealed glass bottle in the freezer, the expiration date is indefinite.
That's pure nic - most of us use 100mg/ml!


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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No it is not pure nicotine. It is 100 mg
This past January, I opened a sealed brown 500ml glass bottle of MFS 100mg/ml, 100% VG that I bought in September of 2012. Perfectly clear, and no oxidized taste whatsoever. I broke it up into smaller bottles that I put back in the freezer, and it is still beautiful, clear, and as tasteless as nic gets.


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This past January, I opened a sealed brown 500ml glass bottle of MFS 100mg/ml, 100% VG that I bought in September of 2012. Perfectly clear, and no oxidized taste whatsoever. I broke it up into smaller bottles that I put back in the freezer, and it is still beautiful, clear, and as tasteless as nic gets.
This is great! And even after 10 years if there is a little degradation, That would still make this a viable option.


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Just a quick note. ALL USP grade nic originates in India. ALL of it. The companies are US, China, India, and European owned. But, it's all India made.

Some nic, that is not USP grade, does not originate in India.


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Call me a pessimist but I know how our government works and the simple fact is they stand to lose billions of dollars in tax revenue if everyone quits using tobacco. They know that Vaping is a healthier alternative than smoking. People tend to think that they are incompetent but it is my opinion that the powers that be know exactly what they are doing. They are going to either get rid of vaping altogether, or they are going to put it in the exclusive control of big tobacco so that they can continue to receive the tax revenue stream. People say that we should not start stockpiling and hoarding and that is fine. people can do what they want, but I have already started collecting a nice mix of devices that are mechanical in nature that don't require me buying coil heads, and a few really reliable electronic devices that will serve me over the long haul. I have embraced DIY mixing and I will continue to do that instead of relying on buying juice, because I know where this is going.


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I agree. Not much to lose, and even if the 100mg ends up being 50mg in 10 years it'll still work!
Thank you Amanda. And you are right, we don't have much to lose, On the bright side, if the regs don't pan out, we will at least have enough nic base to mix and sell our juice for years to come! lol


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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I just did a quick calc. An 18 year old couple who live to 78, could share a 1 Liter bottle of pure (1000mg/ml) for their entire life, if they vaped no more than 3mg/ml, at a pace of 230ml each per month. The Mrs. and I don't vape 230ml/month for BOTH of us. We could SHARE a 1 liter of pure with another couple, for 60 years.


Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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It's easy for me to say, but maybe another crazy idea to consider is kicking the addiction to nicotine.

THAT is just CRAZY talk. It isn't an addiction, it is an affinity. Those are harder to kick.


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I am going to drop a serious bomb in this thread

Google: PharmaNic

Any new ideas?


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I just did a quick calc. An 18 year old couple who live to 78, could share a 1 Liter bottle of pure (1000mg/ml) for their entire life, if they vaped no more than 3mg/ml, at a pace of 230ml each per month. The Mrs. and I don't vape 230ml/month for BOTH of us. We could SHARE a 1 liter of pure with another couple, for 60 years.
You know that is a thought. If I purchased a small bottle of this and diluted it way down this might be very cost effective.


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Guys PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not attempt mixing with pure nic. PLEASE DON'T. We're already battling the FDA in a bad way.
Thank you Huckleberried. I would definitely do some amazing super research before attempting anything dangerous.

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