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Squonkers are Bonkers

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I was mistaken,just checked.Vapedroid is working on a dual 20700 squonk mod with an alumide body.Possibly a 3d printed mech?
I would want that more

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:huh: you have a friend like me ;)
Indeed I do and that is one of the ways I am blessed.
You may not have realized from my posts here, but I really love the Nuppin! I did want to take a picture of the coils (tricro coils) but my phone camera, along with my phone decided this was the perfect time to crap out! I can hardly believe a 9 month old, $900 phone just ups and dies. Fortunately I have a warranty on it, I'm off to the T-mobile store.


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I just hope Vapedroid and S-body keep their partnership going.The preorder price for the mod in the video is $220,but the RRP will be higher.But a squonker with that new DNA75 board and 20700 batteries would be spectacular.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Ok, Squonker folks, I need some help.

I just received my Hadaly clone from 3F today.

I have never messed with a center pin before.

Any tips or tricks removing the pin that was installed and installing the BF Pin?


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Member For 5 Years
I just received my Hadaly clone from 3F today.

Any tips or tricks removing the pin that was installed and installing the BF Pin?

I got one earlier this week.

Find a 2.5mm hex key to screw the squonk pin in. (Not included by ShenRay...or 3F)

"To see and listen to the wicked is already the beginning of wickedness."- Confucius


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I'm going to modify a door also so you squonk the middle of bottle instead of the bottom then I'll love it again lol.

I need to read that a few times. *chuckles* I thought you were meaning the juice come from the center of the bottle instead of the bottom. Then, I read it, and read it and saw what you were meaning. Took me a bit. Think my brain fritzed out today.


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I've never see that build on a Nuppin, that's quite creative :)

Maybe a friend from Virginia might send you a clear cap to rock so you can see those coils while you vape :D
Someday I will find a way to repay your kindness.
Very much flavour chasing builds. Not my taste, but reasonably popular with aussie squonkers

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That's where I found it and indeed it is a flavor build, but it chucks a decent amount of clouds.


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THINK I've decided on my favorite.

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Happy Easter squonkoholics!

I'm putting together a fast tech order and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions of interesting/unique/great finds they can suggest for my order. Right now I have a coppervape (#3) a frankenskull and a split rda. Just trying to think of things lol


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THINK I've decided on my favorite.

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Narda or Odis? Also *cues the Batmman dramatic transition music "Dun Du Du"* check this out. :) :D I so hap hap happy! *starts doing the Happy Happy Joy Joy dance* This will vape. Hehe. Muhaha Ahahaum! *ambles off half dancing the Happy Happy Joy Joy jig and mutter unintelligible mad mutterings to himself and the lampost, dares the lampost to threaten him the Great Cornholio! *


Diamond Contributor
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Happy Easter squonkoholics!

I'm putting together a fast tech order and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions of interesting/unique/great finds they can suggest for my order. Right now I have a coppervape (#3) a frankenskull and a split rda. Just trying to think of things lol

Go to 3F instead, buy twenty dozen of these, ship me three of them and we'll donate the rest to auction off for the Reverend Spanky's fund of Holy Goons What Is The Greatest Squonk Ever And Ever Shall Mind The Crocs With Socks!


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Narda or Odis? Also *cues the Batmman dramatic transition music "Dun Du Du"* check this out. :) :D I so hap hap happy! *starts doing the Happy Happy Joy Joy dance* This will vape. Hehe. Muhaha Ahahaum! *ambles off half dancing the Happy Happy Joy Joy jig and mutter unintelligible mad mutterings to himself and the lampost, dares the lampost to threaten him the Great Cornholio! *
Odis clone

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Odis clone

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Could not be sure. They look extraordinarily similar. I use a Z coil build in my Narda. Not worked one around fully straight yet. Might need to try that. Can do the split wick so as to draw up from both sides of the juice well. Not sure why I have not tried a straight across coil build yet. Also see you seem to be using a Clapton(?), I have used that in the Narda before, not quite as spaced out on the wraps but nonetheless a Clapton built coil. I'm odd, like tight wraps. Hm, maybe Zeppelin is right though need to be loose to be tight. :) I'll give it a go and see if it suits. :)


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The Nuppin with dual Tricro coils in TC at 330 deg F and roughly 40 watts......what a wonderful world! The only caveat to Tricro coils is that the air intake needs to be lined up with the bottom coil.


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Anyone remembers the page with the patinated brass CV? I have the CV and the patience!


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I'm letting this one Patina - I also have a super-shiny one in the box, never used yet, in case I want to sparkle

But I like the patina
Same here. Like patina on my brass CV

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I like that patina part, what I don't like is the metallic smell or the chemical reaction between brass and the skin on my hands:wait::cuss2:I actually get itchy! I figured if I can find that page where someone used salt and vinegar (I think) and then seal the finish, I could continue using my brass CV.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Just got back from Wally World where I bought a set of hex wrenches (the good one for $1.96) just to get the 2.5mm size needed to install the BF pin in my new ShenRay Hadaly Style RDA. Still don't understand why they did not include it when they included the tiny cheap assed flathead screwdriver of which I have MANY.

Installing the .33 Ohm SS Clapton coil would have been breaz except for the fact that one of my cat's iinsisted in helping me:gaah:

Got it up and running on my Kanger 80 Watt Dripbox 2 and I am really enjoying the flavor and vapor this thing is putting out.

Very glad you guys talked me into getting it!



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just got back from Wally World where I bought a set of hex wrenches (the good one for $1.96) just to get the 2.5mm size needed to install the BF pin in my new ShenRay Hadaly Style RDA. Still don't understand why they did not include it when they included the tiny cheap assed flathead screwdriver of which I have MANY.

Installing the .33 Ohm SS Clapton coil would have been breaz except for the fact that one of my cat's iinsisted in helping me:gaah:

Got it up and running on my Kanger 80 Watt Dripbox 2 and I am really enjoying the flavor and vapor this thing is putting out.

Very glad you guys talked me into getting it!

Glad to long as I don't have to pay the bill:confused::vino:

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