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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It was tough to find a Youtube live feed replay of the dem debate, had to watch in pieces. What a bunch of clowns. 2hrs of my life I'll never get back again. Thank god CNN is being so proprietary about the footage in an effort to force people to watch their commentary so they can manipulate them into thinking they aren't all idiots lest more people have to suffer through it. Delaney & Ryan made the others look like the morons they are.

A bit dismayed to see they moved Tulsi Gabbord over to tomorrow because they didn't want her to be the hands down winner of the first round of the debate again and instead they threw Beto & Mayor Pete in for that gimme honor.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Hey Boris, it ain't the number of cops - It's the number of immigrants. I guess if you plan a push back into the no go zones to arrest the grooming are gonna need them though.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Democrats just purged white party staffers, and it's a bigger deal than anyone wants to admit
Well. looks as if the DNC has openly pulled their old KKK robes out of their closets and are saddeling up their horses again.....I'm sorry I'm really sorry, but I don't know what the point is.....How is it the DNC is actually running a candidate for is it a party that just got caught conspiring to overthrow a legally elected goverment is allowed to even exist in America....we aren't talking about differing political views we are talking is it nobody on the clown fest of a DNC debate didn't stand up and say, that the party has a real problem harboring traitors, that their leadership was the single greatest threat to the republic in it's history....For Whites in America you need to pull your heads out of your asses....if the DNC was willing to risk everything and committ treason, willing to destroy the Constitution and the rule of law, willing to take the ballot boxes out of your hands....what the fuck do you think they have planned for your white ass.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Look at that, they will all be together in the same place for the next three days. Aren't Pelosi, the Squad & all the Democrats there too? Our tax dollars at work?

A-listers flock to Google summit in private jets, mega yachts to talk climate change
This is the moderen day equivalent of a conclave of Cardinals during the It's hieghth the Catholic Church dreamed of having this much power and influence...the people going there are not scientists, they are not metoroligists...they are actors...they are like Barney the big purple dinasours....they are influencers of the ignorant and stupid. They are being given their marching orders to spread a manufacture consent to a myth.
The new missionaries are being sent out to convert the heathen to a new God....and remarkablly most of the population are as stupid uneducated superstitious,terrified, and pig ignorant than their ancestors who lived in hovels centuries ago and burned witches at the stake and sent their childeren to mass to be raped once a week.because the Church demanded it.
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