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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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That's the best news I've seen all day. 2nd best was that my old lady made chocolate pudding from scratch.
Sheriff Joe got popped for refusing to stop doing his job as ordered by a libtard judge as a convenience to silence him
about the Obummer birth certificate. By now that the certificate made public by Obummer is a fake is common knowledge
and pics of the original Kenyan document have been published on the net.

I wonder if Barry will ever face a firing squad.


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100 year old inscription just as true today as when it was first carved.

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I place somewhere between Kekistan and Individualist, what does that make me in the larger scheme of things?
Like the song says, "I support the left though I'm leaning to the right.", except in my case it's the other way around.

...you might say I'm a true Marxist upload_2017-8-26_6-41-31.jpeg
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Sorros & DNC have bought off many judges all over the country

South Florida Judge Dismisses DNC Fraud Lawsuit Against Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Fraud would be difficult to prove and remedy. Would have to look into Judge Zloch's background but never-the-less think the lawsuit frivolous.
What Wasserman-Shultz might get in trouble about is the problem with her Pakistani techs.

However, be advised that the veracity of the story should be vetted as 'The Miami New Times'
is a leftist leaning pseudo-chic rag with lots of ads for escort services and Tattoo joints given away free at newstands
and newspaper machines.


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Kyle "Based Stickman" Chapman Jailed, Barred from Possessing Sticks and Other Weapons
A judge told Chapman, "You are to have no weapons of any kind — sticks, knives, pepper spray."

Here's the judge in the case Mark Mc Cannon....he was appointed by...Jerry Moonbeam Brown..he is a Democrat and he makes about 178.000.00 a year. He has ordered that Chapman cannot attend rallies at Brekeley


This is Yvette Felarca she was arrested for inciting a riot and for assult for physcially attacking a man while the police did nothing and watched. in Sacremento.. for a rally in which many people were stabbed......she is a school tracher in Berkeley, and as far as I know she will be teaching childeren this fall in the Berkeley school system.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah those horrible Muslims, from whom we got much of the knowledge back that was lost during the dark ages.
Wow...that's stupid ....even for you....what's next you gonna tell us the Muslims created the concept of the zero and spearheaded gay rights and played an active role in writing our constitution....So you are saying the muslims told us stuff we had already discovered....hmmm...seems like we would have just recreated it again...Sorta like how India when it got rid of it's muslim conquerors was able to become a an industrialized Democracy an economic powerhouse in asia while Pakistan remains a craphole.
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The Cromwell

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Wow...that's stupid ....even for you....what's next you gonna tell us the Muslims created the concept of the zero and spearheaded gay rights and played an active role in writing our constitution....So you are saying the muslims told us stuff we had already discovered....hmmm...seems like we would have just recreated it again...
Your ignorance is showing.
Isn't it embarrassing to proudly show your ignorance?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Your ignorance is showing.
Isn't it embarrassing to proudly show your ignorance?
oh yes...the muslim world couldn't even pump it's own oil without Western industrialization,their entire oil field would be worthless without Western Industialization, they only exist because the West needs them...they'd still be picking their noses and dates and the fastest mode of transportation would be a camel or a wife. a backward vortex of ignorance in which the common man is still treated as dirt and illiteracy is as common as sand fleas......or in words you could understand

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The Cromwell

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oh yes...the muslim world couldn't even pump it's own oil without Western industrialization,their entire oil field would be worthless without Western Industialization, they only exist because the West needs them...they'd still be picking their noses and dates and the fastest mode of transportation would be a camel or a wife. a backward vortex of ignorance in which the common man is still treated as dirt and illiteracy is as common as sand fleas......or in words you could understand

What does that have to do with what I posted about Europeans getting knowledge lost during the Dark Ages from the Muslims?

Ohh right nothing, but since you showed your ass once you feel that a repeat performance is necessary?

The Cromwell

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The Arab world of the golden age compared to today is like comparing apples to dolphins.
True for now, but I was responding to past history in Spain

Apples float and so do dolphins?
Well bottle nosed dolphins anyway not the fish dolphins.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
True for now, but I was responding to past history in Spain

Apples float and so do dolphins?
Well bottle nosed dolphins anyway not the fish dolphins.
Past History In Spain...are you serious you imbecile.....the past History in Spain is the massacre of Christians in Spain...it is genocide, and it is reoccuring in Spain,and Italy, and France, and Belgium

The Cromwell

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Past History In Spain...are you serious you imbecile.....the past History in Spain is the massacre of Christians in Spain...it is genocide, and it is reoccuring in Spain,and Italy, and France, and Belgium
Christians also killed a lot of christians.
Killing based on religious views is always wrong, no matter who does it.
Killinh should be based on actions performed not theology.
And ALL terrorists who kill deserve to die.
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Diamond Contributor
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Look at this little chubby leftist doughboy try and sucker punch a black man.............antifa are showing themselves to be the reincarnation of the DNC's Klan.....this is what happens if you go rabbitt off the DNC plantation white liberals call out their hounds.

Man Arrested After Allegedly Punching Black Trump Supporter, Then Boasting on Twitter
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I look forward to the inevitable divorce.
Let the coastal elites further segregate themselves. It will only further dilute their power.

And meanwhile in Kalifornia ...

"The California Legislature is moving for the first time in history to tax every residence and business about a dollar month for drinking water to generate $2 billion over the next 15 years to supposedly clean up contaminated ground water."




Platinum Contributor
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Look at this little chubby leftist doughboy try and sucker punch a black man.............antifa are showing themselves to be the reincarnation of the DNC's Klan.....this is what happens if you go rabbitt off the DNC plantation white liberals call out their hounds.

Man Arrested After Allegedly Punching Black Trump Supporter, Then Boasting on Twitter

@skt239 is probably rubbing one out right now watching that video of antifa punching a "nazi".

The Cromwell

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What does that have to do with what I posted about Europeans getting knowledge lost during the Dark Ages from the Muslims?

Ohh right nothing, but since you showed your ass once you feel that a repeat performance is necessary?

Dude, the Arabs weren't all that. I'll grant you;
Arabic numerals, also called Hindu–Arabic numerals are the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, based on the Hindu–Arabic numeral system, the most common system for the symbolic representation of numbers in the world today.

The Hindu-Arabic numerals were invented by mathematicians in India. Perso-Arabic mathematicians called them "Hindu numerals" (where "Hindu" meant Indian). Later they came to be called "Arabic numerals" in Europe, because they were introduced to the West by Arab merchants.

As well as that Ahmed Muhiddin Piri, better known as Piri Reis, an Ottoman admiral, geographer, and cartographer
drew up the first world map par excellence...but as a whole and compared to Europeans, especially after the Renaissance,
they weren't all that.
Keep in mind that much of the knowledge sometimes attributed to Arabs was actually the product of Greece
or pilfered from Jew merchants who in turn borrowed it from Babylon and Egypt. (no, the latter are not Arabs though now-a-days they are muslim)


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Member For 4 Years
Christians also killed a lot of christians.
Killing based on religious views is always wrong, no matter who does it.
Killinh should be based on actions performed not theology.
And ALL terrorists who kill deserve to die.

You miss a subtle but important difference.
Christians, as in the RCC, killed lot's of heretics. Heretics by definition were not considered Christians by the Church.


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Wow...that's stupid ....even for you....what's next you gonna tell us the Muslims created the concept of the zero and spearheaded gay rights and played an active role in writing our constitution....So you are saying the muslims told us stuff we had already discovered....hmmm...seems like we would have just recreated it again...Sorta like how India when it got rid of it's muslim conquerors was able to become a an industrialized Democracy an economic powerhouse in asia while Pakistan remains a craphole.



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The Cromwell

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Damn liberal media!
why is this newsworthy?
Fayette County Republican Party office vandalized

I wonder how much other vandalism went unreported?
tires slashed, windows broken, etc.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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You miss a subtle but important difference.
Christians, as in the RCC, killed lot's of heretics. Heretics by definition were not considered Christians by the Church.

good point, they said stuff that disagreed with church doctrine.
So torture and kill them.
A fine Christlike way to be.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Just another form of corporate welfare.
Coprorations mess up the water while making a profit.
Then the ones they made the profit from have to pay to clean up THEIR mess.
Yeah maybe, but also the fact that we are allowing massive immigration into California both legal and illegal.....the legislature of California tells us we can't water our lawns we have to be regulated .we can't have the lightbulbs we want or we will kill the planet,it has to be regulated we can't have the toliet we want because it will destroy the eco-system,it has to be regulated.... but then the same Democrat party that controls the entire state tells us totally unregulated populations on the resources of the state are irrelevant....it is not sustainable......when an enviromentalist in Calirfornia asks me to sign a petition or give money the first question I ask them is.."what is your stance on immigration legal and illegal " if they don't ask to stop it I walk away I realize they aren't really enviromentalists they are just pimping for the DNC...meanwhile rich agriculture land is being destroyed to house the growing population, and the demands on water are being diverted for the same reason....if it wasn't for immigration the population of the state would be going down to sustainable levels, but any talk now of sustainability has nothing to do with the enviroment, but just another ploy to steal the wealth of the people and to protect the bussiness interests of the status quo...


Diamond Contributor
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View attachment 90361
I look forward to the inevitable divorce.
Let the coastal elites further segregate themselves. It will only further dilute their power.
yeah for decades the counties up North have wanted to form their own state..the state of Jefferson....they share nothing in common with the coastal elitie and their serf class of illegal mexicans.
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