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Whiskey's Corner#3

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Diamond Contributor
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Just sitting on my deck chilling and vaping, a little chilly and overcast, watching my dogs blast by every 10 minutes or so, it's good to see the old pooches so frisky.
How's by you? :D

Sounds great Vapin4Joy. Vape on and enjoy. Doing good, My Guy fixed a great brunch. I don't eat sausage or bacon, so I get grilled chicken. Also, had pancakes and homemade fries. Someone made us hungry for fries.


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Music Poet; Prose Addict; Team Supporter; Vapester
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Sorry so long in posting, folks. We miss all of you very much. But...

I was just accepted to audition for NBC's "The Voice" this Saturday, the 4th!

IN LAS VEGAS :stars:...

Liz is apoplectic. We're going to be BROKE :crazy:. SLOTS FROM H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS...) :facepalm:

Wish me well :D.

LW & Liz :stars2:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
No! They do it every year.
Ok. Totally different in Mississippi than in Kansas. We have a bing cherry tree, we have lost berries because of being too warm, then get a hard freeze. Same with pears, grapes, pawpaws, red raspberries, black raspberries, apples, plums, and blue berries. Ok, I'm done.
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