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Daily Check-In Thread


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Good morning VU!

Day two of the wife home from work, and its Friday.

Family is good, we here are tolerant of each other haha

Was going to brave Cooty-Ville and head to Optometry for the 3rd time, but waiting for scripts to be filled and do it all in one trip.

But I have a feeling the glasses are still going to be wrong LOL

Be safe everyone.


The Link Ninja
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Good morning... SSDD here. @ChainVapeS I'm sorry to hear this is hitting you so hard. There is ZERO reason for you to be ashamed of asking for help. Millions of people are in the same boat. If you were closer to me I'd certainly try to help in any way I could.

Got a Wally World order being delivered today, praying they don't find some stupid reason to cancel it on me again. It'll be interesting to see what all of it I actually get. It's mostly staple kinda stuff... few veggies, milk, bread, butter, some freezer meals. There was no TP to be ordered from them, but I did manage to find a case of 24 coreless, 2500 sheet rolls on Amazon and it has already shipped. :)

My back is still giving me issues but it's starting to calm down.

Nothing new from hubby... he managed to get into a truck stop with a Bob Evans in it last night so he was super happy.

Gov is gonna announce today some stuff he's gonna open back up as of May 1st. We're opening the flower shop back up for online/phone orders only on 4/27.


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Good morning... SSDD here. @ChainVapeS I'm sorry to hear this is hitting you so hard. There is ZERO reason for you to be ashamed of asking for help. Millions of people are in the same boat. If you were closer to me I'd certainly try to help in any way I could.

Not so much ashamed to ask for help, just never pictured myself in such a position. It's very humbling to receive help, support and kindness from people ive never even met. Proof that there are many good people and good organizations out there.
And thank you for your kind words.

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Cranky Old Fart
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I hope things get sorted out for you @ChainVapeS! I know the unemployment agents are under a lot of stress, but that is not an excuse to be an asshole.

@Amber Petti I hope your Aunt and Uncle get better!

Me, more SSDD.

It was nice here in central Cali the last two days, shorts and T-shirt weather. Today cloudy and cooler, back to jeans and long sleeves. For shits and grins I bought a Raspberry Pi to play around with and hook up to the main TV. Main selling point to the wife is we can watch Mass on the big TV since my new laptop is dead. My current personal laptop and work laptop don't have HDMI and the TV doesn't have VGA.

Current covid in my county is 82 cases and still just 3 deaths. My wife and I are fine.


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Friday check in. All good here, healthy so far. Have to make a run - prescriptions and a microwave. I tried to reheat my coffee yesterday and no heat but lots of noise. We must have a microwave, lol. Best part is all of it will be brought out to us, don't have to go inside. I get to drive today! I haven't been out since all of this started. I'll be masked but I get to see the outside world.
Be safe and stay healthy :hug:


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All good

Compiling a Socially Distanced Bucket List of walks

Next time it is not raining, hoping to walk to the beach



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Earlier in the week our governor extended the stay-at-home and business-closure order for another two weeks, until May 8.

There are now a little over 7.500 cases in Virginia. I cannot find a current number of casualties; the most recent I see is three days old and was 208. Still holding at 7 cases in my county.

My son is planning to start a new job on Monday, after Virginia cut him off after one week of unemployment benefits. He told me they said he was at the end of his period of eligibility, because he was laid off from his job back at the beginning of February. So my husband is going to be going to son's house to stay nights while son works.

I thought he could use his stimulus money to support him and his sons for at least a little while, but he was behind on bills and managed to burn through the whole amount in two days.

I don't know what else for him to do. And I am scared of this. It isn't time for all this doing and going yet.

Guess that's about all I have to say. I feel hopeless against this, and after several years of trying to put out other people's financial fires, I'm totally exhausted with it.

Hope you are all safe and well, and staying put.


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Earlier in the week our governor extended the stay-at-home and business-closure order for another two weeks, until May 8.

There are now a little over 7.500 cases in Virginia. I cannot find a current number of casualties; the most recent I see is three days old and was 208. Still holding at 7 cases in my county.

My son is planning to start a new job on Monday, after Virginia cut him off after one week of unemployment benefits. He told me they said he was at the end of his period of eligibility, because he was laid off from his job back at the beginning of February. So my husband is going to be going to son's house to stay nights while son works.

I thought he could use his stimulus money to support him and his sons for at least a little while, but he was behind on bills and managed to burn through the whole amount in two days.

I don't know what else for him to do. And I am scared of this. It isn't time for all this doing and going yet.

Guess that's about all I have to say. I feel hopeless against this, and after several years of trying to put out other people's financial fires, I'm totally exhausted with it.

Hope you are all safe and well, and staying put.
:hug:<3 I feel ya honey.

I changed a wick, really about all I want to do today, but we need to go pick up a prescription for doggie dog and pick up some lunch stuff for me to take to work for the coming week.

Had to spend money that took a bit to get, so that's giving me the blues. I have a cochlear implant, my processor is dying, so that's a bummer. Insurance is paying a really nice chunk of change for a new one, but my co-pay was still completely unaffordable for me. They have this thing at the place that it's been ordered from called a hardship claim and I actually qualified, thank the gods! Still, it was tough to get there and the timing is terrible, but... it can always be worse, and I know this. People are in much worse shape and I wish there was more that I could do for everyone. I know there's still a lot of good going on. I think I'm just tired.

Good lord, sorry to sound like such a bummer.

@ChainVapeS Hang tough, give 'em hell. You don't deserve all that's happening, but I'm really glad that you're OK. :hug:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Not so much ashamed to ask for help, just never pictured myself in such a position. It's very humbling to receive help, support and kindness from people ive never even met. Proof that there are many good people and good organizations out there.
And thank you for your kind words.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

To anyone hanging on - please - it is important to ask for help before you get completely desperate, like waiting till they cut off electricity or there is zero food in the house - and apply for everything anything you may or may not qualify for

It is why we have it in the first place - and most are paid for with funds freely given by people who are concerned; corporate giving get generous tax breaks, so use it for crying out loud :)

SSDD here

Have to make a run sadly - was hoping to push it out another few days, but I need to get fresh water, as we don't have running water at the homestead yet


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I am still here and Symptom Free but I got bad news today, a family friend is coming home to Hospice Care with Brain Cancer. She has fought it for years vigilantly and now it has gone to the Bones and her Brain. Yeah wear a fucking mask, huh?


The Link Ninja
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Wally World update... You could've knocked me over with a feather! I got my entire.... ENTIRE order! 3 items were subbed, but I'm in total shock not a single item was OOS :eek:. Delivery guy was super nice... actually one of those creepy, over friendly kinds... but I just held the door open while he carried everything in. He put it on the island for me so I wouldn't have to lift anything.

Best part was the delivery was free. :D I pay for Unlimited delivery and they are refunding our fee since no one was able to get orders delivered for a month.


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All good where we are, like being stuck on repeat. Actually cant believe how fast the weekend keeps coming around.
Sorry to hear of the issues, difficulties and sadness many here are going through.
The relative carefree of last year now feels like a dream.


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Friday check in. Still hangin in there both still well. Good to hear that Amber's Aunt and Uncle are doin a bit better. And that Chain Vapes is having some positive progress in his case against unemployment, He shouldn't have to be doing this during these times:gaah:. Everyone stay well, be safe, and be nice to everyone during this crap.;):):)


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I’m doing okay. I’ve had a sore throat and cough for almost a week, but I’ve been taking herbs and vitamins, so it comes and goes.

There’s really nothing I can do anyway. If it is this virus, I’ll have to get through it. If it’s allergies, then I’m okay. I’ve never had the flu ever, or allergies for that matter, so I’m not sure what it feels like.

Other than that, I’m doing pretty good and hope the rest of the VU fam is, as well. I’m so glad I stopped smoking!!! Stay safe and healthy, everyone. <3


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I’m doing okay. I’ve had a sore throat and cough for almost a week, but I’ve been taking herbs and vitamins, so it comes and goes.

There’s really nothing I can do anyway. If it is this virus, I’ll have to get through it. If it’s allergies, then I’m okay. I’ve never had the flu ever, or allergies for that matter, so I’m not sure what it feels like.

Other than that, I’m doing pretty good and hope the rest of the VU fam is, as well. I’m so glad I stopped smoking!!! Stay safe and healthy, everyone. <3
Hi. Keeping an eye on your temp? Check your symptoms against a corona check list at least to be safe.


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was looking @Amber Petti face book { SO? i like to check for her new stuff OK?}
anyway saw this an had to smile.. no truer words were ever Noted.


But ya missed DIY e-juice. cooking, woodworking....
ders a REAL artistry in doing it right.
and idono what i would do in Quarantine with out da TRUE ARTISANS dat are found here.


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Having fun this chilly morning. Wife yesterday went to our local Stihl dealership and got me a new Stihl weed eater. "Happy Anniversary & Birthday," she told me.

I asked "why is it everything good in my life ultimately boils down to 'go work son'". She pretended to ignore me and replied I could now play Hillbilly Golf. well, ran out the 'demo' tank of fuel in it this morning. Plenty more out there to do but no great rush so long as it's done. Seems I'm the only one to do anyway. Such a fun birthday.

btw, yeah I'm checking in. All seems as well can be. "Could be, ..." better or worse. T'ink I'll keep my gob closed to avoid worse.


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Cranky Old Fart
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Welcome to Groundhog's Day part 28... :giggle: i.e. SSDD

Nothing new other than getting bored and cabin fever.

85 cases in my county and holding steady with 3 deaths. My wife and I are still fine, no urges to kill each other yet.

Stay safe y'all!
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Diamond Contributor
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Having this chilly morning. Wife yesterday went to our local Stihl dealership and got me a new Stihl weed eater. "Happy Anniversary & Birthday," she told me.

I asked "why is it everything good in my life ultimately boils down to 'go work son'". She pretended to ignore me and replied I could now play Hillbilly Golf. well, ran out the 'demo' tank of fuel in it this morning. Plenty more out there to do but no great rush so long as it's done. Seems I'm the only one to do anyway. Such a fun birthday.

Happy Birthday, brother. You’re an early Taurus, it seems. I’m sorry things are being hard. Hugs and love your way. :blowkiss:


Silver Contributor
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Having fun this chilly morning. Wife yesterday went to our local Stihl dealership and got me a new Stihl weed eater. "Happy Anniversary & Birthday," she told me.

I asked "why is it everything good in my life ultimately boils down to 'go work son'". She pretended to ignore me and replied I could now play Hillbilly Golf. well, ran out the 'demo' tank of fuel in it this morning. Plenty more out there to do but no great rush so long as it's done. Seems I'm the only one to do anyway. Such a fun birthday.

btw, yeah I'm checking in. All seems as well can be. "Could be, ..." better or worse. T'ink I'll keep my gob closed to avoid worse.
YOU HAVE A GOOD WIFE.. buy you a wonderful toy like dat...
I LIKE da way she thinks.

sorry could not find a WEED WACKER CAKE


happy Birthday
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Diamond Contributor
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Happy Birthday, brother. You’re an early Taurus, it seems. I’m sorry things are being hard. Hugs and love your way. :blowkiss:

Well my birthday is the 29th, wife is being early. Time come on for the mowing to be tended. Her dad uses the John Deere tractor to mow the bottom., i could as well. Our anniversary is the 22nd, Earth Day. After twenty years I only got one irreconcilable difference with her. She don't like the Doors. I knew this after five years of marriage. I was starting to play my Doors CD, "get that shit off of there!" I knew then I wanted a divorce. So been divorcing her since then, fifteen years later. :)

YOU HAVE A GOOD WIFE.. buy you a wonderful toy like dat...
I LIKE da way she thinks.

No kidding. I went just a little ago and saw what she spent. Plus she spent a fair piece on me already getting me some new clothes. No point to argue with her. "When do we have that you get? We have and you've not got in a while now." *smh* I don't know about that wheedle girl, tossing money out for her wheedle boy. Reckon he better use it well, keep "in line" much as it's wheedle boy nature to fall into trouble.

*sighs* Fine, I admit I'm a kept man. Though I guess says a fair bit of me. Obviously someone thinks I'm worth the keeping. *grin*

Come in from the chill and not feeling the slightest guilt, having a boatswain's mate's coffee. That's coffee with a good splash of rum. I was in the cold working for at least an hour. I would have done more but need to await fuel getting to the house. Been told her dad we'll keep me fueled. So, ...


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Day 3 of the wife not leaving the house... ;)

Started watching the movie Parasite last night... sort of funny and already know how it will play out being only 20 minutes into the movie.

Calls to Momma and Sisters to be made... I'll try to contact my brother in the Philippines again... last time was unsuccessful

Got my lenses for my glasses and scripts yesterday... lenses are 98% the way I needed them... although I should of went with 22.5mm offset of the transition rather than the 22mm... yeah very minor difference... but it changes positioning of your head, and limits the amount of head tilt to be in the right focal points for my usage.

Be safe everyone!


The Vapin' Drummer
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Earlier in the week our governor extended the stay-at-home and business-closure order for another two weeks, until May 8.

There are now a little over 7.500 cases in Virginia. I cannot find a current number of casualties; the most recent I see is three days old and was 208. Still holding at 7 cases in my county.

My son is planning to start a new job on Monday, after Virginia cut him off after one week of unemployment benefits. He told me they said he was at the end of his period of eligibility, because he was laid off from his job back at the beginning of February. So my husband is going to be going to son's house to stay nights while son works.

I thought he could use his stimulus money to support him and his sons for at least a little while, but he was behind on bills and managed to burn through the whole amount in two days.

I don't know what else for him to do. And I am scared of this. It isn't time for all this doing and going yet.

Guess that's about all I have to say. I feel hopeless against this, and after several years of trying to put out other people's financial fires, I'm totally exhausted with it.

Hope you are all safe and well, and staying put.
Is the whole nation not doing unemployment until the end of July? I thought I heard they were trying to extend it another 20 weeks. Man that really blows. I'm so sorry to hear that crap.


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Is the whole nation not doing unemployment until the end of July? I thought I heard they were trying to extend it another 20 weeks. Man that really blows. I'm so sorry to hear that crap.

Well, I thought so, but apparently not. I'm pretty sure it's because his unemployment wasn't caused by the virus situation. He was laid off right after Christmas, got some severance, after which he had to wait for a time to even file for unemployment, and by that time the company was talking about bringing him back to work. This whole shit with him since January or so has cost us a stupid amount of money - basically our whole tax refund plus - and then, this shit.

Staying at home today, both of us, I hope. Got a Walmart order to pick up tomorrow, and I'm still thinking about adding stuff to it. They still have a "max 2" on a lot of items, some of which I'd buy more than two just to have enough for one meal. Can't even buy friggin CBAD spaghetti and meatballs for the kids for more than one day at a time. Thanks you fuckin greedy hoarding bastards.

Starting to piss me off, can you tell? I can stay at home without a problem, but this business of stuff being so hard to get, and that being because of people who went absolutely insane and didn't give a rat's ass about the rest of us, well, it just chaps, you know?

Some Internet article last night, and heck I don't know if it's true or not, talking about some guy down in Oz who bought $10k worth of toilet paper, brought it back wanting a refund. NO, DUDE. Just no. Sit and be happy with it, ya damn joker.


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Well, I thought so, but apparently not. I'm pretty sure it's because his unemployment wasn't caused by the virus situation. He was laid off right after Christmas, got some severance, after which he had to wait for a time to even file for unemployment, and by that time the company was talking about bringing him back to work. This whole shit with him since January or so has cost us a stupid amount of money - basically our whole tax refund plus - and then, this shit.

Staying at home today, both of us, I hope. Got a Walmart order to pick up tomorrow, and I'm still thinking about adding stuff to it. They still have a "max 2" on a lot of items, some of which I'd buy more than two just to have enough for one meal. Can't even buy friggin CBAD spaghetti and meatballs for the kids for more than one day at a time. Thanks you fuckin greedy hoarding bastards.

Starting to piss me off, can you tell? I can stay at home without a problem, but this business of stuff being so hard to get, and that being because of people who went absolutely insane and didn't give a rat's ass about the rest of us, well, it just chaps, you know?

Some Internet article last night, and heck I don't know if it's true or not, talking about some guy down in Oz who bought $10k worth of toilet paper, brought it back wanting a refund. NO, DUDE. Just no. Sit and be happy with it, ya damn joker.

And other people will have $10,000 of macaroni and cheese or whatever. Good, assholes. Now you can eat that for the next few years!


The Vapin' Drummer
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Well, I thought so, but apparently not. I'm pretty sure it's because his unemployment wasn't caused by the virus situation. He was laid off right after Christmas, got some severance, after which he had to wait for a time to even file for unemployment, and by that time the company was talking about bringing him back to work. This whole shit with him since January or so has cost us a stupid amount of money - basically our whole tax refund plus - and then, this shit.

Staying at home today, both of us, I hope. Got a Walmart order to pick up tomorrow, and I'm still thinking about adding stuff to it. They still have a "max 2" on a lot of items, some of which I'd buy more than two just to have enough for one meal. Can't even buy friggin CBAD spaghetti and meatballs for the kids for more than one day at a time. Thanks you fuckin greedy hoarding bastards.

Starting to piss me off, can you tell? I can stay at home without a problem, but this business of stuff being so hard to get, and that being because of people who went absolutely insane and didn't give a rat's ass about the rest of us, well, it just chaps, you know?

Some Internet article last night, and heck I don't know if it's true or not, talking about some guy down in Oz who bought $10k worth of toilet paper, brought it back wanting a refund. NO, DUDE. Just no. Sit and be happy with it, ya damn joker.
Well that just sucks about your son. Hopefully he can get it worked out or get back to work soon if they were talking about bringing him back.


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Good morning everyone! All is well here, now that I have a microwave again. I'm spoiled, lol. We did get all but one prescription yesterday, have to go back maybe on Monday. Guess I'd better get busy on chores.
Please stay safe and healthy :hug:


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Im here. Im doing pretty good today. Wife and I went for a drive this morning to get out of the house for a few. Haven't really left the house in three weeks.

Spoke with 2 state representatives personally on the phone yesterday. They addressed my issues with the unemployment agency and are personally looking into my claim and it's status. They apologised for the way ive been treated.

And then I was blown away by the pure kindness of a member here. Not sure if you want to be named, so I'll leave it at that for now. All I can say is, you just blew me away. Thank you a thousand times.

There is a lot of good in this world, and there is a lot of it on display here at VU.

Im feeling very blessed and humbled right now.

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The Vapin' Drummer
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Im here. Im doing pretty good today. Wife and I went for a drive this morning to get out of the house for a few. Haven't really left the house in three weeks.

Spoke with 2 state representatives personally on the phone yesterday. They addressed my issues with the unemployment agency and are personally looking into my claim and it's status. They apologised for the way ive been treated.

And then I was blown away by the pure kindness of a member here. Not sure if you want to be named, so I'll leave it at that for now. All I can say is, you just blew me away. Thank you a thousand times.

There is a lot of good in this world, and there is a lot of it on display here at VU.

Im feeling very blessed and humbled right now.

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Vu is full of great people. Definitely my best family is here.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Vu is full of great people. Definitely my best family is here.

Wish I could give that 10 likes :)

My check in: beautiful day - am thinking about doing the social distancing yoga at the community center in about an hour

But, am due to do the monthly fire ant treatment also, and need a four hour dry window to do it. This will be the fifth of 12 treatments - it is a long haul slog, kinda like this covid thing, lol

Everyone, have a great day :)


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Im here. Im doing pretty good today. Wife and I went for a drive this morning to get out of the house for a few. Haven't really left the house in three weeks.

Spoke with 2 state representatives personally on the phone yesterday. They addressed my issues with the unemployment agency and are personally looking into my claim and it's status. They apologised for the way ive been treated.

And then I was blown away by the pure kindness of a member here. Not sure if you want to be named, so I'll leave it at that for now. All I can say is, you just blew me away. Thank you a thousand times.

There is a lot of good in this world, and there is a lot of it on display here at VU.

Im feeling very blessed and humbled right now.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Wonderful post. I'm so happy you finally have a few positive things happening for you. It's about time. :hug:

The person who spoke to you so harshly will reap what he/she sows. Karma can be a bitch.


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Saturday check in. We're about to have a doctored up frozen pizza. Always so good, and much cheaper.

He hung a bat house today. Hoping that'll help control the mosquito population a bit in the coming months, I goofed off with the dog in between holding the ladder. Not much else going on, really. I do have the sneezes today, driving me bonkers. It better just be allergies or I'ma be pissed.

Anyhoooo... I think that's about it, just playing catch up and chillin.


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Wonderful post. I'm so happy you finally have a few positive things happening for you. It's about time. :hug:

The person who spoke to you so harshly will reap what he/she sows. Karma can be a bitch.
Thank you for the kind words! I absolutely love this place. One kind word or act can really brighten a persons day. Thank you for the moral and emotional support through this. You as well as everyone else that has shown me support and compassion.

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I don’t feel like I have a fever, but I’ll dig out my thermometer. I usually never get sick! I only have sore throat coming and going, coughing, and headache and tiredness.
Drink lots of juice, get that vitamin c!
Rest up. I hope it passes soon and is nothing serious.
Sending get well wishes your way!

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Mixed up @Smoky Blue andies mints {let steep for 1 week} YUM YUM
andies mints smokey blue.jpg
That one is a KEEPER...

making shrimp temporia and onion rings for supper..
Laundrys DONE.
and got 2 of the 4 holes dug for the new apple trees..

moo cow man came with his tractor and smoothed out the driveway.
GOD BLESS da MOO COW MAN.. cuz da driveway was getting a lot of ruts.
sparkey cleaned up the grove where the road crew cut up the trees an left em..
we don't mind we use da wood.
so busy busy busy here yet keeping safe and sound.


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Mixed up @Smoky Blue andies mints {let steep for 1 week} YUM YUM
View attachment 159008
That one is a KEEPER...

making shrimp temporia and onion rings for supper..
Laundrys DONE.
and got 2 of the 4 holes dug for the new apple trees..

moo cow man came with his tractor and smoothed out the driveway.
GOD BLESS da MOO COW MAN.. cuz da driveway was getting a lot of ruts.
sparkey cleaned up the grove where the road crew cut up the trees an left em..
we don't mind we use da wood.
so busy busy busy here yet keeping safe and sound.

When can I get an appointment with the MOO COW MAN? I need him here with his tractor. We'll even stay in the house and not come near him!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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When can I get an appointment with the MOO COW MAN? I need him here with his tractor. We'll even stay in the house and not come near him!

I too could use some of that action

Social distancing yoga was fantastic - so good I no longer feel like slaughtering ants


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:wave:All good here. Mom's sr residence still has 0 corona.Family everywhere are well.Spent this week binge watching Ozark,at least it kept me away from corona tv.Read 2 books,and am down to 1 disc on a tom clancy ebook.Went to lettuce farm,dropped off some vodka for some family friends.With state stores in pa closed you can only buy beer and wine,no spirits.Needed/wanted potatoes and onions so went to a large drive thru food bank.Took about 2hrs waiting with Tom, but got frozen ind. wrapped pork chops and a small frozen chicken,as well as milk,oj,cereal,potatoes,onions,kind bars, and some things I wont eat to be donated back.I was much more comfortable doing this than going to a supermarket. Glad everyone here is well. Oh-I have spent 0$ online shopping this week-yes--


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When can I get an appointment with the MOO COW MAN? I need him here with his tractor. We'll even stay in the house and not come near him!
I too could use some of that action

Social distancing yoga was fantastic - so good I no longer feel like slaughtering ants
Just a warning....
I won't LET YOU GO NEAR em! least not under a GOOD 6 feet.
gotta watch over da MOO Cow MAN
em's a Good Buddy.we go ROCK PICKING

and drink Homemade wine

rock picking.jpg

pick blackberrys,,,
all kinds of stuff... I worry for him he has had a lot of medical issues.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Saturday check in. Doin good here so far, I seen we had 1200 new cases today and 124 deaths in the state:eek:, Some around here are trying act like it's over:facepalm:, they quit wearin masks and gloves, groupin up,:gaah: Probably be a new surge in a week or two:rolleyes:. Glad everyone here has more sense than that:cool:. Everyone be careful, stay safe, and wear your protective equipment;)

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Saturday check in. Doin good here so far, I seen we had 1200 new cases today and 124 deaths in the state:eek:, Some around here are trying act like it's over:facepalm:, they quit wearin masks and gloves, groupin up,:gaah: Probably be a new surge in a week or two:rolleyes:. Glad everyone here has more sense than that:cool:. Everyone be careful, stay safe, and wear your protective equipment;)

yeah my last trip toe Wally world and Krogers last Thursday almost no one was wearing masks and few even with gloves. The caution seems to be diminishing.

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