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  1. Langrel

    Are these wires good to use?

    I am pondering the idea of getting into RDA building, I already set my sights on a certain RDA, but I am a little bit split about the wire. I am not going to build complicated builds, probably something along the lines of dual core claptons, so I have been wondering if I can just buy pre-wrapped...
  2. JoshuaConroy33

    Kanger NEBOX Rebuilding

    I'm just trying to get a little better understanding of my builds and settings to use. I am running the Kanger NEBOX and upgraded from the Kanger SUBOX Mini and started rebuilding with the first rig. I have a CoilMaster Kit v2 to build consistent coils and have been building .35ohm coils for...
  3. K

    just made a fused clapton

    Hey all, Im pretty new to the forum and this is my first post but I've been fiddling around here and there for about a year now. I've recently gotten into claptons and have been getting pretty decent at making them. I recently made a fused clapton using 24g n80 core wrapped with 36g a1 kanthal...

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