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battery limits

  1. D

    Safe application of vtc6s instead of 5a in regulated mod?

    Hi all! First post, So I began building the other day ok n my aegis legend 200w. I have vtc5a as well as vtc6 batteries. I've found regardless of resistance, I run around 85- maybe 105 watts normally for ideal vapor and flavor in either a .15 ohm coil in a tank, or usually about .24 or .18 on...
  2. zdawk

    Why aren't we building within the limits?

    OK, so in the last couple days, I've learned a lot about building with in your limits in concern to mech mods, particularly tube mech mods. I guess I just don't understand why I see so many sub .2 ohm builds on tube mechs if its unsafe. Why not use a parallel mech mod to safely get down to .1...

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