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  1. I

    Looking for a Lipo mod

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a lipo powered box mod capable of around 150w. I can't seem to find anything that suits me other than paying £150+ for a DNA200 mod. I love the DNA200 chip, but after paying 120 for the Reuleaux DNA200, I don't really have the urge to get another expensive mod for a...
  2. Khaoticfury

    DNA power hungry?

    I am making an assumption that all DNAs (with same settings) have the same battery life.....i am assuming it is the chip that determines this. I just got an Efusion Duo DNA200, and am using 18650s. I was using a Sigelei 233w. It seems to me, using the same wattage (50w), that the Efusion is...
  3. Baddnewzz



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