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  1. askalade

    My first exotic coil

    Just started building today. Used to buy competition grade premade tri core claptons but wanted to try more exotic builds that are hard to come by were i live (netherlands) I ordered some wire that came in today. (26ga ni80, 36ga ni80, 22ga kanthal, 32ga ni80) It came at around 10 o clock in the...
  2. Enrocc

    FUSED CLAPTON SPECIALS! 21'+ quad core ss - $55, 10'+ tri-core ss - $25, 5'6" tri-core ni80 - $15!

    Hello! I love making wire and I do it well. Custom orders are welcome! Triple or quad core? Yeah!! Stainless steel? You got it!! I also make perfect coils to specs--diameter, ohms, clouds, flavor--you name it and name your price and I'll make it right now! Message me here or email me at...
  3. Chainvapor

    DAEDALUS - Easy Clapton Coils for Everyone!

    Hello all. I did not see a thread dedicated to this awesome creation so I decided to start one. If you build coils and you do not already have one, it is the best investment you can make. I have been making my own coils for a long time but never really had any luck with clapton coils. (I am...
  4. Falconvapes

    Staple Staggered fused Clapton HELP!

    OK I've been vaping a few months and mastered pretty much every type of coil I've tried to make with the exception of the staple staggered fused clapton, I can make the wire but as soon as it comes to wrapping it it simply will not bend around a bit at all!? I've come to the thinking that maybe...
  5. borderlinepro

    Clapton Jig Rig Overview (Easy Fused)

    Claptons, for me, got a lot easier with this thing. .............. I bought the jig from and got it in about 5 days ago. I've made about 50 ft of fused Clapton so far in those 5 days and pretty much every inch of it is flawless. I bought an extra clamp just in case the clips...
  6. K

    Titanium Ni200 Clapton

    So, I recently wanted to try making claptons with Titanium wire and was wondering has anyone tried build a titanium clapton with the titanium as the core and Ni200 as the outer? Does anyone know if this build would work?
  7. K

    just made a fused clapton

    Hey all, Im pretty new to the forum and this is my first post but I've been fiddling around here and there for about a year now. I've recently gotten into claptons and have been getting pretty decent at making them. I recently made a fused clapton using 24g n80 core wrapped with 36g a1 kanthal...

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