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  1. Hellacloudz

    Hellacloudz small beginnings

    Hi everyone my name is Scott, I been vaping for a yr or so so not very long amd have been running an online store for about 3 months now . I have got some friends who are really into it so I have three mechs that I love a Kennedy ruby, a purge back to basic v4 and a RCM katana. Even have a murlz...
  2. X

    Selling my collection

    Just lost interest. Bought a ton of shit. I'm getting rid of it all. Please contact me if interested. Here's pictures of what I have:
  3. Theboss

    Savour The Vapour

    I have to share this just to get it off of my chest. I went into a local vape shop today to buy some more wire. They were out of what I wanted so the guy suggested I buy one of their premade house coils until they get more of my preferred wire in. I asked what they ohm out at and the Fused...
  4. Juicy-j

    Mechanical mod build!

    So im kimda new to mechs...know my safety and all the "prerequisites" I been using a series and loved it, decided to get a timekeeper tube. He4es the questions.....i camt get a build that hits hard. No matt3r what type of build i throw down, i havr super slow ramp up and just "meh" hits....from...
  5. Four_Gamerz

    Four Battery Series

    In a parallel circuit your batteries will double amperage and mah, while your voltage stays the same, and in a series circuit your batteries will double voltage, while your amps and mah will stay the same. Ive done some research and cannot seem to figure out what the results of a four battery...
  6. crazydmnd

    Searching for replacement parts - F.U.F.D.A. by Ursimian (FOUND)

    So, this was the COOLEST mech ever, IMHO. The switch was just genius, especially for a time when most other switches were always getting stuck or the locking ring would get jammed, or etc... Anyway, I lost the spring for the 510 assembly, and though I found one site that seems to be selling...

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