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  1. W

    Old Vaper but new to forums

    Hi I'm not very familiar with forums online, but my kids tell me they are useful so here I am. I vape Real Tobacco flavors only so I'm not sure how many people on the forum are like me but I'll explore the forums. I don't need new hardware or new juice - the forum seems to be mostly hardware...
  2. Real Extract in Seattle

    New Cigar Blend in the works at Real Tobacco Extracts

    Every cigar leaf extraction leaves a little bit in the bottom of the extraction tanks. The exhausted tobacco leaves would be removed from the tank and a few ounces would always be found the next day. These small amounts are collected and blended together to form our "Mystery Cigar" extract...
  3. Real Extract in Seattle

    New leaf flavors from Real Tobacco Extracts

    New Real Tobacco Extracts Flavors Added New Ciggy Leaf Extracts New Fruit Tobacco Extracts New Cigar Leaf Extracts New Fruit Label Designs (upgraded) You can check 'em all out at the website: https://real-tobacco-extract.com/ VU20 Discount Code is OK!
  4. Real Extract in Seattle

    6 new tobacco flavors added August 2016

    Pure Kentucky Burley Leaf Burley tobacco is a light air-cured tobacco used primarily for cigarette production. It was the primary tobacco used in American cigs. The leaf is wonderfully fragrant with caramel and woody notes. Connecticut Broadleaf unlike Connecticut shade, is grown in full sun...
  5. Real Extract in Seattle

    Real Tobacco Extracts - May 2016 Update

    The Walnut and Maple are proving to be keepers. They are wonderful nuanced NET's. I am testing a Pecan spiked Red Virginia. It's good. I am thinking of adding it to the line. UK orders have been increasing in the last few months. Due to Professor Beard's reviews at UKvapers.org. He reviewed 16...
  6. smoothdraw

    Filtering your DIY NETs

    As NETs are usually so stinkin' expensive, I started doing my own using the crock pot extraction method. First filtering is done with a French Press, then I run it through a funnel with cotton packed at the tip, held inside by a mesh bound with a rubber band. Nothing really scientific, but it...

    Review: Goodejuice Wild Turkey Tobacco NET

    This is a review of Goodejuice's Wild Turkey Tobacco naturally extracted tobacco flavor ejuice. The juice I'm vaping is 12mg nicotine strength. I'm vaping out of a Kanger Subox Mini, .5 ohm coil (though the subox reads this one at .6), 16.5 watts. Let me begin by saying I have been vaping...

    Vaping for over a year, posting first time!

    Hello, My wife and I are converted smokers. I used to smoke around a pack a day, and then I switched to American Spirit roll-ups. We were still smoking a lot. We started vaping at the end of 2013, and we haven't looked back since! We started running Kangertech Evod pen vapes, but now we are...
  9. ej.exe

    Doodlebug's E-juice reviews

    Hey, I made a couple more for you guys to thank Doots & Doodlebug's E-juice. I won some of the Sweet Burley Extract juice, and I won some Banana Nut Bread and Doodle's Custard in a different contest, so here are reviews for all three of them! Sweet Burley Extract Doodle's Custard & Banana...
  10. Real Extract in Seattle

    New Cigar and Leaf varieties available December 1


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