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Mikhail Naumov

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Yeah 5mm coils are big but you have to remember the supreme plus deck is postless so you have more room over a deck with posts. Not saying they fit or they dont fit. I only put 3.5mm coils in my supreme plus. Just a thought...

Pics or it didn't happen.
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I dont have time to install them tonight, have to be at work at 0400, but Ill do it tomorrow. I really hate being called out like that. Seriously, this deck was made to hold up to 6mm coils. Just because you cant manage it dosent mean its not possible.. For now, here's my coils.

Heres a pic of a guy with 20G 5mm coils...



The postless deck makes it pretty easy for huge coils.


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I dont have time to install them tonight, have to be at work at 0400, but Ill do it tomorrow. I really hate being called out like that. Seriously, this deck was made to hold up to 6mm coils. Just because you cant manage it dosent mean its not possible.. For now, here's my coils.

Heres a pic of a guy with 20G 5mm coils...



The postless deck makes it pretty easy for huge coils.
Dont rise to it he Clearly cant be arsed researching him self
And can't figure out how to wick them either , when theres an easy way but that means him actually putting some effort into it , which is easier for people to just call others than learn them selfs

This Wicking method uses a quart of a cotton pad/ sheet an fits 5mm builds, no dry hits as it has been rolled gentle holds more juices than a normal roll an stops dry hits , but some cant be bothered learning they just like to piss against the wind then moan there wet

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Mikhail Naumov

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I dont have time to install them tonight, have to be at work at 0400, but Ill do it tomorrow. I really hate being called out like that. Seriously, this deck was made to hold up to 6mm coils. Just because you cant manage it dosent mean its not possible.. For now, here's my coils.

Heres a pic of a guy with 20G 5mm coils...



The postless deck makes it pretty easy for huge coils.

Those aren't 5mm 26x2 w/ 34ga fused claptons.

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Mikhail Naumov

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Good fucking vibes man.
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So whats the final word. Did we get the fused clapton 26x2 with 34g wraps 5mm id to fit the supreme plus or not. Im really curious....

Mikhail Naumov

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I feel like you could, but I think due to the massive width of such coils, they'd bow out to the sides and be sitting directly over the wick channels. Then it just seems like you couldn't get it wicked good. If you could even fit them.

I'm vaping 4.2mm 12 wrap 26 x 2 ga Ni80 w/ 36 ga K-A1 dual fused claptons in my new 41mm Voltrove RDTA and I'll tell you right now this bitch could fit some 7-8mm coils.


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Ask and you shall recieve... Claptoned 26gK with 34G Nichrome. doubled it up and fused it with 36g Nichrome. wrapped 5mm, 6 wraps. wicked with Koh Gen Doh, combed the tails and juiced with my DIY blue slushy.

The coils after torching and wrapping.

Hard to read, but they are right at .33

End on view... Think doubled barrell shot gun. For your lungs...


Trying to get a short vid of me hitting it uploaded, but Photobucket is being a pain.... Eventually I should get it posted.

Mikhail Naumov

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Imgur shit out on me this morning when I was posting a picture of my 41mm Voltrove RDTA, had to resort to TinyPic.


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No. not staggered. once mounted I have to grab the legs and pull down and out a bit so the legs dont pinch the bottom of the coils and creat hot spots. when I do that it kinda opens up the coils and makes it look like they are staggered or just messed up. Im going for the latter...


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lol photobucket, try imgur or anything else (screencast, youtube, etc) besides photobucket. it used to be the gold standard but not so anymore

Man, dont knock my Photobucket!! lol. Ive been using it for a bunch of years. Dont even want to think about using anything different... :)

Mikhail Naumov

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I just hate postless decks personally, at least smaller ones. I have no issues with the Hannya, but I find myself wishing for a velocity deck or a dual block deck every time I rebuild the Supreme Plus.

Mikhail Naumov

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You have to bend the coil legs a bit inward for the wider coils, that part was annoying at first for sure. Me personally, I loved the Supreme Plus when I got it.

Then I got a 40mm Mason Dumptank

Then I got a 41mm Voltrove RDTA

Now it's just kind of hard to go back to it.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I just hate postless decks personally, at least smaller ones. I have no issues with the Hannya, but I find myself wishing for a velocity deck or a dual block deck every time I rebuild the Supreme Plus.
Why hate postless?

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Mikhail Naumov

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Why hate postless?

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They just weren't made for wider, bigger coils. Can bigger, wider coils fit on a postless deck? Yes, but it requires a lot of fiddling and fucking about in most cases and it doesn't end up vaping as good as it would if it was on, say, a dual block deck or something. It always seems a bit cramped, and when coils are very close the heat condenses out onto the partner coil and muddles the vape. In my opinion, anyway.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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They just weren't made for wider, bigger coils. Can bigger, wider coils fit on a postless deck? Yes, but it requires a lot of fiddling and fucking about in most cases and it doesn't end up vaping as good as it would if it was on, say, a dual block deck or something. It always seems a bit cramped, and when coils are very close the heat condenses out onto the partner coil and muddles the vape. In my opinion, anyway.
Postless allows bigger coils then dual post or clamp since the posts don't take space. And allows more air to cool off bigger coils. The only downside is having to cut the leads the right size before installing. But every rta is better with a postless. I have a goon deck rda and the deck takes up too much space to make good builds in

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Ask and you shall recieve... Claptoned 26gK with 34G Nichrome. doubled it up and fused it with 36g Nichrome. wrapped 5mm, 6 wraps. wicked with Koh Gen Doh, combed the tails and juiced with my DIY blue slushy.

The coils after torching and wrapping.

Hard to read, but they are right at .33

End on view... Think doubled barrell shot gun. For your lungs...


Trying to get a short vid of me hitting it uploaded, but Photobucket is being a pain.... Eventually I should get it posted.
Well done sir. Looking good, i personally dont vape coils that big. The biggest i have gone is 4mm on my Sherman rta but thats because it requires bigger coils so you can use enough cotton to get it to not leak....


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Well done sir. Looking good, i personally dont vape coils that big. The biggest i have gone is 4mm on my Sherman rta but thats because it requires bigger coils so you can use enough cotton to get it to not leak....
I was wondering about enough airflow.


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Seems like mine kinda chokes the airflow with 3.5 coils.


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Seems like mine kinda chokes the airflow with 3.5 coils.
Your Sherman?? I have not had that problem with my Sherman with up to 4mm id. In my Supreme plus i run either 3 or 3.5. Usually 3s...

Mikhail Naumov

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Postless allows bigger coils then dual post or clamp since the posts don't take space. And allows more air to cool off bigger coils. The only downside is having to cut the leads the right size before installing. But every rta is better with a postless. I have a goon deck rda and the deck takes up too much space to make good builds in

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I personally disagree, I prefer posts and I imagine a lot of people do given that postless decks never really caught on heavily, but if you like them a lot then by all means use the hell out of them.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I personally disagree, I prefer posts and I imagine a lot of people do given that postless decks never really caught on heavily, but if you like them a lot then by all means use the hell out of them.
of course you are welcome to your preference but less metal on the deck means more room for coils. if you take identical set ups like say the modfather and aromamzier supreme, both have velocity 2 post and postless decks, you can fit bigger coils on the postless. for both attys i can get an extra .5-1mm ID easily out of the postless decks

doesn't mean they are better but it means they have more room

Mikhail Naumov

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of course you are welcome to your preference but less metal on the deck means more room for coils. if you take identical set ups like say the modfather and aromamzier supreme, both have velocity 2 post and postless decks, you can fit bigger coils on the postless. for both attys i can get an extra .5-1mm ID easily out of the postless decks

doesn't mean they are better but it means they have more room

There's something more raw and, original I guess, about building on block style decks and such. Takes me back to times even before the Velocity. I don't like postless decks because I find most of them to have the post holes positioned too closely together, as I build coils that don't fit in postless decks (10-14 wraps) if I can. You may be able to add diameter in a postless deck, but you can't really add wraps.

Sure you can make really long legs and bend them inward, but that's increasing resistance and then the coil ends up jetting out into the wicking zone and also can choke off the airflow. I just really don't like postless decks for this reason, I build coils far more massive than most at 3.5-5mm 10-14 wraps, fused claptons and such.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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There's something more raw and, original I guess, about building on block style decks and such. Takes me back to times even before the Velocity. I don't like postless decks because I find most of them to have the post holes positioned too closely together, as I build coils that don't fit in postless decks (10-14 wraps) if I can. You may be able to add diameter in a postless deck, but you can't really add wraps.

Sure you can make really long legs and bend them inward, but that's increasing resistance and then the coil ends up jetting out into the wicking zone and also can choke off the airflow. I just really don't like postless decks for this reason, I build coils far more massive than most at 3.5-5mm 10-14 wraps, fused claptons and such.
any metal chokes off air though. every wrap ever bit of cotton lowers airflow. so adding in metal from your deck just adds to it. the bigger the coils are the less air that can circulate.

flavor is all about the mixture of air and vapor production sometimes bigger isnt better. just depend son the chamber. and resistance doesn't really matter unless you use a mech.

not sure which one's you've used, but I've used the combo with postless, the AP, the modfather, and the supreme. 3 of those have velocity deck options. the combo has like 8 deck options. none of them perform as good without the postless IMO. of course you are entitled to yours as well. postless can be tricky to build on. the velocity is one of the easiest to build on for sure and i love that deck but IMO i'd take postless 1st, then velocity or clamp depending on the clamp systems

Mikhail Naumov

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any metal chokes off air though. every wrap ever bit of cotton lowers airflow. so adding in metal from your deck just adds to it. the bigger the coils are the less air that can circulate.

flavor is all about the mixture of air and vapor production sometimes bigger isnt better. just depend son the chamber. and resistance doesn't really matter unless you use a mech.

not sure which one's you've used, but I've used the combo with postless, the AP, the modfather, and the supreme. 3 of those have velocity deck options. the combo has like 8 deck options. none of them perform as good without the postless IMO. of course you are entitled to yours as well. postless can be
tricky to build on. the velocity is one of the easiest to build on for sure and i love that deck but IMO i'd take postless 1st, then velocity or clamp depending on the clamp systems

My most often used mod is a 4S PWM lipo mod that can fire up to 13V.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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My most often used mod is a 4S PWM lipo mod that can fire up to 13V.
thats cool and all but not sure where it's relevant. nobody builds to use that much stuff and no way you'd fit a 300+ watt build into a 24mm atty with a velocity deck. I never really vape over 175 and thats cause the TFv12. with my RTAs I'm usually well under 150. i mostly vape in the 70-100 watt range.

Mikhail Naumov

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thats cool and all but not sure where it's relevant. nobody builds to use that much stuff and no way you'd fit a 300+ watt build into a 24mm atty with a velocity deck. I never really vape over 175 and thats cause the TFv12. with my RTAs I'm usually well under 150. i mostly vape in the 70-100 watt range.

I've vaped 25mm RTA's at 500W. I don't even vape under 200W honestly. You have no idea how searingly hot I like my vape, and my builds don't work in postless decks. I don't vape like normal people, I don't own a mod that can't do at least 200W, I don't build coils that are vaped lower than 175-200W at the lowest.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I've vaped 25mm RTA's at 500W. I don't even vape under 200W honestly. You have no idea how searingly hot I like my vape, and my builds don't work in postless decks. I don't vape like normal people, I don't own a mod that can't do at least 200W, I don't build coils that are vaped lower than 175-200W at the lowest.
I'd like to see a vapeable build in a 25mm RTA with velocity deck at 500 watts then. Not saying your lying, just saying I want to see it

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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I've vaped 25mm RTA's at 500W. I don't even vape under 200W honestly. You have no idea how searingly hot I like my vape, and my builds don't work in postless decks. I don't vape like normal people, I don't own a mod that can't do at least 200W, I don't build coils that are vaped lower than 175-200W at the lowest.
not to be a dick, but i notice your sig says you own a sigelie 213 that means you do own a mod that doesn't do 200 watts ;)

Mikhail Naumov

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not to be a dick, but i notice your sig says you own a sigelie 213 that means you do own a mod that doesn't do 200 watts ;)

I said I do not own a mod that can not at least do 200 watts.

Look you like postless decks, fantastic. I don't, they're not good for my vaping style.

That's what he said earlier.

All talk man

Pics already exist, go over into the Voltrove thread I made and look at the 41mm sitting on an RX300 that's set to over 200W. Not to mention there's a difference between fitting massive coils in a tank and holding down a wattage up button, adjusting a potentiometer or building low, so if that's something you need proof over I don't know what to tell you.

I don't like postless decks, if that offends some of you, I'm genuinely not sorry. I probably vape at higher wattages than anybody else on this entire forum, I have builds on my 4S lipo unregulated box that break 1,500W. Granted those are 6.5mm coils sitting in a 40mm Mason with the massive ass airflow wide open, but it's very possible.

If you like postless decks, use them. I don't. I prefer parallel configuration block or velocity style decks with larger coils (4mm-7mm) that have a lot of wraps that push high wattages, .2-.4 is my common build range. Some people like series decks, some people like three post decks, that's the thing about vaping. People like different shit.



272.3 Watts, 9.90 Volts. I would go higher if this mod had a higher voltage cap.
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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I said I do not own a mod that can not at least do 200 watts.

Look you like postless decks, fantastic. I don't, they're not good for my vaping style.
I was just inferring to the sigelie 213 u own which doesn't actually do 200 watts. It tops out at about 150 watts. Sigelie lied about what it can output

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Mikhail Naumov

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I was just inferring to the sigelie 213 u own which doesn't actually do 200 watts. It tops out at about 150 watts. Sigelie lied about what it can output

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1. My boyfriend uses it.
2. It's the newer one with the rainbow screen, it can do a legit 200W (band pulsed) and it stresses the hell out of the batteries doing so, I've tested this myself on an O-scope.
3. I've never even once used it.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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1. My boyfriend uses it.
2. It's the newer one with the rainbow screen, it can do a legit 200W (band pulsed) and it stresses the hell out of the batteries doing so, I've tested this myself on an O-scope.
3. I've never even once used it.
I tested the plus myself. It doesn't do anything close. I'd call it at 150 watts. I've tested the same way for all the mods and that was the only one that had results way lower then advertised. My batteries never got stressed either but I test mostly with hb6 for my dual battery mods

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I'd like to see a vapeable build in a 25mm RTA with velocity deck at 500 watts then. Not saying your lying, just saying I want to see it

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Im gonna stir it a little bit here... Sorry man but I have to. And Im doing it in fun...

@Mikhail Naumov, He was asking to see one on a 25mm atty, not a voltrove 41mm... Just saying man... thats almost as bad as a guy that is talking about dual fused claptons and then posts a pic of a build of dual single round wire builds... :popcorn:

Mikhail Naumov

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I tested the plus myself. It doesn't do anything close. I'd call it at 150 watts. I've tested the same way for all the mods and that was the only one that had results way lower then advertised. My batteries never got stressed either but I test mostly with hb6 for my dual battery mods

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I'm an electrical engineer and I used equipment from work, the highest I got it was 204 on a pulse band on fully charged VTC3's, the batteries you use can effect how high it goes, but no cells I used tested out lower than 160. Dual 18650's can get 180W easily, it's 180W+ they struggle with. The worst it did were with red 3,000mah AWT's which are just B-Bin LG browns. It hit 178W on those.

Now the Fuchai 213 is a piece of shit that probably can't do more than 150W, but the newest one can hit right around 200W pulsed with fully charged cells that yield a low internal resistance. Like VTC3's. HB6's should work too oddly, but I don't own anymore to test with.

I also have no 25mm devices in my rotation right now, so pictures on that will have to wait. The last close thing I had, the VGod, was sold recently.

EDIT: Hooking it up to my scope at home, I can't break 181W with VTC3's, no idea what the fuck is going on there.

EDIT 2: I just tested it with the AWT's again.. 158W. I know the build is going to effect it, I know the atomizer will too, lots of variables, but never this much. I need to look into this more, I'm getting wildly inconsistent results.

I got the 213 + to 204W with a .14 Ni60 normal clapton dual coil build, using VTC3's at a full charge in a Mutation X V2 (yeah I know, it's old but I don't want to test shit in my nicer, used stuff) less than a week ago, now I can't even get them over like 180. Anyone thinking about this mod, hold off. This is sketchy in a bad way.
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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I'm an electrical engineer and I used equipment from work, the highest I got it was 204 on a pulse band on fully charged VTC3's, the batteries you use can effect how high it goes, but no cells I used tested out lower than 160. Dual 18650's can get 180W easily, it's 180W+ they struggle with. The worst it did were with red 3,000mah AWT's which are just B-Bin LG browns. It hit 178W on those.

Now the Fuchai 213 is a piece of shit that probably can't do more than 150W, but the newest one can hit right around 200W pulsed with fully charged cells that yield a low internal resistance. Like VTC3's. HB6's should work too oddly, but I don't own anymore to test with.

I also have no 25mm devices in my rotation right now, so pictures on that will have to wait. The last close thing I had, the VGod, was sold recently.
It's the same chip with a different screen. Your basically saying myself and djlsb are both wrong. That's a hard pill to swallow.

A .25 second pulse reading is pretty useless for normal vaping. Hence the reason you'll see the tech reviewers like myself disregard the info.

My comment was just said in jest. I found it funny you said u don't own a mod that does less then 200 when u kinda do. Not a big deal but u seen hell bent on trying to say everyone is always wrong but that's cool as long as your happy with your vape do what you do.

Still haven't seen your 300 watt build in a 25mm RTA velocity deck though

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Mikhail Naumov

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It's the same chip with a different screen. Your basically saying myself and djlsb are both wrong. That's a hard pill to swallow.

A .25 second pulse reading is pretty useless for normal vaping. Hence the reason you'll see the tech reviewers like myself disregard the info.

My comment was just said in jest. I found it funny you said u don't own a mod that does less then 200 when u kinda do. Not a big deal but u seen hell bent on trying to say everyone is always wrong but that's cool as long as your happy with your vape do what you do.

Still haven't seen your 300 watt build in a 25mm RTA velocity deck though

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Read my edits, also, it's not the same board. There's minor adjustments to the software and the Fuchai 213 has an entirely different board.

If you don't believe a 25mm can be vaped at 300 watts, you don't know how to vape. Sorry. You can go find videos on Youtube of people hitting 22mm shit on 3S boxes at over 1,000W.

You saying it can't hit over 150 watts is high bullshit, because despite the regulation in these mods they're obviously still limited by the batteries. You saying it can't do over 150 watts is you saying two 18650's in series can't hit over 150 watts at a safe amp limit (battery dependent) which is false. Now, the board can cause fuck shit, which seems to be the case, either that or my scope is fucked. I also know boost/buck and the type of current applied is a factor as well, but ANY dual 18650 mod can hit over 150W provided the board isn't directly preventing it from doing so. 200W is a different story, most regulated mods can't do this, and the few that can either do it by unsafely discharging the cells or by pulsing the current.

That's electronics law. I don't care what you or anyone else says.
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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Read my edits, also, it's not the same board. There's minor adjustments to the software and the Fuchai 213 has an entirely different board.

If you don't believe a 25mm can be vaped at 300 watts, you don't know how to vape. Sorry.
I didn't say i don't believe it. I said since you claimed you do it I wanted to see the build which clearly you can't produce.

Also I'm a flavor guy not a clouds bro so I have no interest in vaping 300 watts. There is no wrong way to vape so lol at that comment.

Coming here saying if you don't vape at 300 watts then you don't know how to vape isn't gonna win you any creditability. 98% of people here aren't vaping close to that wattage so I guess nobody on the forum knows how to vape according to you ;)

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Mikhail Naumov

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I'm calling bullshit on every bit of it.
But it has been entertaining.

The first thing that comes up when you google 1,000W vape is a 3,000W mod video and you call bullshit.

As I said, I'll leave you to your circlejerk.

By the way, lipo batteries can break 500A without sweating, not that I'd expect you to know. I know it's a bit hard to KNOW things. Yet 1,000W vaping is just lunacy to you.. LOL

Here's one of my MULTIPLE lipo mods, since you don't seem to think these unicorns exist: I know the hot glue made it fugly but it was all I had at the time to hold shit in place with, this box is older than dirt.


Also look at the guide I made several months ago in this very forum, it may not prove my profession but it proves that I know more about electronics than half the people spewing incomprehensible dribble on these forums.

But by all means, you keep calling bullshit.
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