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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This one really seems like it needs to be listened to in conjunction with a song called Midnight to Vice, otherwise it just cuts off unexpectedly. I think I've linked it in a way that will allow the next song to start right after this one ends in case you want to hear it flow together.

Port Street Strut - The Bridge City Sinners

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This one really seems like it needs to be listened to in conjunction with a song called Midnight to Vice, otherwise it just cuts off unexpectedly. I think I've linked it in a way that will allow the next song to start right after this one ends in case you want to hear it flow together.

Port Street Strut - The Bridge City Sinners

That worked seamlessly the way you linked it. I wouldn't have known you could do that.

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