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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ya know honestly I try to get along with everyone but....
Havin a problem with my newer neighbor, he's a moron, he had someone cut a bunch of bushes and saplings down and piled them along the fence a week ago, I kinda thought that he had the intentions of burnin it but couldn't believe anyone would be so stupid cause of where he's had it piled and we are under a no burn order :rolleyes: . Sure enough he fires it up, melted the cover on his BBQ grill to the grill, he's lucky, it's propane and didn't explode. Fire went right up to his house and I thought it would melt the siding but somehow didn't, flames were 10 feet high:facepalm:.
After it was over I seen he burnt the full side off one of my evergreens:mad:, now that side is everbrown. So when it really got roaring he freaked out and ran inside. He hasn't been out since.
What a duffis

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ya know honestly I try to get along with everyone but....
Havin a problem with my newer neighbor, he's a moron, he had someone cut a bunch of bushes and saplings down and piled them along the fence a week ago, I kinda thought that he had the intentions of burnin it but couldn't believe anyone would be so stupid cause of where he's had it piled and we are under a no burn order :rolleyes: . Sure enough he fires it up, melted the cover on his BBQ grill to the grill, he's lucky, it's propane and didn't explode. Fire went right up to his house and I thought it would melt the siding but somehow didn't, flames were 10 feet high:facepalm:.
After it was over I seen he burnt the full side off one of my evergreens:mad:, now that side is everbrown. So when it really got roaring he freaked out and ran inside. He hasn't been out since.
What a duffis

Jimi my gosh.

No matter how much you like to live and let live, I think you have to report him to the fire department. Some people have a little psychopathic thing about fire. You may be in danger. At least report it. They'll let you do that anonymously, and as you said, you're under a no burn order.

I'm so sorry he ruined your tree. We need all the beautiful trees we can get in our lives.
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SnapDragon NY

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Jimi my gosh. Has he lived there a long time?

No matter how much you like to live and let live, I think you have to report him to the fire department. Some people have a little psychopathic thing about fire. You may be in danger. At least report it. They'll let you do that anonymously, and as you said, you're under a no burn order.

I'm so sorry he ruined your tree. We need all the beautiful trees we can get in our lives.
I agree- Jimi should have called the Fire Department, I would have if that was my neighbor. So dangerous !

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