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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
May be an image of amphibian and text


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thank you my friend :hug: . Well if it's cov id then I'll just ride it out. Jean's sister is still sick, it's a nasty germ/virus.
I woke up with raw throat, head ache and just feelin bad all over, it got worse by the minute. I thought maybe some veg soup might make me feel better but nothing stays down gonna try again in a bit. I just wanted everyone to know I am ok just sicker than a dog. I hit the herbs about mid day and feelin a wee bit better, night are always the worse though.
oh bubba get better and get tested it's better to know what you're dealing with than to stumble around in the dark.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I am really careful, wash hands about 1000 x a day, stay away from sick people but every year Jean's, my wife's, sister get it every year and don't have the sense to stay at home, usually brings it here to share with me, usually I am the one to get it from her but this time Jean did and I knew my days were numbered


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
oh bubba get better and get tested it's better to know what you're dealing with than to stumble around in the dark.

Nope they ain't gonna stuff anything up my nose
I eat lots of herbs and and do things to improve my immune system every day (natural stuff) and it shows because the wifey doesn't but after seein that I don't have it nearly as bad as her, she has it in the lungs too and that worries me. She also is stubborn as a mule about goin to doc/ givin her double doses. I also do Pine shots and she almost tried one, not the most pleasant taste but ancient medicine and jam packed with vit.C.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nope they ain't gonna stuff anything up my nose
I eat lots of herbs and and do things to improve my immune system every day (natural stuff) and it shows because the wifey doesn't but after seein that I don't have it nearly as bad as her, she has it in the lungs too and that worries me. She also is stubborn as a mule about goin to doc/ givin her double doses. I also do Pine shots and she almost tried one, not the most pleasant taste but ancient medicine and jam packed with vit.C.
the test doesn't hurt it feels weird as all get out. now i know how woodpeckers must feel.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sounds like you've had experience with this ?

Sweet wormwood was used as a natural medicine for eons, for a variety of ailments, and with all the time he spends on research, Jimi knows this..

Sweet wormwood is strong, to be sure. It was the basis of absinthe, which was a homemade booze in many parts of the world, and became a commercial success until it was banned. Then it was un-banned and for the last few years you can once again buy real absinthe.

Many comparisons have been made of the effects of sweet wormwood to those of Ivermectin. These can easily be found online, using any search engine. Here's just one:

There are those who will never believe in natural cures, and that's up to them. Most pharmaceuticals are petroleum based molecular copies of the natural cures that stood people in good stead for thousands of years. Wormwood tinctures and brews are found in many ancient herbal reference books.

Wormwood grows easily, like a weed, so it's also a cheap cure.
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SnapDragon NY

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If it get's real bad but it would haveta be severe
I don't think a Dr office would see you if they think you have Covid. I believe there are free test kits thru the government, they may still be offering them? Not much you can do if it is Covid except what you are doing now. Even some flu's can be serious this time of year.

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