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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good after, nope evening Family :wave:
Feeling a little off today, :eek:
Hope everyone is having a great day :)
I eoo hope Gopher gets home safe;)
Hate to see him haveta travel with this Virus:(


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I haveta say it again, "This is one of the best ways to naturally fight most cancers IMHO>"

Hi Jimi,
We spend tens of billions of dollars every year fighting cancer. But did you know that some of the best anticancer resources in the world don’t cost a cent?
My friend, Food Revolution Summit speaker (and 16-year holistic cancer survivor), Chris Wark, has published an invaluable guide called “10 Powerful Free Therapies to Help Heal and Prevent Cancer.”
...and naturally, he decided to give it away for free. :)
>> Get your copy right here.
This free therapies guide contains evidence-based strategies to help you detoxify, boost your immune system, nourish your cells, accelerate healing, and protect you against disease. These therapies cost you nothing and have no harmful side effects. And they aren’t only for cancer patients because the same principles that help your body fight cancer can also help to prevent it.
>> Get your copy of the Free Therapies Guide here
Yours for solutions that work,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. While you’re there, watch the 3-minute video about Chris’ story and the SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program he’s about to release online. It’s an extraordinary resource. And did I mention that it’s free, too? But only for a limited time. Click here to get it all now.


Cranky Old Fart
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Wow, y'all went nucking futs this week. 4 pages to catch up on!

Hope your biopsy goes well @SnapDragon NY! I wish I could have some of your cheesecake!

Glad your back is letting you stay online @Jimi, too bad about the freaking doctors not letting folks not know about the Wuhan Flu.
17 Surprising Causes of Disrupted Sleep (Plus: How to Fix Each)

Don't Let These Sneaky Things Disrupt Your Sleep
We've got simple fixes for every sleep problem.
you're on the wrong page @Jimi!


Cranky Old Fart
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Hey Jimi,

Join us on LIVE on Tuesday

I was once asked the question when in France in the most beautiful French accent - "You are from Ireland? You have a bomb?" Not a lot of subtlety there. ?

When making a documentary on water last year, I came across Hydrogen Water.

It's been used in Japan as a medical device for decades, but we have been slow to catch on in the West.

But when I saw experts like Robert Scott Bell, Dr Daryl Gioffre, Ty Bollinger, Dr Joe Mercola and many many more were all using Hydrogen Water, I really started to investigate.

Basically, what I found was a little shocking to me. It was as if there was an underground club that knew of all these benefits, but it wasn't making the news.

I have put together a webinar for this Tuesday explaining everything. I will interview an MD and show you a couple of eye-opening clips about the value of Hydrogen. Joe Mercola called it, "The most profoundly effective anti-oxidant on the planet". I'll also be joined by Paul Barattiero who invented the Synergy Science Hydrogen Water machines. AND both Paul and I will hang around after and answer your questions about all things Hydrogen.

You may have heard my own story of how much Hydrogen Water has helped me in recent months. Well, this is your chance to find out exactly how - and why.

I've noticed the hydrogen helping me particularly with my energy and my mood. What I did NOT realize was just how MANY things it actually helps with. Things like diabetes, dementia, gut issues is a big one, the list goes on and on. The machines are in all the top cancer clinics now as well, and it all makes total sense when you hear it explained in detail - as you will on Tuesday. Over 750 people are already signed up!

This is the LINK to sign up for Tuesday's webinar.

Please try to join us if you can. If you can't make it LIVE on Tuesday we will send you a link to the replay. But joining us LIVE is better for a lot of reasons - mainly the Q&A. But also the spot prizes.?

One of the advantages of being on our mailing list is that we often do great deals with suppliers for health products - and this one's no exception. Join us on Tuesday for BY FAR the lowest price point you have ever been able to get one of these machines anywhere in the world.

So join us - it's a really fun atmosphere, and I know you'll learn a lot.

We'd love to have you there.

Speak soon
Still posting on the wrong page, should be over in your daily health articles thread bro.

SnapDragon NY

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Wow, y'all went nucking futs this week. 4 pages to catch up on!

Hope your biopsy goes well @SnapDragon NY! I wish I could have some of your cheesecake!

Glad your back is letting you stay online @Jimi, too bad about the freaking doctors not letting folks not know about the Wuhan Flu.

you're on the wrong page @Jimi!

Glad to see you back at the MG @gopher_byrd - yes we have been busy putting up some great songs!
Biopsy, no biopsy for me. I wish I could send you a piece of my cheesecake, really came out great, one of my favorite desserts.

SnapDragon NY

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Do you remember this one Snap
Mr Lonely

Of course I remember this oldie Jimi- I listened to all kinds of music growing up, the radio was always on in the kitchen 24/7, my mom loved music, American Bandstand always had great music- metal and hair bands are my favorites.

SnapDragon NY

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All right back to the good ol' ninja days! But it still worked!!!

No rap for me either and not much for country.
Hey I have a new computer now- I'm much faster now-
You have good taste in music too gopher!
Yes that ninja worked fine my friend!

SnapDragon NY

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I listened to the Ozzy's Boneyard channel on Sirius/XM all week. I can get into some metal and hair.
Ozzy changed everything!
There is an Ozzy Biography on Monday Sept 7 at 9PM on A&E
I also watch on the Travel channel Sunday night at 10 pm I Want To Believe with Ozzy,Sharon and Jack watching paranormal videos- very funny!

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