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Diamond Contributor
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one of the largest Nanny States in the country
All this because of the kids, to stop another generation of smokers

I understand that smoking is a health risk and folks are trying to stop others facing that. Still it brings to mind the Hitler youth army, then so does indoctrination of children into most organized religions. Never mind me, though. I'm just some whack psychology fails on because he knows it's manure.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My god, I hardly know where to post this, so I'm putting it here and in Jimi's daily health thread.

I heard this morning that Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, many times stronger than morphine or her0in, has been flooding into this country the last few years. What I didn't know is that it's being used to lace street products of all kinds, some of which of course I'm prohibited from mentioning in this forum, but today I learned it is used to lace vape products sold at street level, which really means the guy selling things off the record in bars, nightclubs, at races, flea markets, public events and so forth.

Fentanyl is not only terribly addictive, but is deadly in small amounts, and what happens is that people who overdose and go to the emergency room risk being ventilated, which means being killed.

Many of us have done a fair amount of addressing peoples concerns about our vapes, and promotion of vaping to others who are trying to quit cigarettes. Now it is very important to tell people what should be obvious, don't buy vape gear, liquids, disposables, or anything vape related, anywhere but in real brick & mortar vape shops or from reputable online sellers.

Gawd, it's always something.
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Silver Contributor
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Really, fentanyl vapes?

Maybe they can go concentrate on that for a while

Btw, i have no idea about whats going on, but educated guess, the ppl buying it are buying it because they know its laced.

Edit-just knowing a little how drugs work, vaping fetanyl will o.d. u immediately, absolutely

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Really, fentanyl vapes?

Maybe they can go concentrate on that for a while

Btw, i have no idea about whats going on, but educated guess, the ppl buying it are buying it because they know its laced.
Or under age. And I don't know how "street" prices compare to legit sources, but local taxes on vapes are very high in some places.

I believe it is of serious importance that we warn people, when we are talking about vaping.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This post from CASAA comes right to the point in saying that big tobacco is not the enemy of vaping. They point out that big tobacco is fully invested in vaping products, while doing a poor job of promoting them at the retail level, where they have contracts with massive national chains of grocery and convenience stores, and drugstores like Walgreen and so forth. For example, instead of having multiple rows of Marlboro behind every counter, they could be filling some of those slots with vapor products.

Further, CASAA points out that big tobacco is equally under fire for offering vape products, from the ANTZ, and therefore from our Congress, about allegedly creating products meant to addict children and hurt people.

They point out that big tobacco piggy-packed its success on the vaping community, us, not the other way around. They invested in vaping because of our success in quitting cigarettes, writing joyfully about it in the forums, having fun creating flavors, having meet-ups and conventions, starting many, many YouTube channels and blogs dedicated to vaping and product reviews.

I would add to what they said, the pharmaceutical industry is still a stealthy enemy of vaping, but I agree with them that big tobacco no longer has any reason to see vaping as a threat to its profits.
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I assume thats done on purpose to not be as noticeable for a vaper when not carding for it, but also to a current smoker as one of those nonsense purchases they put in the way of getting your cigs that u literally tune out most of the time

Im on the cynical side tho


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Member For 4 Years
Have all y'all seen this? Might be positive news, tho' can't say I'm optimistic.


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have all y'all seen this? Might be positive news, tho' can't say I'm optimistic.

It makes me hopeful too, but like you, I find it difficult to be optimistic. There always are good people doing real science, and then someone with power and financial interests will come along wagging a finger, no no no, can't let people know that, shut up about it, retract or lose your grant.


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My god, I hardly know where to post this, so I'm putting it here and in Jimi's daily health thread.

I heard this morning that Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, many times stronger than morphine or her0in, has been flooding into this country the last few years. What I didn't know is that it's being used to lace street products of all kinds, some of which of course I'm prohibited from mentioning in this forum, but today I learned it is used to lace vape products sold at street level, which really means the guy selling things off the record in bars, nightclubs, at races, flea markets, public events and so forth.

Fentanyl is not only terribly addictive, but is deadly in small amounts, and what happens is that people who overdose and go to the emergency room risk being ventilated, which means being killed.

Many of us have done a fair amount of addressing peoples concerns about our vapes, and promotion of vaping to others who are trying to quit cigarettes. Now it is very important to tell people what should be obvious, don't buy vape gear, liquids, disposables, or anything vape related, anywhere but in real brick & mortar vape shops or from reputable online sellers.

Gawd, it's always something.

This crossed my mind today and it occured to me that in some areas fentanyl might be easier to get than nicotine, unfortunately, and using a drop to mimick nicotine That would be pretty insidious, but thats what prohibition gets you i guess.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This crossed my mind today and it occured to me that in some areas fentanyl might be easier to get than nicotine, unfortunately, and using a drop to mimick nicotine That would be pretty insidious, but thats what prohibition gets you i guess.
If you could die from government hypocrisy I'd be dead. Wasn't there a program to give free needles to addicts in California, so they wouldn't get hepatitis while killing themselves on controlled substances?

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I really wish, after the live stream has completed, they would edit off the chit chat at the front while they're waiting for people to tune in. Anyway, CASAA coaches on debunking bad vaping mythology:


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hawaii watch out. House bill proposed, to subject vape products to the state's 70 percent tobacco tax.


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This ban effort started in 2020 or 21, finally went through the last legislative stage, and has been passed:

There is a theory that I believe is plausible, that tensions between mainland China and Taiwan are behind this. The truth is, if you're going to get vaping equipment, it's coming from China. You can invent it and create it, and someone is going to send it to China to be cloned so it can be sold at predatory prices that will wipe out your honest product of your own genius. It has happened with many a mod. The clone is often not clearly labeled as "clone" or "cheap knockoff", which ought to be required. That isn't to say there isn't high quality stuff made in China.

Maybe it's a good thing that vaping is being wiped out by the Chinese government, so we can once again manufacture it, though the prices will be higher, and our own hateful government will continue to wipe it out here too, because they hate us, want us to smoke cigarettes and die.


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Has anybody else heard that FDA is planning to ban menthol cigarettes?

I know most of the forum doesn't smoke. What it comes down to is whether or not menthol vapers need to begin hoarding yet another thing.

I'd about convinced myself we wouldn't lose vaping in the US, but it really seems to me like we're in a scene in the Orwell novel "1984", in which Winston is told by his overseer "we're going to end pleasure".

In Turkey you can get vape liquids but the sale of vaping equipment there is banned. In Denmark you can buy a max 10 ml. bottle of liquid at max 20 mg/ml. Vaping is illegal in Thailand. Utah limits nic concentrations sold in the state to 24 mg in bottles, 36 mg in closed systems (pods, cartridges).

The alert is only in case our menthol people want to start hoarding menthol flavoring in addition to everything else. I posted this in the other forum too.
yes. over her in australia they are saying that kide can hide their breath from parents with menthol!!! what a load of crap


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Thinking on this quagmire a fair bit. I was also looking over some open source software stuff today. There is a growing movement to clean up the web. There's also a peaceful movement against Google, git. This movement has seen that "Big Brother" is becoming manifest using products designed for the haves. Big Brother types demand all your data, privacy. That and your attention become the product and currency you trade for free services.

All of this is nothing really new. What is new to me at least is some independent source went and figured out how many users in the U.S. it would take to cripple Google. That number is 12 million. All those 12 million need to do is stop using Google services and stay off of them. There is help in the movement to lead folks to alternatives, mainly open source, free and free. The alternatives are respectful of your privacy and data, are ethical.

"Alright, MagicMist, how does this correlate to vaping?"

Glad you asked because it is simple enough. We follow an example. We get 12 million off tobacco, staying off it. Not only that, but we got vaping as an alternate. We need to find means to recycle batteries especially, and other materials from vaping. Our objective is to make vaping ethical and beyond reproach.

In the U.S. then, we might save vaping. After that we go after the world one country/nation/state at a time. Find the tipping point number, achieve it, get ethical and hold fast. If we take away their revenue, they also lose capital. No capital means in a way defunding them. Without money, profit, they'll ultimately fold in loss.

This strategy is based upon Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Corporations have now been ruled as legally living creatures. Profit in the form of revenue offers food to a corporation, in a manner of speaking. The corporation can continue living, growing if it eats. Starve the corporation and it will die.

Here's our ballot and "ammo".

View attachment 199572

We vote as consumers to keep Big Tobacco going. Take away our consumption of Big Tobacco's product, Big Tobacco loses our dollars. Without dollars Big Tobacco cannot pay workers, bills, legal fees and so on. Yep, hit 'em in the pocket book or wallet.

All the "Bigs" have created this "system" to protect themselves. It falls apart though when you use that same system to send them the message you're no longer playing their "game". You can use the very system the Bigs created to hang them. Why do you think lawyers all wear ties? It's their handy noose.

And no, I'm not threatening physical violence, or any violence. What I am suggesting is take a look at the "system" in place, read, research a bit. When in doubt, ask, "who benefits," and "follow the money." A peaceful means to a peaceful end is to be had. Make their rules apply.

A scene in the first episode of Firefly also reminded me of something.

Mal: "The wheel keeps on turning, Badger."

Badger: "Only matters to them what is on the outer edge."

Badger was in error. He was because without the outer edge the spokes fall off. No spokes, you get left with an axle. Axles will drag along and eventually get busted up. You'll be left to carrying by hand. Convenience has become a need. Without it, corporations do not function. Life becomes more difficult.

It all comes to needs. In case unclear, ...

View attachment 199573
they also say that the government in califionia buy shares every year in tobacco companies as the get good dividends so that is why they are pushing against vapes as they lose money when cancer stick profits go down.


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kristin on the other forum posted this.

Oh really?

I'm so sick of flawed, weak, unscientific studies.
I especially love how they made sure to add in a few debunked studies to make it seem like 'the evidence is mounting'
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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Flavor ban coming to Maryland.

It's enough to make you hope this economy does collapse, so these political parasites can stop getting paychecks funded by the taxpayers they are trying to mess with.


Silver Contributor
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Flavor ban coming to Maryland.

It's enough to make you hope this economy does collapse, so these political parasites can stop getting paychecks funded by the taxpayers they are trying to mess with.
I dunno, but if the whole republican party decided to make a scene and just not attend the state of the union address...thats pretty much the state of the union


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Flavor ban coming to Maryland.

It's enough to make you hope this economy does collapse, so these political parasites can stop getting paychecks funded by the taxpayers they are trying to mess with.
try to buy a house next to a politician, put a vegie patch against the dividing fence, get him to come to the fence for a chat, all the crap from his mouth will drop onto your vegies and feed them.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Maybe so. From what I gather he tried doing something which ought not been tempted. No, it had nothing to do with unity as you posit. It was something else completely different. Have dabbled at it a bit myself. Know from having done, no, it ought not be tempted. Suffice it to say you as a child do not reach for a grandparent's books upon the high shelf.

Hey there MMM. I saw a podcast this morning that made me have to hunt down this conversation we had, to add an update. The podcast was from an anthropologist, who talked a little bit about the Baphomet figure, and a little bit about Aleister Crowley, though neither of those was the subject of the program. He noted that Crowley sometimes signed his writings as Baphomet, and that Crowley once said "the devil is the god of any people that one does not like". I have long believed that to be true.

The well known Baphomet figure only goes back to the 19th century, drawn by French writer Eliphas Levi.


The image contains the Latin words for "form" and "dissolve". It has physical elements of both genders, elements of the human and the beast, drawn symbols of opposites and balance, and the arm positions to represent "as above, so below". Most who look at it see it as demonic, but again, back to the "god of others is the devil". But before Crowley and/or Eliphas Levi, there actually were ancient writings and art that represented the ever present issues (well, people considered them "issues" anyway) of bi- and homosexuality, gender confusion/duality, gender blending-bending-transition, and other non-predominant forms of sexuality.

I'll hold onto my opinion that Crowley was wiser than people realize, who are not familiar with his stuff, who are dabblers, and who have read of it only from Crowley's critics.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
try to buy a house next to a politician, put a vegie patch against the dividing fence, get him to come to the fence for a chat, all the crap from his mouth will drop onto your vegies and feed them.

Q: What do you call a bad lawyer?
A: Senator.

Q: How are politicians like diapers?
A: They both need to be changed regularly, and for the same reason.

Q: Why do thieves never target politicians’ homes?
A: Professional courtesy.

Q: Why isn’t the government displaying a Nativity scene this Christmas?
A: They can’t find three wise men.

Politicians can find an excuse to get out of anything … except office.

Man was arrested for impersonating a politician … Was sitting in his office doing nothing.


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Reddit Exile
Hey there MMM. I saw a podcast this morning that made me have to hunt down this conversation we had, to add an update. The podcast was from an anthropologist, who talked a little bit about the Baphomet figure, and a little bit about Aleister Crowley, though neither of those was the subject of the program. He noted that Crowley sometimes signed his writings as Baphomet, and that Crowley once said "the devil is the god of any people that one does not like". I have long believed that to be true.

The well known Baphomet figure only goes back to the 19th century, drawn by French writer Eliphas Levi.

View attachment 202072

The image contains the Latin words for "form" and "dissolve". It has physical elements of both genders, elements of the human and the beast, drawn symbols of opposites and balance, and the arm positions to represent "as above, so below". Most who look at it see it as demonic, but again, back to the "god of others is the devil". But before Crowley and/or Eliphas Levi, there actually were ancient writings and art that represented the ever present issues (well, people considered them "issues" anyway) of bi- and homosexuality, gender confusion/duality, gender blending-bending-transition, and other non-predominant forms of sexuality.

I'll hold onto my opinion that Crowley was wiser than people realize, who are not familiar with his stuff, who are dabblers, and who have read of it only from Crowley's critics.
crowley was indeed very wise and to my mind he was a realistic thinker, i feel the people who believe in god, must also believe in Satan. its the people that only believe in the bad that are the danger. a closed mind is a very dangerous weapon. only the losers get the stick, as in say hitler, yes he went loopy but people dont care that he brought in soup kitchens, shot drug dealers on the spot, burned dome food shops that sold goods at rip off prices etc, all of our good guys who won the was did not do nasty things at all. you dont see the full story in life, you only see what you want to. edgar alan poe was like that, i love his writings but if you read some of his writings and not just the raven, you will understand what i am thinking as in "my love she sleeps
how deep she sleeps
may the worms in her brain
slowly creep."

we are all dangerous in some ways as we are also hypocrites.


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Q: What do you call a bad lawyer?
A: Senator.

Q: How are politicians like diapers?
A: They both need to be changed regularly, and for the same reason.

Q: Why do thieves never target politicians’ homes?
A: Professional courtesy.

Q: Why isn’t the government displaying a Nativity scene this Christmas?
A: They can’t find three wise men.

Politicians can find an excuse to get out of anything … except office.

Man was arrested for impersonating a politician … Was sitting in his office doing nothing.
a politician is someone who would give stevie wonder a cheese grater and tell him its a braille book.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
crowley was indeed very wise and to my mind he was a realistic thinker, i feel the people who believe in god, must also believe in Satan. its the people that only believe in the bad that are the danger. a closed mind is a very dangerous weapon. only the losers get the stick, as in say hitler, yes he went loopy but people dont care that he brought in soup kitchens, shot drug dealers on the spot, burned dome food shops that sold goods at rip off prices etc, all of our good guys who won the was did not do nasty things at all. you dont see the full story in life, you only see what you want to. edgar alan poe was like that, i love his writings but if you read some of his writings and not just the raven, you will understand what i am thinking as in "my love she sleeps
how deep she sleeps
may the worms in her brain
slowly creep."

we are all dangerous in some ways as we are also hypocrites.

You know, I knew satanists when I lived in Dallas, the followers of Anton LaVey. That group was an out-cropping of certain kinds of music, and Dallas had a vibrant live music scene at the time. I never attended any of their sabbaths. Of the ones I knew, none of them wanted to do evil or hurt anybody specifically, but they walked along a certain edge when it came to ironic forms of justice. They believed satanism was about freedom from the constraints and hypocrisy of Christianity, while acknowledging there would be no satan/devil without the Judeo-Christian tradition. There are other traditions too, with which I'm less familiar. Luciferianism has long been a serious movement in France, about which I only know they believe that no entity with a name meaning "bringer of light" would be evil.

Anyway, I'm also familiar with the rehabilitation movement around the life of Adolph Hitler. I can't touch it, when, in the end, he did order dissidents, writers, poets, songwriters, musicians, entertainers, gypsies and jews into the camps, fooling them into thinking they were going to the camps to be protected, given food and work, but were often worked to death after being separated from their families and robbed of everything they owned.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Hey there MMM. I saw a podcast this morning that made me have to hunt down this conversation we had, to add an update. The podcast was from an anthropologist, who talked a little bit about the Baphomet figure, and a little bit about Aleister Crowley, though neither of those was the subject of the program. He noted that Crowley sometimes signed his writings as Baphomet, and that Crowley once said "the devil is the god of any people that one does not like". I have long believed that to be true.

The well known Baphomet figure only goes back to the 19th century, drawn by French writer Eliphas Levi.

View attachment 202072

The image contains the Latin words for "form" and "dissolve". It has physical elements of both genders, elements of the human and the beast, drawn symbols of opposites and balance, and the arm positions to represent "as above, so below". Most who look at it see it as demonic, but again, back to the "god of others is the devil". But before Crowley and/or Eliphas Levi, there actually were ancient writings and art that represented the ever present issues (well, people considered them "issues" anyway) of bi- and homosexuality, gender confusion/duality, gender blending-bending-transition, and other non-predominant forms of sexuality.

I'll hold onto my opinion that Crowley was wiser than people realize, who are not familiar with his stuff, who are dabblers, and who have read of it only from Crowley's critics.

You also find the symbol of Aleph in the Magician card of Tarot decks. Aleph also posits "so above, so below". This idea or "form" if you draw from Plato, suggests that we are the microcosm, the rest the macrosm. Science has proven matter is made from atoms. I never trust atoms, ... they make stuff up. :) All in macrosm and microsm come from the same basic building materials. So yes, the reality is one mirrors the other, ... "so above, so below".

I find a bit interesting there is always "polarity". You can draw it, light & dark, hot & cold, day & night, thesis & antithesis, good & evil, masculine & feminine and on and on. We are energy just the same as light, sound. Yes, we're somehow tethered to mas. Einstien explained the trick yet not completely, only that mass converted to energy and by extension then energy to mass. Energy is never created nor destroyed.

As to sexuality, I've lived as a bisexual man if not all my life as much of it as I can recall. In the third grade I had a boyfriend & girlfriend. Teachers let it be, defusing any conflict or drama, "kids grow out of things." My bf & gf did, I didn't. I'm the neutral of polarity. I'm not off nor on, not really so much masculine in my heart of hearts, yet seemingly ravenous masculine otherwise. It's all interesting to me in a very broad sense. To me though life is simply balance, the "narrow path" some wise guy that got nailed spoke about if you bel;ieve some book. I mean no offense phrasing it as such. I'm merely putting it into objective form.

Again to me, life is balance. I live in a very small realm betwixt here, there, nowhere & everywhere. Yes, do agree Crowley was indeed a genius. Think maybe his hubiris got him caught though. Science now knows about particles called glueons. These particles are here but not here in the same insant, amazingly, these particles make up atoms, which in turn ... make stuff up. *chuckles* It's a veil we're not meant to peirce, lest not while retaining ourselves. We need far, far more wisdom. We dub ourselves twice wise yet recently I've seen the horrors of stupidity first hand. *smh*

Hmm, ... balance? *grin*


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
They believed satanism was about freedom from the constraints and hypocrisy of Christianity, while acknowledging there would be no satan/devil without the Judeo-Christian tradition. There are other traditions too, with which I'm less familiar. Luciferianism has long been a serious movement in France, about which I only know they believe that no entity with a name meaning "bringer of light" would be evil.

Intersting stuff.

Lucifer, the beautiful and vain angel of heaven, did not betray God and create evil, but simply manifested himself to the world, becoming the bridge between humans and the Creator. Melek Taus, as the Yazidis call him, is still worshipped in the Temple of Lalish, the sect's holy site in northwestern Iraq.
Accodingly to the "Black Bible" these folks use, Lucifer would not follow G*d's command to worship humans. G*d had told all angels, Lucifer included "there shall be no other god before me", and then created humans, told the angels to worship them. So, Lucifer didn't disobey or betray. He did all G*d asked and G*d rewarded him with dominion over Eath, and G*d trotted off for a holiday or something.

This of course, just accorded the limited research I've done. No one may enter the Yazidi faith but through being born Yazadi.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Maybe y'all should get this thread back on topic and dump the satanism talk.

Has anybody else heard that FDA is planning to ban menthol cigarettes?

Had not heard, having heard have no fucks to give anyway. Anything else worth discussion as it seems discussing Satanism, useless folks like lawyers and politicians are being forbidden. How about we mention how useless Puriticanical folks running around forbidding discussions on anything are? Oh, that would be forbidden too, huh? Well fuck all, just may as well, ...

Quiuck question. What happens to sites reliant upon user contributed content when users stop contributing? Oh yes, the site/s stop atracting, retaining users. What was the first rule of the Internet and Web 30 years ago and still a vital rule today? "Content is king." If no more content, there's no more engagement, no more engagement equals less to no advertising profits.

Not a "free speech" issue. It's simple business.

And no, no desire to sit here discussing Satanism, religion, politics continually. Rather not at all if honest. As I stated, in another thread. I simply find these areas of discussion genberally interesting in a broad sense. I'm looking at it in a sociological perspective.

I'm a person looking at and observing other people. Sometimes discourse meanders this way or that way. There is no such thing as control, only an illusion we feed ourselves in order to not face lack of control. We can float in rivers, oceans, seas. Discussions are quite like water, they ebb and flow like tides. I'm floating along.
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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You also find the symbol of Aleph in the Magician card of Tarot decks. Aleph also posits "so above, so below". This idea or "form" if you draw from Plato, suggests that we are the microcosm, the rest the macrosm. Science has proven matter is made from atoms. I never trust atoms, ... they make stuff up. :) All in macrosm and microsm come from the same basic building materials. So yes, the reality is one mirrors the other, ... "so above, so below".

I find a bit interesting there is always "polarity". You can draw it, light & dark, hot & cold, day & night, thesis & antithesis, good & evil, masculine & feminine and on and on. We are energy just the same as light, sound. Yes, we're somehow tethered to mas. Einstien explained the trick yet not completely, only that mass converted to energy and by extension then energy to mass. Energy is never created nor destroyed.

As to sexuality, I've lived as a bisexual man if not all my life as much of it as I can recall. In the third grade I had a boyfriend & girlfriend. Teachers let it be, defusing any conflict or drama, "kids grow out of things." My bf & gf did, I didn't. I'm the neutral of polarity. I'm not off nor on, not really so much masculine in my heart of hearts, yet seemingly ravenous masculine otherwise. It's all interesting to me in a very broad sense. To me though life is simply balance, the "narrow path" some wise guy that got nailed spoke about if you bel;ieve some book. I mean no offense phrasing it as such. I'm merely putting it into objective form.

Again to me, life is balance. I live in a very small realm betwixt here, there, nowhere & everywhere. Yes, do agree Crowley was indeed a genius. Think maybe his hubiris got him caught though. Science now knows about particles called glueons. These particles are here but not here in the same insant, amazingly, these particles make up atoms, which in turn ... make stuff up. *chuckles* It's a veil we're not meant to peirce, lest not while retaining ourselves. We need far, far more wisdom. We dub ourselves twice wise yet recently I've seen the horrors of stupidity first hand. *smh*

Hmm, ... balance? *grin*

Well I didn't mean to compel you to say anything about who and what you are, but we had that little snippet of conversation about Crowley in the past, and I have often seen you speak in this forum about the fluidity of your sexuality (though never anything about fluidity of gender).

These things simply are in the news lately, but nothing is ever really new. Your comments about Crowley that time piqued my interest in him once again. Father of the occult? No just an explorer of the occult. Wickedest man in the world? I doubt it. His early life was as a member of a Christian protestant fundamentalist sect, heavy on the corporal punishment, which I believe will often lead people down some dark pathways.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Intersting stuff.

Accodingly to the "Black Bible" these folks use, Lucifer would not follow G*d's command to worship humans. G*d had told all angels, Lucifer included "there shall be no other god before me", and then created humans, told the angels to worship them. So, Lucifer didn't disobey or betray. He did all G*d asked and G*d rewarded him with dominion over Eath, and G*d trotted off for a holiday or something.

This of course, just accorded the limited research I've done. No one may enter the Yazidi faith but through being born Yazadi.

The Yazidi sect is very interesting, but in trying to research it you stall out early because they are very close lipped about it.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
seen you speak in this forum about the fluidity of your sexuality (though never anything about fluidity of gender).

Yes, not gender fluid but sexuality is fluid. I "come over" as a very straight male. I do love my wife, love our time together. There's other ladies who are attractive. I'm just happy enough with the Lady life has allowed being with me.

Might like to find a husband though. Often feel the world ought to normalize to my view, everyone has a husband and wife. That way when you need to feel a man, you can do so. Need to feel a woman, do that too. Yes, the genders do feel different and not simply for obvious "plumbing" aspects.

I enjoy both and could never decide. Once enjoyed a brief time with a couple as their personal lubricant. *chuckles* Of course, that's likely way TMI.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
The Yazidi sect is very interesting, but in trying to research it you stall out early because they are very close lipped about it.
*nods, sits lips closed*

You might try looking into Kundalini Yoga. Some of its advanced teachings deal with the serpent Sophia, which the serpent that intersects all your charka. These are also known as "the seven holy stairs". Trying to self actualize using that means can be taxing. I've only dabbled at it off and on with no real "seeming" progress. All is Maya though and understanding that can help or even seem a curse.

Sophia is the Greek/Latin for Wisdom and philosophy was the admiration, love, craving of wisdom and living in it. Apologies, some anhedonia being a pest. My mind is trying to nudge me back to comic books. *chuckles*


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The Yazidi sect is very interesting, but in trying to research it you stall out early because they are very close lipped about it.
Yes, not gender fluid but sexuality is fluid. I "come over" as a very straight male. I do love my wife, love our time together. There's other ladies who are attractive. I'm just happy enough with the Lady life has allowed being with me.

Might like to find a husband though. Often feel the world ought to normalize to my view, everyone has a husband and wife. That way when you need to feel a man, you can do so. Need to feel a woman, do that too. Yes, the genders do feel different and not simply for obvious "plumbing" aspects.

I enjoy both and could never decide. Once enjoyed a brief time with a couple as their personal lubricant. *chuckles* Of course, that's likely way TMI.
in this world you can out it in any hole you want, i for one dont care, however i do know that children can be very cruel to each other and that is why i dont believe in children having a gay couple as parents. live with what you want thats your choice but i for one would not advertise my sex life in a forum, these days its almost fashionable to be a queer.

oh oh here we go jimi

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
in this world you can out it in any hole you want, i for one dont care, however i do know that children can be very cruel to each other and that is why i dont believe in children having a gay couple as parents. live with what you want thats your choice but i for one would not advertise my sex life in a forum, these days its almost fashionable to be a queer.

oh oh here we go jimi

Geordie, I had to have a good think on this, because I HAD to reply to you.

A million little hypocrisies to hide truth and give social hegemony to one group is wrong, and I have seen kids thrive and be perfectly fine with the "two mommies" or the "two daddies". But those are my opinion and my experiences, and you will have yours.

"...i for one would not advertise my sex life in a forum..." That clearly refers to gay people, unless you are suggesting that people stop saying things about "my wife", "my girlfriend", "my fiance", or whatever it is. As if, Geordie, you didn't continuously trumpet your own sexualty in this forum, mainly through jokes.

As we become this group of semi-anonymous friends in the forum, all sorts of things come up in conversation. I'm okay with that, and even if a tangent continues for a few posts, someone soon comes along with a relevant post to bring the thread back to its purpose. The one thing I don't like, which is making me react strongly, is suggesting how people should live their lives and raise their children, unless someone is asking for advice.

I'll try to post something to bring the thread back to its purpose, but the last thing from CASAA was about the proposed flavor ban by Maryland's parasitic state government, already posted above. Anybody else is welcome to add something pertaining to the "alert" theme of the thread too.


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Geordie, I had to have a good think on this, because I HAD to reply to you.

A million little hypocrisies to hide truth and give social hegemony to one group is wrong, and I have seen kids thrive and be perfectly fine with the "two mommies" or the "two daddies". But those are my opinion and my experiences, and you will have yours.

"...i for one would not advertise my sex life in a forum..." That clearly refers to gay people, unless you are suggesting that people stop saying things about "my wife", "my girlfriend", "my fiance", or whatever it is. As if, Geordie, you didn't continuously trumpet your own sexualty in this forum, mainly through jokes.

As we become this group of semi-anonymous friends in the forum, all sorts of things come up in conversation. I'm okay with that, and even if a tangent continues for a few posts, someone soon comes along with a relevant post to bring the thread back to its purpose. The one thing I don't like, which is making me react strongly, is suggesting how people should live their lives and raise their children, unless someone is asking for advice.

I'll try to post something to bring the thread back to its purpose, but the last thing from CASAA was about the proposed flavor ban by Maryland's parasitic state government, already posted above. Anybody else is welcome to add something pertaining to the "alert" theme of the thread too.
i never mention my sexuality but i am hetrosexual. i dont expect or want couples to take my view. i only give my opinion. people are allowed that. if anyone takes offence than i apologise, but my view remains the same. its the same as my thoughts on religion. it is only my opinion.and yes i do through jokes. okies..friends still?


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
"...i for one would not advertise my sex life in a forum..."

At present I'm not advertising much of a sex life. Think me & wife may have enjoyed sex six months ago. She's just at an age, well, ladies faces changes. Men do as well although that's rarely discussed. So me & wife are about half okay just being comfortably being around each other. We don't "fool around" so much.

It's probably been at least 15 to 20 years when I was last with a man. Sure I've flirted here and there, may have gotten a few offers. I'm just kind of particular, got these weird things called "standards". Part of those respects my marraige to my wife. I bring nothing back home to her, disease wise, trouble wise. You might get shocked how many men cannot understand such things. I "walk on".

Advertising? No, merely stating facts regarding myself. Sorry it bothers some. What about all you straight normatives? Ever feel sorry for bothering bisexual guys like me with your pomus anti-gay jokes, your constant need to flex your machismo? Bet not. Does it bother me? No, not in a genreal sense. I do though get so bored and physically ill at times over the hate, fear, stupidity, hypocrocisy.

I "walk on".

I know the weapons of my enemy, no need to fear. The enemy does not know my only weapon. The enemy may have reason to fear. My weapon anahilates and overcomes all. My weapon though is no threat.

*smiles* Still a bit frustrated over paying too much for juice recently. My local B&M ripped me but good. *chuckles* Oh well, figures. I'll just buy online best able. Screw paying double for in hand purchases. I'll wait a week or two for a delivery.

Be nice if governments admitted they were wrong and being corrupted by Big tobacco/Big Money. Ha! Yeahsureright, can see that happening!

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
At present I'm not advertising much of a sex life.
MMM, I didn't say that. ""...i for one would not advertise my sex life in a forum..."

I WAS QUOTING GEORDIE who said that. Read my reply to him.

Okay we're spinning out of control.

Back on track with my next post.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Everybody who hasn't, and especially new forum members, please go to and join. It costs nothing, and you'll get alerts about mindless politicians trying to mess with your life. There is a blog there with regular posts. At the right on that blog are links you can click regarding proposed bans, bad science around vaping, state actions, etc. etc. is our lifeline. It's always better to know than not to know, when nannies and government parasites are coming for your vapes.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
MMM, I didn't say that. ""...i for one would not advertise my sex life in a forum..."

I WAS QUOTING GEORDIE who said that. Read my reply to him.

Okay we're spinning out of control.

Back on track with my next post.

I know/knew you were quoting. "Sokay, S'alright, S'ok? Wei S'alright. Okay, Alright." :D Sorry, Labrynth on the mind a bit. *a hopefully it's bought innocent look on face*

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Gawd, a proposed "limited time" ban of vape shops in Milwaukee, while they figure out how to mess with vapers, curtail their right to access tobacco harm reduction products, and how much they can tax them to death.

We all know that once a government gets a new power, they will never, ever let it go.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Gawd, a proposed "limited time" ban of vape shops in Milwaukee, while they figure out how to mess with vapers, curtail their right to access tobacco harm reduction products, and how much they can tax them to death.

We all know that once a government gets a new power, they will never, ever let it go.

And to think taxation without representation was one of the key points to causing a "revolutionary" war. Those who began anew in America wanted no more of it, wanted Liberty, Equality, Fraternity instead. Folks wanted a government "of the People, by the People, for the People".

I've mentioned it befoire countless times. The word revolution at its root is revolve. That means something is cyclic, it goes around a circle. We've tried now over 200 years ago with a revolution. Seems to me we just come back around to where it began. Can we now try evolution, evolving, moving forward? Can we strive to thrive living our highest aspirations?

Doubtful. Seems everyone piles onto a revolt, or revolution. *smh* No more complaining about it then. They're choosing insanity, stupidity. "Let's do the same thing and expect different results." *sighs* More than quite a few are playing the role of Diagenes, carrying a lit latern in broad daylight, showing the err of the way/s what brought us here. Think any will learn? *smh*

Mistakes, history are supposed to be guides for experience. "Look what doesn't work, quit repeating that. Try some new way, it might work." Nope, nope, nope, ... masses just rush like lemmings to leap from cliffsides, helped by Disney staff or not.

Not really afraid but figure it'll get darker still. After all one chicken tests sick with Asian flu, they scorch a million chicken strong flock. Yeah, just pitch the babe out with the bath water. No one gives a fuck, notices, cares. Oh but $8 a dozen for eggs now? *sighs*

It's all inter-related and connected, "so above, so below". You just follow the lines from point A to point B. Thinking the scare with the vitamin lipids in vaping was possibly a test run for some unmentionable Vid stuff everyone got vaccinated against, and then find out the vaccines actually did nothing.

I've no evidentirary proof of that. Would love to have and fully documented, peer reviewed, independently tested out. What I'm expressing is a possibility. Everyone knows that anything is possible. My expressing it opens a door, maybe gets some of the right people thinking, asking more questions, finding answers or more lies.

Greed is born from fear, as is hate. Fear is then used as a weapon, like lies.

Anyway, just some thought about vaping, bigger pictures, smaller ones. Tried to avoid delving into too much of the "out of bounds" stuff, kept it topilogical. Not here to make ready for war. I already know to have peace, live peacefully. That's an easy lesson to learn Peace doesn't require threat of, or war. If you think it does, you might want to reexamine your definition of peace.

Or maybe, I'm just a dumb old Hiollbilly what knows not a thing and ramles incoherently just to rattle. yep, probably that. Y'all run 'er slow. Love ya.

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