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good bye


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you'd watch.
And if you got scared I'd be there holding your hand and comforting you.
Not necessary, it doesn't scare me as I've seen it before and it isn't my thing.

I am however a full supporter of everybody being able to do what their thing is as long as it doesn't involve children and am a vocal supporter of gay marriage.

Love is love, why is it anybody's business what the gender is and why should anybody be denied the same spousal rights as anyone else?

I know others don't agree, but I've never been known to simply follow the path of least resistance.


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Good Cold Morning, Everyone..........burrrrrrr!

"From a healed, peaceful heart, humility is born; from humility, a willingness to listen to others is born; from a willingness to listen to others, mutual understanding is born; and from mutual understanding, a peaceful society will be born. Nonviolence is the highest form of humility; it is supreme courage."


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I guess I'm so use to doing catch up and seeing a lot of people posting all at once. Even in the early morn:)


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I guess I'm so use to doing catch up and seeing a lot of people posting all at once. Even in the early morn:)
Heh, looks like a case of a flash post event. I think everyone online last night wanted to get to 500 pages....


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Member For 4 Years
Yeah ladies, I agree! I caught up and then nothing... for like 6 whole hours there wasn't a single post on here... it is very weird... is everyone else in the world dead? must be if there was no posting on here for 6 hours... o_O


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Nope been up all night researching other stuff and now I'm really really tired and have a headache and am going to try to lay down for a while and take some migraine meds.

So... as @Celtic Fog would say keep it foggy ;)

Donald Bickers

think im gonna build my taifun gt tonight,,,,,sure hope it goes better than last time,,,had juice coming out the airholes faster than I could put it in the top before I finally figered out how to wick it
the build went smooth as silk,,,28 ga 5 wraps w/cotton,@0.9ohms,no flooding ,no dry hits,,,,,,thats a good start for the new year:D


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Member For 4 Years
the build went smooth as silk,,,28 ga 5 wraps w/cotton,@0.9ohms,no flooding ,no dry hits,,,,,,thats a good start for the new year:D
I personally really really enjoy my parallel sleeper coil with 24g kanthal. The ramp up time is quick and flavor and vapor awesome! but to each their own :)


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Member For 4 Years
Yeah I'm having a "cousins" party at my house tonight! When that side of my family gets together there are around 80 of us so it should be fun with around 25-30ish of my cousins (and their significant others) at the house! You?

1st and 2nd cousins obviously... that would be crazy to have that many 1st cousins on one side :confused:

Donald Bickers

I personally really really enjoy my parallel sleeper coil with 24g kanthal. The ramp up time is quick and flavor and vapor awesome! but to each their own :)
I would like to try a sleeper coil,,,i like my stealth mode so I run 18650 mode,as long as my ohms are at least 1.0 and with my 10.5 efest ,I should be fine??,how do you think ramp up time would be??


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Yeah I'm having a "cousins" party at my house tonight! When that side of my family gets together there are around 80 of us so it should be fun with around 25-30ish of my cousins (and their significant others) at the house! You?

1st and 2nd cousins obviously... that would be crazy to have that many 1st cousins on one side :confused:
Wow! I'm not sure there are that many people in my whole family on both sides! Sounds like SO much fun. :) I'm not doing anything as usual. Watching the ball drop in Times Square and going to bed probably. Boring.


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Member For 4 Years
I would like to try a sleeper coil,,,i like my stealth mode so I run 18650 mode,as long as my ohms are at least 1.0 and with my 10.5 efest ,I should be fine??,how do you think ramp up time would be??
Yeah as long as you keep your ohms up around that point the efest should be able to handle it (not making any promises as I'm not a genius on batteries). With my 24g kanthal single sleeper coil 9 wraps ramp up time was just a tad quicker than dual coils of the same construction (I think this is due to the fact that with sleepers, both sides heat up evenly and you don't get one firing quicker than the other). But with my 24g kanthal parallel sleeper coil 4 wraps ramp up time was at least doubled! I love it! I push the button and it's like taking your third hit of chain vaping a single. It's that quick!


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Member For 4 Years
Wow! I'm not sure there are that many people in my whole family on both sides! Sounds like SO much fun. :) I'm not doing anything as usual. Watching the ball drop in Times Square and going to bed probably. Boring.
Lol my mom's mom has 5 brothers and sisters and so does my dad's dad! Those 12 have at least 2 a piece, and most of those have at least 2 a piece... It escalated very quickly lol

There's nothing wrong with enjoying a little relaxing time!

Donald Bickers

Got the ham bone out of the freezer from Christmas,gonna make a pot of black eyed peas for New Years,,mmmm
any boby else here do blackeyed peas for New Years


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Member For 4 Years
Rufus is gonna be in heaven,,,,the cats steer clear of him when hes got his bone
I used to have 2 dogs, and actually the other one was a bit bigger than my husky; you had to separate them any time you fed them because the other one would end up bloody. It's amazing how the loving husky is prominent until someone threatens to take his food, then watch out, full blown wolf mode lol

Donald Bickers

I used to have 2 dogs, and actually the other one was a bit bigger than my husky; you had to separate them any time you fed them because the other one would end up bloody. It's amazing how the loving husky is prominent until someone threatens to take his food, then watch out, full blown wolf mode lol
Yea Rufus is a 22lb min pin,,,give him a bone and he thinks hes a full size 110lb Doberman pinscher

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