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Vapid Vapetress
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the androgynie was 3.99 because I got a mini bottle
there was no mini r.i.p so it was 10 :(
but if you sign up with your email address they will send u a code for like 10% off.

that's not too bad. i have (over)paid more than that at ulta for polish. :/


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Hi guys!!



Vapid Vapetress
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well... it used to be good. I was a member and two years ago they used to send decent stuff

but then they started sending tea and chocolate and gum and once I got a pen
so I unsubscribed

I want makeup not bs lol

thank you. saved me some $ :)


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they call them lifestyle extras but when I only get 3 makeup items and 2 "lifestyle extras", it's time to call it quits lol


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yea I mean at sephora they will give u free samples if u ask, it's basically the same thing only u don't have to pay $10 a month lol


Vapid Vapetress
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Not a fan of subscription boxes. I prefer to jut donate my money to Sephora and pick out what I like. :p

Also, I've enough nail polish to paint every wall in my apartment building. Granted it's only 8 apartments, but still. I've a metric fuck ton of nail polish. :D

yeah me neither....but the mermaid thing was kinda cool. i have bushels of nail polish too. ridamndiculous. :p


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yea I mean at sephora they will give u free samples if u ask, it's basically the same thing only u don't have to pay $10 a month lol

I have so many samples from Sephora I could probably go for a year without buying anything.

(but what fun is that? LOL)


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I also used to paint fake ones and sell them on ebay for a pretty penny.

My cupcakes were my top sellers (and most expensive 'cos they weren't simple to make!)

Also made Chucks:


And more colors of monarch wings:


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So I guess that's a no on hangin out with you and getting my nails done?:(
Those are really pretty by the way.

For you, I'd make time :)

I just don't have 3 hours to do them on *myself*, and then wind up ruining them in 15 minutes (I type for a living)

Just Me

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Ohhh yeah serious a drive from like Austin to houston is scary as fuck.. you pull over and you will see people with beards down to their ass look drity and wear scary clothes I have never seen before and
have knives like Crocodile dundee .. The old saying is you better have triple A better be packing if you plan to go outside a major city on a trip serious I never go outside the city without my 1911 .45 amd a AR + the shotgun is always in the trunk..
LOL try driving threw Chi-raq some areas are just scary

Just Me

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I was just reading threw all the makeup and nails posts LOL i feel so not girly right now. I just painted my nails for the first time in 15 years and makeup lol if i can't put it on driving down the street forget it.

Roger Schaeffer

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Finally had to click on this thread. I'm a SciFi Fan but I knew it would not be about that. I read the first page of posts and this page. Guess I was right-Kinda


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@kelli this is not the city what you fine between cities in Texas is so bad your "Vagina" as you said would get you in more trouble
it would be like the worst horror movie you can imagine... You just would have be packing something that can take out 10 of them that may just
have their way in every way with ya.. make sense?


Vapid Vapetress
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@kelli this is not the city what you fine between cities in Texas is so bad your "Vagina" as you said would get you in more trouble
it would be like the worst horror movie you can imagine... You just would have be packing something that can take out 10 of them that may just
have their way in every way with ya.. make sense?

can someone translate for me? all i got was that my vagina in texas is like a horror movie.

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