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I am NOT going to have surgery to get cysts taken out every 3 months.
The birth control is NOT keeping them from growing back or new ones from forming.
I am NOT going to be in pain for the rest of my life

I've been dealing with this shit for like 5 years now.
I'm tired.
At this point I'm like please just take the ovaries out. Fuck having kids. You have to have sex to have kids and I am in too much constant pain to even have sex with my husband more than like once a month :(
Its a horrible thing to have to deal with, do what your heart tells you to do, sometimes health may have to come before children, what ever you do, we are here for support:)


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Yeah I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis a couple years ago after years of doctors saying it was all in my head since it all started in 2003. They saw in my chart that I had mental health probs and decided that was it. I truly hope they all die in a fire.

But now I have no uterus so I dunno why I still get pain sometimes. And I don't wanna persue it right now, I've been thru enough. Someday I'll battle again.

Were they males?
I love how they dismiss our pain. Haha speaking of which they're probably doing the same with me
since I'm on anti-depressants/have been suicidal etc
They tell me to lose weight (how am I going to lose weight when I'm in too much pain to exercise?)
I wasn't overweight until I GOT the PCOS. it causes weight gain.
I also have thyroid problems. I have tried dieting/losing weight. It does not work. I lose 10 lbs only to regain it all back. I did lose about 10 lbs almost overnight when they finally got me on the right dosage of thyroid meds

OR they assume I am looking for narcotics (yes I am looking for narcotics since you fucks won't fix what's wrong with me!)
I've been taking ultram on and off for 5+ years, one a day and sometimes 2 when I'm having intense pain. Am I dependent on them ? hell yes I can't do my fucking job or simple household chores or SLEEP sometimes without them. I will gladly stop taking them ONCE the pain is under control

Is it at least less frequent now?

(sorry went off on a long tangent)
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Gold Contributor
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Yeah I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis a couple years ago after years of doctors saying it was all in my head since it all started in 2003. They saw in my chart that I had mental health probs and decided that was it. I truly hope they all die in a fire.

But now I have no uterus so I dunno why I still get pain sometimes. And I don't wanna persue it right now, I've been thru enough. Someday I'll battle again.

There could be scarring/nerve damage. At least that's what this one lady dr told me. She says sometimes the constant surgeries are actually doing more harm than good. Especially when you've had 4 or 5


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Its a horrible thing to have to deal with, do what your heart tells you to do, sometimes health may have to come before children, what ever you do, we are here for support:)

yea because of the pcos and the pain I doubt I will be able to have children anyway without IVF/etc
We both want kids but I say fuck it we can adopt/foster at this point. Until this ladyparts shit gets worked out one way or another, my quality of life is more important


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personally, i won't go to a male ob/gyn. they may know the anatomy, but they don't know anything else.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yea because of the pcos and the pain I doubt I will be able to have children anyway without IVF/etc
We both want kids but I say fuck it we can adopt/foster at this point. Until this ladyparts shit gets worked out one way or another, my quality of life is more important
I wanted to say that, without all the pain, it would be so good for your life ((hugs))


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"Adenomyosis (ad-uh-no-my-O-sis) occurs when endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, exists within and grows into the muscular wall of the uterus. This happens most often late in your childbearing years after having children.
Adenomyosis differs from endometriosis — a condition in which the uterine lining becomes implanted outside the uterus — although women with adenomyosis often also have endometriosis."

Well why not just call it endometriosis? it's basically the same thing right :p

oh wait I got it one is inside the uterus, one is outside.

They *thought* I had endometriosis because of the constant pain I was having. Most women get cysts all the time but they go away on their own and don't cause pain/extreme pain. So they did a laparoscopy to see and no, no endometriosis. But while they were in there they zapped my cysts and that helped for like 3 months until more cysts grew. lol

It's been a constant battle. I was not having a period at all for three years until someone finally put me back on birth control like I asked them to. I started taking bc when I was like 13 because my mom had PCOS and I inherited it, I guess. Then I stopped when I moved up to PA because I was trying to get pregnant. Instead of getting pregnant, I just stopped having a period and started getting cysts/pain. With the bc I finally got my period back and regular but I'm still getting cysts/pain.
SO in february I had the laparoscopy,
was fine 3 months
then may-august I had cysts/pain and ended up going to the ER. Apparently those cysts went away on their own.
then was fine for another two months
now I'm having pain again (for like a week now)
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I probably have another cyst/many cysts
When they did the surgery I had a bunch of tiny ones
last time at the ER there were two LARGE ones. I was concerned because I didn't want them to rupture and have to have emergency surgery. And my asshole obgyn lied and said (oh there are no cysts!) When I went to a clinic they showed me the results. I was pissed and so switched obgyns again....
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Yes. PCOS can lead to ovarian cancer.

There's also a problem with not having regular periods because the lining can build up/also lead to
endometrial cancer

I also have/had HPV which can cause cervical cancer.

They came out with the HPV vaccine AFTER I already got it dammit lol

AND my grandmother on my father's side died of breast cancer.

So I have to visit the obgyn all the freakin time lol :(


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also our insurance is good but it doesn't cover dental.

meanwhile my back/ovaries is/are fucking killing me
gotta get that shit worked out THEN I'll go to the dentist

fuckers haven't called me back with my ultrasound results yet even though we called and left a message asking them to call us back

so I gotta play phone tag with them monday
also schedule a damned obgyn appointment.

He wants to give me this shot that puts you in medically induced menopause for like a year

he's going to see if that helps with the pain
and of course hysterectomy is an option but there's no guarantee it will stop the PCOS/pain
and is only used as a last resort
I can see why your back hurts

But I can't help with the ovaries,I hope you get everything straightened out.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes. PCOS can lead to ovarian cancer.

There's also a problem with not having regular periods because the lining can build up/also lead to
endometrial cancer

I also have/had HPV which can cause cervical cancer.

They came out with the HPV vaccine AFTER I already got it dammit lol

AND my grandmother on my father's side died of breast cancer.

So I have to visit the obgyn all the freakin time lol :(

Then you are predisposed to the cancer, I think you'd be making the right choice and adoption is always an option like you said earlier


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My girlfriend (best friend for about 2 yrs and girlfriend for the 3rd time LOL I love her) has endometriosis and got some of her parts removed because of it. She was only 29.
She stated a treatment just over two months ago. Probably the same one you ladies mentioned before.
Damn, just like menopause. She's having a rough go of it for sure.
She's having some emotional problems today. Totally has me on ignore status. I can't blame her. How the hell she can deal with me when shes feeling normal is beyond my comprehension let alone trying to deal with me when she's an emotional wreck. Poor thing basically going through menopause at 33.
Any way, my point is that I do empathize with you ladies and my heart goes out to you.
I maybe a freak. But I'm a compassionate and caring freak.
I admire the strength of you women.

I should probably just wait for her to get a hold of me when she's ready to right? o_O

I think I'm learning:D


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@cherrycakes, my original OBGYN was THE BOMB. I was with him for years, he helped me through all the steps, until he moved away to.... PA. Why am I just now realizing you're in PA! When I felt lost after going through the continual BC packs, the menopause inducing injections and still got nowhere I called him in PA to get his advice. He talked with me forever and always told me, if my insurance would cover it, go see him in PA for my surgery, but he did recommend a local Dr to me that I liked.

This was what I found of him on google, but there are a few contact #s, too. You could try and track him down if you like. Yeah, he's a guy doc, but I NEVER felt more comfortable with any doc in my life. He's incredible and doing incredible things, still. Joseph Sanfilippo.

Mermaid, I had a lot of discomfort after mine, too. And like someone mentioned, there was a LOT of scar tissue to deal with. Sadly, I did go back under the knife about 8 months later, but since that time things have been fine. That was probabluy about 15 years ago.


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My girlfriend (best friend for about 2 yrs and girlfriend for the 3rd time LOL I love her) has endometriosis and got some of her parts removed because of it. She was only 29.
She stated a treatment just over two months ago. Probably the same one you ladies mentioned before.
Damn, just like menopause. She's having a rough go of it for sure.
She's having some emotional problems today. Totally has me on ignore status. I can't blame her. How the hell she can deal with me when shes feeling normal is beyond my comprehension let alone trying to deal with me when she's an emotional wreck. Poor thing basically going through menopause at 33.
Any way, my point is that I do empathize with you ladies and my heart goes out to you.
I maybe a freak. But I'm a compassionate and caring freak.
I admire the strength of you women.

I should probably just wait for her to get a hold of me when she's ready to right? o_O

I think I'm learning:D
Aw Fishee. You're a good guy. It's so great she has someone like you for support. I was a basket case. The boyfriend I had back then was not a happy camper. Not a patient one either. Though I'm glad we're not together anymore, I know I put him through hell, too. All you can really do is be there for her. If she's like I was, she'll turn on a dime and you can never do anything right, lol. I can feel for both of ya. Really.


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Aw Fishee. You're a good guy. It's so great she has someone like you for support. I was a basket case. The boyfriend I had back then was not a happy camper. Not a patient one either. Though I'm glad we're not together anymore, I know I put him through hell, too. All you can really do is be there for her. If she's like I was, she'll turn on a dime and you can never do anything right, lol. I can feel for both of ya. Really.
I try to be a good guy.
First and foremost she is my best friend. I love her more than I have ever loved any other woman. In fact she is my first and only true love. Never been in love with a woman except for her.
I'm the first guy she has ever been in love with and that makes it really special for both of us.
I would spend the rest of my life with her.
But this is also the 3rd time we have dated so..... yeah, there's that.
But either way I am going to be there for her and will always be the best friend that I can be.
It is tough seeing her go from one emotion to another in a matter of minutes and there were like 6 emotions and 3 or 4 emotions I didn't know existed.


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@cherrycakes, my original OBGYN was THE BOMB. I was with him for years, he helped me through all the steps, until he moved away to.... PA. Why am I just now realizing you're in PA! When I felt lost after going through the continual BC packs, the menopause inducing injections and still got nowhere I called him in PA to get his advice. He talked with me forever and always told me, if my insurance would cover it, go see him in PA for my surgery, but he did recommend a local Dr to me that I liked.

This was what I found of him on google, but there are a few contact #s, too. You could try and track him down if you like. Yeah, he's a guy doc, but I NEVER felt more comfortable with any doc in my life. He's incredible and doing incredible things, still. Joseph Sanfilippo.

Mermaid, I had a lot of discomfort after mine, too. And like someone mentioned, there was a LOT of scar tissue to deal with. Sadly, I did go back under the knife about 8 months later, but since that time things have been fine. That was probabluy about 15 years ago.


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Aw Fishee. You're a good guy. It's so great she has someone like you for support. I was a basket case. The boyfriend I had back then was not a happy camper. Not a patient one either. Though I'm glad we're not together anymore, I know I put him through hell, too. All you can really do is be there for her. If she's like I was, she'll turn on a dime and you can never do anything right, lol. I can feel for both of ya. Really.
Omg yes I put my husband through hell. He gets yelled at, then I cry, for shit he has no control over. The fact that he puts up with it/hasn't left me speaks volumes lol


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@cherrycakes, my original OBGYN was THE BOMB. I was with him for years, he helped me through all the steps, until he moved away to.... PA. Why am I just now realizing you're in PA! When I felt lost after going through the continual BC packs, the menopause inducing injections and still got nowhere I called him in PA to get his advice. He talked with me forever and always told me, if my insurance would cover it, go see him in PA for my surgery, but he did recommend a local Dr to me that I liked.

This was what I found of him on google, but there are a few contact #s, too. You could try and track him down if you like. Yeah, he's a guy doc, but I NEVER felt more comfortable with any doc in my life. He's incredible and doing incredible things, still. Joseph Sanfilippo.

Mermaid, I had a lot of discomfort after mine, too. And like someone mentioned, there was a LOT of scar tissue to deal with. Sadly, I did go back under the knife about 8 months later, but since that time things have been fine. That was probabluy about 15 years ago.
Unfortunately that's on the complete opposite side of the state


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So I need a new topper with coils I can buy. Recommend something?
Idk if I want to spend $30. Or spend $20 on replacement heads. But I was thinking aerotank, Nautilus, something??


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If you go this route, get a pack of BVC coils. Better than the original BDC


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There was a pretty good deal posted on Vapor Joe's deal thing today for Protank heads, Cherry. I liked the mini but hated the full size one. Couldn't get it to stop gurgling. I like the Nautilus but sometimes it's a bitch to get apart so I don't use it much except for some super citrus juice.


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I bet the nautilus mini would make a great combo. The bvc coils are a huge improvement to the nautilus line. I've got some to use with my full sized nautilus and the flavor is nice. They can take some wattage too.

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