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It's about 6' tall, slim, and dances while cooking, lol. I don't know why you always say that, Ace, you're a good lookin' guy! Based on your new avatar, nice boobs, too!


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Nah, just a thought for avatar of the day, lol. Babe Ruth didn't have boobs, though. Or did he? Maybe he had moobs.


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See. That went right by me. I'll find something. Just put an old 1 back right now.


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I'm going to be a cranky bitch as usual.

My son's dog is a yappy little fucker when someone knocks or rings the doorbell. I don't know. I made costumes for plays for years and kinda got burned out. All the kids wear are store bought shit but I still get super excited when I see a homemade one. lol

Mine can be the same, they are weirded out by costumes, usually I'll put them in their kennels in another room for the few hours that happens and they settle down.



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My universe is altered today. By a serious toothache. Don't think I'll be able to eat today so @CaFF no food posts here please:)


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My universe is altered today. By a serious toothache. Don't think I'll be able to eat today so @CaFF no food posts here please:)
Ouch. Hope you get it fixed before Vegas


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Thats what iwas just thinking. Need to find a dentist. Then need to tell the boss I may need another day off :rolleyes:

Just Me

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Sorry about the tooth ache Ace. @kelli I love Halloween as well never to old to dress up! as far as kids costumes I agree so boring no thought put into it. I love that my youngest (16) lets me make his and paint his face. Oh And good day all!!! Im sitting at work bored out my mind this show sucks!!! Lucky they let me vape in here!!


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Thats what iwas just thinking. Need to find a dentist. Then need to tell the boss I may need another day off :rolleyes:
No need Ace I will give you a ticket down there to Texas me help you me fixy real good..


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Thanks everyone. I have to admit that its my own damn fault. Lost a filling in my molar awhile ago and havent dealt with it. Now it's going to get expensive even with insurance. :(


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Ooo toothaches just suck. Hope you find a dentist quickly Ace.


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I am in the process of downloadin the full length "Flames Of War" movie to analyze the contents and such, please don't attack me for this.


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Thanks everyone. I have to admit that its my own damn fault. Lost a filling in my molar awhile ago and havent dealt with it. Now it's going to get expensive even with insurance. :(

I have like two old fillings that are cracked..... Eventually I am going to go to the dentist.
But the last one wanted a root canal AND he wanted paid up front
No sir Payment plan or GTFO


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also our insurance is good but it doesn't cover dental.

meanwhile my back/ovaries is/are fucking killing me
gotta get that shit worked out THEN I'll go to the dentist

fuckers haven't called me back with my ultrasound results yet even though we called and left a message asking them to call us back

so I gotta play phone tag with them monday
also schedule a damned obgyn appointment.

He wants to give me this shot that puts you in medically induced menopause for like a year

he's going to see if that helps with the pain
and of course hysterectomy is an option but there's no guarantee it will stop the PCOS/pain
and is only used as a last resort


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ugh poor @cherrycakes :( you're giving me flashback to the last decade before I had my hysterectomy (it was only 3 months ago) ... I didn't have the same issues you have, but I sure remember very vividly what pain in the plumbing feels like.
Problem is, I am still having some pain. But after all the shit I went thru I need a breather before going back to find out all over again wtf is wrong.


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ugh poor @cherrycakes :( you're giving me flashback to the last decade before I had my hysterectomy (it was only 3 months ago) ... I didn't have the same issues you have, but I sure remember very vividly what pain in the plumbing feels like.
Problem is, I am still having some pain. But after all the shit I went thru I need a breather before going back to find out all over again wtf is wrong.

I am NOT going to have surgery to get cysts taken out every 3 months.
The birth control is NOT keeping them from growing back or new ones from forming.
I am NOT going to be in pain for the rest of my life

I've been dealing with this shit for like 5 years now.
I'm tired.
At this point I'm like please just take the ovaries out. Fuck having kids. You have to have sex to have kids and I am in too much constant pain to even have sex with my husband more than like once a month :(


Vapid Vapetress
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also our insurance is good but it doesn't cover dental.

meanwhile my back/ovaries is/are fucking killing me
gotta get that shit worked out THEN I'll go to the dentist

fuckers haven't called me back with my ultrasound results yet even though we called and left a message asking them to call us back

so I gotta play phone tag with them monday
also schedule a damned obgyn appointment.

He wants to give me this shot that puts you in medically induced menopause for like a year

he's going to see if that helps with the pain
and of course hysterectomy is an option but there's no guarantee it will stop the PCOS/pain
and is only used as a last resort

i won't like that post. :(


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ugh poor @cherrycakes :( you're giving me flashback to the last decade before I had my hysterectomy (it was only 3 months ago) ... I didn't have the same issues you have, but I sure remember very vividly what pain in the plumbing feels like.
Problem is, I am still having some pain. But after all the shit I went thru I need a breather before going back to find out all over again wtf is wrong.

Did they diagnose you ? Endometriosis or something?
My friend has interstitial cystitis, they ended up giving her lidocaine shots in her bladder
and when that didn't work they did an experimental surgery where they put a tens unit inside her.
She's got like a belt charging dock lol

Anyway she has a great doc, I've had horrible luck with obgyns. I am on my third since moving to PA 5 years ago :( The first two ignored my pain for 2 years and I said fuck u
and the second guy even LIED to me saying I did not have cysts even though I had an ultrasound from the ER showing like 4 cm cysts on both ovaries

I need a chronic pelvic pain specialist at this point. And I can't find one in shithole Northeast PA


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ugh poor @cherrycakes :( you're giving me flashback to the last decade before I had my hysterectomy (it was only 3 months ago) ... I didn't have the same issues you have, but I sure remember very vividly what pain in the plumbing feels like.
Problem is, I am still having some pain. But after all the shit I went thru I need a breather before going back to find out all over again wtf is wrong.

Like I can deal with pms cramps
or even being in pain two weeks out of the month
however when it gets to the point where (like may-august) I am in constant pain every day for 3 months, something's gotta be done

Idk wtf is wrong, my period was sep 5. I shouldn't be having pain weeks AFTER my period, just when I'm ovulating.

I suspect I have another cyst. They keep showing up, getting huge, and then disappearing.


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Did they diagnose you ? Endometriosis or something?
My friend has interstitial cystitis, they ended up giving her lidocaine shots in her bladder
and when that didn't work they did an experimental surgery where they put a tens unit inside her.
She's got like a belt charging dock lol

Anyway she has a great doc, I've had horrible luck with obgyns. I am on my third since moving to PA 5 years ago :(
I need a chronic pelvic pain specialist at this point. And I can't find one in shithole Northeast PA

Yeah I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis and adenomyosis a couple years ago after years of doctors saying it was all in my head since it all started in 2003. They saw in my chart that I had mental health probs and decided that was it. I truly hope they all die in a fire.

But now I have no uterus so I dunno why I still get pain sometimes. And I don't wanna persue it right now, I've been thru enough. Someday I'll battle again.


Vapid Vapetress
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i feel so badly for you, sweetie. i think i would be screaming at them to just gut me like a fish. ffs.

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