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Alternate Universe

Just Me

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ECF Refugee
Rare glimpse of my musical tastes. I grew up on "Oi Punk" which might be a bit much for here.


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Sounds to me as if she has been ripping all of last years final days of the inspirational desk calendar off so she can officially begin the new year... a little late...

Either that or she just got a new one and is trying to catch up to today ;)


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Atleast someone appreciates them. I just think its time to take a good hard look at myself and my life
This is my daily task. I ask the Lord "Ok Father, I probably mucked it all up whilst I know you forgive me out of your infinite Love and Mercy....I ask you once again....please help me.....please. I need to love and trust you more...but the world is fighting me every step of the way"


Diamond Contributor
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When I first became an SFO....I played this at the Friary at St Anthony of Padua. To this day, you can hear the song being played somewhere in the dorms. About a year ago....Tim our organist and choir director did his own arrangement of this, and played it after the Recessional at Mass. I just flat fucking burst into did our Priest....several of our Sisters...and a few Friars. Everyone was looking around going "Wut?". It was one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
If i were to do that ( last part of post) I would have to put one between my eyes:(
I actually had a loaded and cocked gun in my mouth....but then I remembered "Suicide is a permanent solution to a fixable problem". I think that is one of the greatest problems facing so many people....when we look within, we see the stains and tribulations put there by ourselves and the world. When we look at the world and declare "I must follow your rules, but I do not have to BE you", we take the first real steps towards freedom.
Always remember that the mind CALCULATES...that is all it is able to do...whereas the heart experiences only those things that reflect the innocence of childhood. Use each for it's purpose, and banish what only serves to corrupt. We instinctively protect a baby.....why must we stop placing the same amount of effort protecting the child within ourselves?

Just Me

Platinum Contributor
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If i were to do that ( last part of post) I would have to put one between my eyes:(
The things we have done are what made us who we are today I like who I am today just have a few glitches I need to work on., If you learned from past mistakes are they really mistakes or are they more like lessons in life?


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Here is a thought Mad.....we often find ourselves in a cage...or prison cell of the soul. St John of the Cross called this "The Long Dark Night of the Soul". There seems to be no way out....when in fact, even though we built this cell...or perhaps others.....there seems to never be a door! As overly simplistic as this sounds....the key to our escape, is to merely turn around and walk out. There are no jailers...and we were never under any sentence imposed by a jury. We simply allowed ourselves to be found guilty by those who are no lesser or greater than ourselves.

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