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My laptop finally died and so I am using my bro's comp for now, so communication will be here and there until March when I get my parts for my gaming rig.

That is what my laptop will look like soon!

Looks like you took the gun to it Trip:eek::D
Good morning Everyone:)


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Looks like you took the gun to it Trip:eek::D
Good morning Everyone:)

That isn't my laptop, just a google image but I will be taking my khukuri to my laptop soon.

Sigh, don't you enjoy being treated as if you know nothing about tool safety yet the person who treats you this way has absolutely no knowledge nor training nor experience on the wtaf, that shit pisses me off.

Example: Educating someone on how to properly use a tool like holding it and your stance but you get interrupted and asked to hand the tool over so they can check if the safety is on? Um, it's been safety checked...I'm not reckless, fuck...I feel extremely disappointed and disrespected right now.

I've been using these tools a lot longer than the person and yet I'm being treated like some reckless idiot, very interesting.

Ustream has a fraudulent charge on my account too...

This month has been rough and stressful.

Gonna go get a pack of smokes...bbl!


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It also pisses me off seeing mother fucking YouTuber's who have Partnerships and Sponsors creating "Helping The Homeless Viral Videos" when all their doing is making huge profits $$$$ off of the Homeless scene. I was homeless for a very fuckin long time and this shit never fucking happens at this rate. There are far to many complications with doing a Viral Video on helping the Homeless, not all Homeless folk can be trusted...if ya don't beleive me, go live in a shelter for a month and live on the actual streets for a month and you'll see what I'm talkin about. These videos are all scripted since YouTube Partnerships TOS/Contracts are fucking insane and if you don't follow them to a lose that Partnership.

Sigh...backs away from the computer, really really upset today!


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It also pisses me off seeing mother fucking YouTuber's who have Partnerships and Sponsors creating "Helping The Homeless Viral Videos" when all their doing is making huge profits $$$$ off of the Homeless scene. I was homeless for a very fuckin long time and this shit never fucking happens at this rate. There are far to many complications with doing a Viral Video on helping the Homeless, not all Homeless folk can be trusted...if ya don't beleive me, go live in a shelter for a month and live on the actual streets for a month and you'll see what I'm talkin about. These videos are all scripted since YouTube Partnerships TOS/Contracts are fucking insane and if you don't follow them to a lose that Partnership.

Sigh...backs away from the computer, really really upset today!
Ya.. saw that hoopla... Wasnt gonna say anything though... But, I feel ya :(


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Ya.. saw that hoopla... Wasnt gonna say anything though... But, I feel ya :(

Just like the clusterfuck involving one of those Japanese Men who was captured by, they supposedly killed him last year. Yet, he is alive and looking a lot better from the last year video? I also squashed the lies that portrayed him as a Spy and or Mercenary even though he was a one man army of his PMC company which is merely about War Photography and he also suffered from Mental Illnesses (I actually got into communication with a relative of Mr. Yukawa). I went into overdrive last year when I saw and heard about him being captured cause I knew it was important.

Now...2015, Mr. Yukawa resurfaces completely alive and literally in one piece (no offense).

Let me know if ya'll want links?


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It also pisses me off seeing mother fucking YouTuber's who have Partnerships and Sponsors creating "Helping The Homeless Viral Videos" when all their doing is making huge profits $$$$ off of the Homeless scene. I was homeless for a very fuckin long time and this shit never fucking happens at this rate. There are far to many complications with doing a Viral Video on helping the Homeless, not all Homeless folk can be trusted...if ya don't beleive me, go live in a shelter for a month and live on the actual streets for a month and you'll see what I'm talkin about. These videos are all scripted since YouTube Partnerships TOS/Contracts are fucking insane and if you don't follow them to a lose that Partnership.

Sigh...backs away from the computer, really really upset today!
When my Order helps the homeless and marginalised member of God's is a very quiet thing. We ask for no notoriety...not even a thank you. When you require thanks, it becomes about YOU, and not THEM.

Just Me

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It also pisses me off seeing mother fucking YouTuber's who have Partnerships and Sponsors creating "Helping The Homeless Viral Videos" when all their doing is making huge profits $$$$ off of the Homeless scene. I was homeless for a very fuckin long time and this shit never fucking happens at this rate. There are far to many complications with doing a Viral Video on helping the Homeless, not all Homeless folk can be trusted...if ya don't beleive me, go live in a shelter for a month and live on the actual streets for a month and you'll see what I'm talkin about. These videos are all scripted since YouTube Partnerships TOS/Contracts are fucking insane and if you don't follow them to a lose that Partnership.

Sigh...backs away from the computer, really really upset today!
Ok Trip I will tell you a short TRUE story, My son has a very wealthy friend, he was asked by a homeless man for a dollar he in turn said I really could use a dollar or two as well I ran out of gas and need to get home. The homeless man gave HIM $5 and told him hope it helps. My sons friend was so impressed he gave the man $100. My son was standing right there. So It does happen just not often and not everyone is out to make a buck


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When my Order helps the homeless and marginalised member of God's is a very quiet thing. We ask for no notoriety...not even a thank you. When you require thanks, it becomes about YOU, and not THEM.

Even though I'm an Atheist, I respect that to the fullest. Churches have always helped me, cared for me, and loved me even though I'm an Atheist. I lived in a Churches Community House for an entire month, the Father introduced me to his fam and friends, and so much more. Yet, no viral video.

I am always anxious when around Folks who are Spiritual/Religious since I am so used to being treated as the Anti-Christ by a lot. A minority of Jews, Christians, Catholics, and the like have respected me and my ways of being a disbeliever to the point that they never ever attempted to push their belief onto me (that got enormous respect from me for just that one thing).

I will respect you if you in return respect me and my way of life since no one can govern your life...I'm rambling again.....ahhhhhhhhh!


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Even though I'm an Atheist, I respect that to the fullest. Churches have always helped me, cared for me, and loved me even though I'm an Atheist. I lived in a Churches Community House for an entire month, the Father introduced me to his fam and friends, and so much more. Yet, no viral video.

I am always anxious when around Folks who are Spiritual/Religious since I am so used to being treated as the Anti-Christ by a lot. A minority of Jews, Christians, Catholics, and the like have respected me and my ways of being a disbeliever to the point that they never ever attempted to push their belief onto me (that got enormous respect from me for just that one thing).

I will respect you if you in return respect me and my way of life since no one can govern your life...I'm rambling again.....ahhhhhhhhh!
You are no bigger a sinner than I...MY BROTHER... I love you as I would love my own kin, and we are no lesser or greater than another. Only together can we get through this, and I will sacrifice all I can to see that come to fruition! The only thing that will promise our failure, is our own foolish pride.


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Ok Trip I will tell you a short TRUE story, My son has a very wealthy friend, he was asked by a homeless man for a dollar he in turn said I really could use a dollar or two as well I ran out of gas and need to get home. The homeless man gave HIM $5 and told him hope it helps. My sons friend was so impressed he gave the man $100. My son was standing right there. So It does happen just not often and not everyone is out to make a buck

I'm talking about people donating $100,000+ to a homeless man cause a viral video.

Random strangers giving money or whatever to the homeless happens so much it's incredible but these viral videos are making it seem like being homeless is a great get rich scheme. Just run into some YouTubers and get the ball rolling...



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Yep, I saw this on the telly and there was a small film crew. I think a film student doing a project or something.
It is sad when we reduce our brothers and sisters to "projects".


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When I was homeless in Seattle and sleeping under a bridge by the water front, a man came over in the morning with enough McDonalds food that all 8 of us got 3 egg mcmuffins each, 2 coffees each, some clothes, $100 each, and he brought me to a pharmacy so I could get my meds for my hives...he paid for it, he also put me up in a motel for 3 days for R&R, and yeah...he wasn't able to always come over but when he did, he always brought us supplies to get our morning started.

Really, he did this with no cameras...I give back to the homeless while I was homeless myself, I gave a family $300 cash and told'em it's yours and you do as you please.


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When I was homeless in Seattle and sleeping under a bridge by the water front, a man came over in the morning with enough McDonalds food that all 8 of us got 3 egg mcmuffins each, 2 coffees each, some clothes, $100 each, and he brought me to a pharmacy so I could get my meds for my hives...he paid for it, he also put me up in a motel for 3 days for R&R, and yeah...he wasn't able to always come over but when he did, he always brought us supplies to get our morning started.

Really, he did this with no cameras...I give back to the homeless while I was homeless myself, I gave a family $300 cash and told'em it's yours and you do as you please.
You are a bodhisattva!


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Ok Trip I will tell you a short TRUE story, My son has a very wealthy friend, he was asked by a homeless man for a dollar he in turn said I really could use a dollar or two as well I ran out of gas and need to get home. The homeless man gave HIM $5 and told him hope it helps. My sons friend was so impressed he gave the man $100. My son was standing right there. So It does happen just not often and not everyone is out to make a buck
Ya... it does, but what he is saying is if the guy that gave the $100 then tried to make money and fame from exploiting the homeless guy that gave him the $5, that is wrong.


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Here's the full clip ...


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Have you ever REALLY wanted to fap....but just cudnae be bothered?


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good job killing the thread :p

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