Yeah my Daughter did her Tax return like that one year through some debit card at Walmart only to find out later that they would only allow 300 dollar a day on Cash withdrawals on it. She was trying to buy a car so we needed "Lump sum" monies. We ended up getting Postal money orders and then cashing them... What a hassle. Folks must of complained because they stopped doing that a couple years later. Way crooked.
Walmart in general is to be weary of. (that reads strange..)
My old lady got me a new punching bag for V-Day...
went to pick it up had to refuse delivery.
Missing items, broken zipper, busted up box.
The pits. This happened twice! So I bought an upholstery needle and plan to fix my old bag so my kid and I can punch it instead of each other.
Here's one for ya. I get coupons from Scandinavian Tobacco Group. She does too, I used to smoke a pipe, still have about a dozen pouches I plan to turn into NET.
Anyway, this happened at two separate Walmart Stores;
The coupons said one 1.25 ounce pouch of Captain Black for one dollar with the coupon.
That's a really good deal. But who takes pipe tobacco coupons?
Walmart sold Captain Black so there we went.
Ah! The pouch didn't say 1.25 ounce it said 1¼ ounce...
The cashier refused. The assistant manager refused, he said it wasn't the same...
the Haitian store manager lady (I'm persistent) GAVE ME THE POUCH
did not charge me the dollar which I tried to give her
and asked me to go home and smoke my pipe..
But we had more coupons.
We drove to the Walmart 5 miles north and guess what?
Yup. All over again. Except this time it was the assistant manager lady
who caved when she told me the manager wasn't in and I should call him the next day
I told her that instead I would call the corporate office and explain to them that their assistant managers didn't know basic math..
She took my dollar.