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Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Whew! Damn, ya'll leave a buncha catching up to do!

@Simply Red , sorry to hear about the wife, but glad she's doing better!
@f1r3b1rd & @always9988 , Glad you guys are there (and Tony's damnedable video makin chicanery is not!) :D

Liberal loony toons everywhere are freakin the fuck out (more than usual), and the whole world is looking at us 'muricans with a big ole WTF look on their faces...

Back to your regularly scheduled programming ;)

Simply Red

Silver Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Whew! Damn, ya'll leave a buncha catching up to do!

@Simply Red , sorry to hear about the wife, but glad she's doing better!
@f1r3b1rd & @always9988 , Glad you guys are there (and Tony's damnedable video makin chicanery is not!) :D

Liberal loony toons everywhere are freakin the fuck out (more than usual), and the whole world is looking at us 'muricans with a big ole WTF look on their faces...

Back to your regularly scheduled programming ;)

Thanks, Rob.

Ok. So Trump got elected. It could've been worse. :giggle:


Bronze Contributor
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Glad you made it safely Tony!
But get ur ass off the Internet and enjoy your family, they are way more important than any forum.
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Bronze Contributor
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Thanks, Rob.

Ok. So Trump got elected. It could've been worse. :giggle:

We've had worse, many many way worse.
Now if you will excuse me, I must groom,
for our new president likes to grab women by the Pussy and I need be prepared. Good day sir.

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Guilty as charged
VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
Not the way I want my hometown on the map. Although this happened in the town next to mine, the mongrel who did this lived the next street over from me.

For my friends who are law enforcement officers, thank you for your service, and please stay safe out there!

For anyone who is a "cop hater", let me know so I can block you.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dude, please, no more. We're outrageous already this early in.

Congrats you two.:vino:
Thanks rat you have been an awesome friend through everything the past year or so and I so appreciate you
I do not visit this thread for sanity.
I visit it for reality,
Thank you all for your contributions.
As bizarre as some may be, they are real.
Real and fun and crazy and just the best. We have an awesome group of people here
Isn't that the way these things always go? Specially when Hank is around


a touch oɟɟ
VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks rat you have been an awesome friend through everything the past year or so and I so appreciate you

Real and fun and crazy and just the best. We have an awesome group of people here

Isn't that the way these things always go? Specially when Hank is around
:blowkiss:, and to you too Tony.


Bronze Contributor
Bronze Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
I do not visit this thread for sanity.
I visit it for reality,
Thank you all for your contributions.
As bizarre as some may be, they are real.

I don't visit any thread for sanity, or reality.
I visit for strictly amusement. I deal with reality, sometimes a very harsh reality on a daily basis. I login 'cause I wanna break for minute or two; whether anyone laughs with me or not, It doesn't matter I will still be amused. It be what it be. ✌

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