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Simply Red

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Hey Red, it's a beautiful day out.
I know you have been busy caring for the Mrs. So I will come by and cook for you guys. Fire up the grill and I will bring the Meats! (don't worry, I bought the inverted ones)
You're welcome. :)

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Simply Red

Silver Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
ECF Refugee
Hey Red, it's a beautiful day out.
I know you have been busy caring for the Mrs. So I will come by and cook for you guys. Fire up the grill and I will bring the Meats! (don't worry, I bought the inverted ones)
You're welcome. :)


Cover them with BBQ sauce and you'll never know the difference.



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and sausages. :D
Having Sausage and eggs for breakfast
will never be the same lol

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Bronze Contributor
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hot dammmmmn...inverted boneless pork rectums...thats good eatin' right there boy...
the memories those bring back...
saturday night, cell block b, state prison...yea, the memories...good eats, good times!!!!

Jelly or Syrup?


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Member For 4 Years
Ugh fuck being sick, first the issue with my esophagus and now for the last week the house has been down with the stomach flu.

It's cool tho it's slowed my juice consumption way down, since I've been sick I've used about 20ml of juice lol.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
:hug: Was wondering where you'd been. Thought maybe the IT job kicked in!

Nah, taking care of everyone. The misses was out of work for a few days(in the past 6yrs she's only called out for the birth of our boy and even worked in labor for 6hrs) I've been the only one somewhat mobile so I've been doing everything that needs to be done. Plus homework and I've been able to work.

Speaking of the IT job I go back Monday fora selection interview which can take up to 3hrs!

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Nah, taking care of everyone. The misses was out of work for a few days(in the past 6yrs she's only called out for the birth of our boy and even worked in labor for 6hrs) I've been the only one somewhat mobile so I've been doing everything that needs to be done. Plus homework and I've been able to work.

Speaking of the IT job I go back Monday fora selection interview which can take up to 3hrs!

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Thats a long interview! I'm sorry you guys have felt so crappy. That sounds miserable.


Bronze Contributor
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So when did some mfgr stop putting the bottled or batch date on the ejuice lables?

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