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No they have never advertised with us, what vendors promote in their vendor sub forum is Not advertising with us. Advertising is the banner ads on top, bottom, and right side of the forum.
Smokie They had a banner at the bottom, I suggest you find out who accepts the money for the payment for advertising because when the forum first went live they had a banner that linked to the Artisan website. before you say im wrong ask who ever is in charge of advertising. I saw it and plenty of other people saw it, if you look now you have a few blank advertising spaces at the bottom now, they had one of those spots..


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Well it looks like they took the money a split, The website is now shut down http://artisanvaping.com/. I wonder how much money the got off all of us.. straight up scum.


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That is fucked up!

Celtic Fog

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if you remember what city he was in, you can always contact the local police department and advice them of the problem.


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Smokie They had a banner at the bottom, I suggest you find out who accepts the money for the payment for advertising because when the forum first went live they had a banner that linked to the Artisan website. before you say im wrong ask who ever is in charge of advertising. I saw it and plenty of other people saw it, if you look now you have a few blank advertising spaces at the bottom now, they had one of those spots..
Dude I do not know what type of drugs you are on we NEVER had any banner advertising from them. I handle all the banners, and have them all saved.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Well it looks like they took the money a split, The website is now shut down http://artisanvaping.com/. I wonder how much money the got off all of us.. straight up scum.
Ok, these fuckers need to be identified and outed. This shit is now fraud, fraud by wire, Et Cetera. I didn't put down any money with these pukes, but I'll be damned if I'm going to allow this shit to happen without raising some hell about it. If you have the names of these assholes, post them so the RCMP can get fraud complaints and hopefully nab these pricks.

Normally I'm against doxxing, but in this case with fraud, and what looks to be a large amount of it, it's acceptable to doxx these assholes.


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Ok, these fuckers need to be identified and outed. This shit is now fraud, fraud by wire, Et Cetera. I didn't put down any money with these pukes, but I'll be damned if I'm going to allow this shit to happen without raising some hell about it. If you have the names of these assholes, post them so the RCMP can get fraud complaints and hopefully nab these pricks.

Normally I'm against doxxing, but in this case with fraud, and what looks to be a large amount of it, it's acceptable to doxx these assholes.


Legally acquired...


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Artisan vaping took money from tons of customers for the SUPER MAX mod and they are not shipping anything for 2 months now, they will not respond to emails, questions on facebook. They gave tons of excuses so no one would file a claim on paypal. They responded to any all questions, but once the 45 day limit expired for the customers to file a claim for refunds they completely stopped all communication with customers. Stay away from them, They gave one excuse after another and now it was they dont have the batteries needed to complete the mods. 2 months later no response. no updates and a bunch of pissed off customers.. Go look at the facebook page, see how many people are asking for refunds and mods and updates https://www.facebook.com/ArtisanVaping, They have resorted to blocking people on facebook that have asked for refunds, They have told customers they cant give refunds until they sell more mods, It sound like they spent all our money and dont have the money to complete the mods. Look them up on this forum, you will see they stopped posting anything or responding to anything since the beginning of August, and they a paying customer to the vaping underground for advertising, Smokie 901 did a review on the mod and acted like Artisan was a good company, I wonder if he knows what scum they are

double check your emailed paypal receipt. if you are not in canada, you may have 180 days to file dispute for a transaction with a party in a foreign country.


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Dude I do not know what type of drugs you are on we NEVER had any banner advertising from them. I handle all the banners, and have them all saved.
View attachment 6715
Instead of asking if im on drugs why dont you address the fact that you pimped the supermax and they fucked tons of people over. You still have not even acknowledged that, The only thing you seem to be concerned with is whether or not if they paid for a banner. You have not expressed any concern for the fact that you may have in a round about way helped them to rip tons of people off. Im sure you were not aware of what they were planning but you dont seem to care about it at all, Ok so they did pay you for advertising but you sure as shit advertised for them in your video


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Instead of asking if im on drugs why dont you address the fact that you pimped the supermax and they fucked tons of people over. You still have not even acknowledged that, The only thing you seem to be concerned with is whether or not if they paid for a banner. You have not expressed any concern for the fact that you may have in a round about way helped them to rip tons of people off. Im sure you were not aware of what they were planning but you dont seem to care about it at all, Ok so they did pay you for advertising but you sure as shit advertised for them in your video
I did a review on the Mod so did a lot of reviewers. I just tell you if it is a good or bad mod, and the mod is still working excellent! And how do they rip people off? If you do not receive a product you get refunded from the credit card company.


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Instead of asking if im on drugs why dont you address the fact that you pimped the supermax and they fucked tons of people over. You still have not even acknowledged that, The only thing you seem to be concerned with is whether or not if they paid for a banner. You have not expressed any concern for the fact that you may have in a round about way helped them to rip tons of people off. Im sure you were not aware of what they were planning but you dont seem to care about it at all, Ok so they did pay you for advertising but you sure as shit advertised for them in your video
Dude, stop.. Your anger is misplaced here.. Someone who reviewed a mod that you didnt get is in no way responsible for you not getting it. Take some of that anger and go after the people who ripped you off.

From whois:

John Pinkney
Marra Innovations
52 Beddingtion Rise, N.E.
Calgary, Alberta, CA. T3K 1N2




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I did a review on the Mod so did a lot of reviewers. I just tell you if it is a good or bad mod, and the mod is still working excellent! And how do they rip people off? If you do not receive a product you get refunded from the credit card company.
They took PayPal...


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I agree. File a fraud complaint with the RCMP in Calgary. If enough people do that, Mr Pinkney will be standing before a judge.


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My message to him has remained unread for 17 hours.


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I would file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau ASAP.. now that they shut down their website its clear they are straight stealing from folks.. at least we have the owners name now


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I would file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau ASAP.. now that they shut down their website its clear they are straight stealing from folks.. at least we have the owners name now

Check their Twitter Account Avatar...?!


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I don't want to semi-doxx the guy at this point in time. My fervent hope (and the reason I shared that information) is that someone will be able to connect with him about all this in Chicago and that he is able to address the issue and start to solve it. Naturally, the most desirable outcome for everyone involved is for the customers' outstanding orders to be fulfilled, and for Artisan to get caught up and back on track. John seems like a nice guy, and to be fair, the SuperMax is a nice device. Let's all keep our cool and our fingers crossed that this can be resolved.


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I don't want to semi-doxx the guy at this point in time. My fervent hope (and the reason I shared that information) is that someone will be able to connect with him about all this in Chicago and that he is able to address the issue and start to solve it. Naturally, the most desirable outcome for everyone involved is for the customers' outstanding orders to be fulfilled, and for Artisan to get caught up and back on track. John seems like a nice guy, and to be fair, the SuperMax is a nice device. Let's all keep our cool and our fingers crossed that this can be resolved.

Let's hope so or I foresee lots of legal repercussions headin towards his way.


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I would file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau ASAP.. now that they shut down their website its clear they are straight stealing from folks.. at least we have the owners name now
The BBB is a complete joke.. outside of the USA based company they really have zero teeth.
A friend who worked for the BBB told me it was a pay for review site with no power at all to enforce anything, all the A+ ratings are paid for and no way can be earned.
In fact I see the A+ rating and I move along else where.


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@TygerTyger I want to say sorry if I came off as a ass hat, I do apologize for the anger from the other day, I was given some bad info and I should have double checked it before I spoke.. Im just so pissed at this guy, He completely stopped all communication. He gave reviewers mods before he gave paying customers mods, Then he came up with the B.S excuse that he was waiting on batteries, then radio silence.. At this point I just want a refund.. He has had a few customers asking for refunds since may, then hey blocked them from the facebook page, If he is in Chicago at the expo My guess is he is networking to start up a new name to sell these mods or start a new name to start a new scam, He has no excuse for how far he has taken it. 2 moths with zero updates, blocking cutomers, closing the website.. I dont think he intends to make good, This all adds up to complete scam


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If anyone is at the expo can we get this dude located... I fully support an ecc ambush style video calling him out on his fuckery. Hell I fully support his arrest for wire fraud.


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@TygerTygerHe has no excuse for how far he has taken it. 2 moths with zero updates, blocking cutomers, closing the website.. I dont think he intends to make good, This all adds up to complete scam
i agree too man, a misunderstanding would have been handled long ago


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@TygerTyger I want to say sorry if I came off as a ass hat, I do apologize for the anger from the other day, I was given some bad info and I should have double checked it before I spoke.. Im just so pissed at this guy, He completely stopped all communication. He gave reviewers mods before he gave paying customers mods, Then he came up with the B.S excuse that he was waiting on batteries, then radio silence.. At this point I just want a refund.. He has had a few customers asking for refunds since may, then hey blocked them from the facebook page, If he is in Chicago at the expo My guess is he is networking to start up a new name to sell these mods or start a new name to start a new scam, He has no excuse for how far he has taken it. 2 moths with zero updates, blocking cutomers, closing the website.. I dont think he intends to make good, This all adds up to complete scam

No harm, no foul, @617vapor , and I do understand and sympathize with you. I agree it has dragged on too long, but I still hope that a resolution can be worked out. I don't personally believe it's a scam or he should be hiding, not at VapeXpo. Too many people know too much, and I'm sure it will come to a head there. We've seen this before in vaping, where modmakers get overextended due to the popularity of a new device. Let's hope that's all it is and that he does intend to make good with everyone as soon as he can.


Vapemail Stalker
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When I saw that the guy was at VapeXpo I thought, I'm heading down there tomorrow and I'll look him up and ask what his deal is...then, I saw that it was in Chicago....I'm heading down to Ann Arbor tomorrow for the Michigan VapeXpo...


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I too have been waiting for months on my Supermax.
Hopefully someone makes contact with John & Sheila at Vapexpo and posts something here.
I went as far as to call Sheila at her number and the second I mentioned Supermax was promptly hung up on.
Who does business like that?
I also talked to one of their former partners and was told he was having a hard time contacting them.
I know others who sent theirs in for the upgrade in August so it will be interesting to see if and when they get those back.
I'm all for giving someone the benefit of the doubt, but this is ridiculous.
By all appearances, it seems they've disappeared. To the folks that payed them $160.00 a pop anyway.
Shutting down your website is not reassuring either.
Last edited:


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When I saw that the guy was at VapeXpo I thought, I'm heading down there tomorrow and I'll look him up and ask what his deal is...then, I saw that it was in Chicago....I'm heading down to Ann Arbor tomorrow for the Michigan VapeXpo...

Oh wait @Spike64 ! Maybe *I* had that detail wrong. I had to ask where that event was, and I was told Chicago.... perhaps my source was wrong, and it's actually Ann Arbor?

Yes indeed. A quick google search offered no hits on a VapeXpo in Chicago, but the page was loaded with Ann Arbor hits. My source must have been mistaken, and my apologies. Wonder if you'll get to see him while you're there?


Vapemail Stalker
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Oh wait @Spike64 ! Maybe *I* had that detail wrong. I had to ask where that event was, and I was told Chicago.... perhaps my source was wrong, and it's actually Ann Arbor?

Yes indeed. A quick google search offered no hits on a VapeXpo in Chicago, but the page was loaded with Ann Arbor hits. My source must have been mistaken, and my apologies. Wonder if you'll get to see him while you're there?

well then...I will definitely look for him...


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Like I said I do not even want the mod now, I want my money back. Lets just say he does finally make good and send them out, What happens if it stops working. Like I would trust him to fix it,???? A bunch of people sent them back to be repaired, So that tells me the mod has issues, So I have zero trust that he will stand behind them.I have zero respect the man Besides that I honestly think he has no intention of making good on all this. I think he got in over his head and he just called it a day and moved on..


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Like I said I do not even want the mod now, I want my money back. Lets just say he does finally make good and send them out, What happens if it stops working. Like I would trust him to fix it,???? A bunch of people sent them back to be repaired, So that tells me the mod has issues, So I have zero trust that he will stand behind them.I have zero respect the man Besides that I honestly think he has no intention of making good on all this. I think he got in over his head and he just called it a day and moved on..

I can certainly understand that @617vapor , and I hope you get that resolution. I was aware that people sent them in to be upgraded to 80W, but not that many were having trouble with it. Mine's been rock-solid and seen a lot of use. I'm still not convinced he's washed his hands of it though, or it makes no sense whatsoever for him to walk into the lion's den -- aka, a major vapemeet where *someone* is bound to confront him....
Those of us who have sent our money in are fucked. We were all strung along with excuse after excuse until the 45 day PP refund period ended, and haven't heard a word since. His FB page has gone completely dark since, and his website is now offline. No one answers the phone.

This guy needs to be called out and thrown in jail. He's a thief. I don't even want his MOD anymore. If I somehow receive it (very very doubtful), I will destroy it on camera and explain exactly why. The guy who runs this company is a piece of shit.

If he is at a Vape COnvention, he needs to be openly shunned in front of the entire crowd, then arrested for fraud.


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Well still no response from Artisan I assume... that's too bad.. since their site is gone - wonder how long until their FB Page gets deleted


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@TygerTyger Have you heard anything from Artisan ? Im guessing they are avoiding your messages as well.


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@617vapor - I'm sorry to report that, no, I have not heard a word back and my message appears to be unread. I wish I had better news.


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well with facebook inactive and the web site shut down that pretty much means its over.
this is the third thread like this i have come across recently.you can swap names between the threads
and be hard pressed to tell the difference between them.
looks like the professional scammers are hitting the vaping community hard. i remember in the late nineties
a program came out called pal talk.(i think that's right) it had live voice and text chat. you could set up rooms
they were called. much like forums and sub forums. i came across several multi-level marketing rooms.
these were scams in the truest sense as there wasn't an actual product,one bought into a spot so to
have the right to sell,What?,you guessed more spots. pure pyramid scheme. when these started to
fall apart you got a mirror image to these current threads here. first the excuses for delays,then slowing
communication,no communication,eventually leading the room and web site going down. all that's left
is threads similar to this.
its like DjaVu,it really spooks me out.
sorry i am not adding much in the way of help.


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I will be filing a complaint with the IC3, a division of the FBI that deals with internet fraud. I would advise anyone that paid for one and did not receive it to do the same.
They have the authority to prosecute internationally.
We may not get are money back but at least these criminals may face the prospect of prison time.
Here's the link to get started.



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Any update recently? Is VU management still on the fence in its judgment about this scumbag (very curious that this thread isn't in the Hall of Shame)? Found this at the AV facebook page for those who want to file a complaint ... http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx


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Make you wonder about the VU staff doesn't it.....


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Make you wonder about the VU staff doesn't it.....

Wonder what, @tick22?

If we have myriad other responsibilities?
If we have families?
If we have all the same busy holiday pressures that everyone else has too?
If we have jobs/businesses?
If we ALWAYS show up in a thread when someone tags one or more of us in to ask for assistance???

The answer is yes to all of the above. We left this here for discussion. If no one has made any headway in resolving any of the outstanding issues with Artisan Vaping, then yes, this belongs in the Hall of Shame, and that is as simple as tagging in a mod or admin and asking them to move it.

FWIW, I'm sincerely disappointed that so many of you were treated so poorly, and I hope that every one of you is able to recoup your payment. I still don't believe John set out to scam people, but when things started to fall apart, his actions certainly became unacceptable from where I sit.

@Whiskey - @UncleRJ - @TygerTyger ----- see? Easy peasy......

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