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Been vaping about year, and absolutely can't stop buying new stuff!


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
Yo, check this out, I've been having battery problems out of my stubby, my batteries were getting to be like a year old and I used them alot so I thought it might be the batteries. Well I bought new batteries now it's gotten worse. It won't even fire, with half a battery bar. That's with brand new batteries. Before it'd fire all the way till the battery meter was empty it'd just hit really week. Now it won't at all. Half the time I hit the fire button it doesn't fire. Plus I go through like 5 fresh batteries in like 4 hours and apparently other people have the same problem


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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Is central vapors us based or China?
Neither, they're in Texas. Yes, I said it. Texas is its own damn place. Not to be misconstrued that I'm "messing" with Texas, merely observing and stating it is its own damn place.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I moved into a new apartment last March, I couldn't smoke inside. So I decided to vape instead. I started out just trying to replace smoking and spend as little money as possible. Smoke thallos s was my first mod. It kinda sucked so I moved on to a drag x. Then as soon as I bought my first box mod and rta, it was over with. Its now turned into a full fledged hobby, I've spent way more money than I'd like to admit. I spin my own Clapton's, use rebuild able exclusively and here am now. I've been a member on ecig forum for a while now. I've sold and bought from ecig forum. I've only bought one here because I think people maybe weary of new members with no post, but I'm posting now! I hope to become a productive member in this niche online society!!!! Welcome me please 🥺 haha I'm cambford91 on ecigforum. I know boring I couldn't think of anything good like portableohmreader or fingers916 never been creative! Anyways thats my introduction. Take it as you will.

Only a year discovering the new vape toys? You have loads to spend yet, but I agree with all who have already said it will level off. It's a classic case of "how I went broke trying to save money", but you'll find the reliable combinations that work for you, stick with those, spend a lot less and be satisfied.

Maybe. Hopefully?

Anyway that's how it worked for me. I don't experiment any more with new stuff. I have over-hoarded the things that really work for me.

Congrats on getting off cigarettes. That alone is worth a million bucks.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
Only a year discovering the new vape toys? You have loads to spend yet, but I agree with all who have already said it will level off. It's a classic case of "how I went broke trying to save money", but you'll find the reliable combinations that work for you, stick with those, spend a lot less and be satisfied.

Maybe. Hopefully?

Anyway that's how it worked for me. I don't experiment any more with new stuff. I have over-hoarded the things that really work for me.

Congrats on getting off cigarettes. That alone is worth a million bucks.
Definitely, appreciate man, yea I'm try to get to that level spot! Haha but my lungs are alot happier that's for sure


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
My first two years of vaping in earnest, spent roughly $500. This year, I've already spent nearly $100. Got a new mod en route, got 4 new batteries and a charger. Think I spent around $200 last year. I'm cheap, simple.

Probably spent around $80 for snuff this year. Really need to quit that. Again, though, cheap and simple. Coffee is more expensive, and I don't do anything terribly fancy in that either.

Comparative shopping helps. I'm still spending far less than ever on cigarettes.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
I'm the opp
My first two years of vaping in earnest, spent roughly $500. This year, I've already spent nearly $100. Got a new mod en route, got 4 new batteries and a charger. Think I spent around $200 last year. I'm cheap, simple.

Probably spent around $80 for snuff this year. Really need to quit that. Again, though, cheap and simple. Coffee is more expensive, and I don't do anything terribly fancy in that either.

Comparative shopping helps. I'm still spending far less than ever on cigarettes.
I'm the opposite, I'd say since March last March of spent well over 1200 dollars on hardware, but I've sold a lot on here and and made at least 3 or 4 hundred back. I also spend it at least 100 bucks a month on juice. Salute you sir! What it is is I like to build Clapton's in my free time, so I get a device and I experiment till I fing the perfect build for me in that device and then I use that for a little while, the coils start lasting longer cuz I'm not changing em to tweak the vape. So I buy another device to expirment again vicious circle â­•â­•


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I'm the opp

I'm the opposite, I'd say since March last March of spent well over 1200 dollars on hardware, but I've sold a lot on here and and made at least 3 or 4 hundred back. I also spend it at least 100 bucks a month on juice. Salute you sir! What it is is I like to build Clapton's in my free time, so I get a device and I experiment till I fing the perfect build for me in that device and then I use that for a little while, the coils start lasting longer cuz I'm not changing em to tweak the vape. So I buy another device to expirment again vicious circle â­•â­•

Not a thing wrong in either way. Guess I'm a lightweight vapor. I only spend around $50 yearly on juice, though have dropped $100 a couple of years. Grew up around the old timers which come up knowing the rough, 20's, 30's.

"Waste not, want not" and all that kind of stuff got bored into me. It's why I vape up "Junk Juice", unless of course it has turned a very sickening black and tastes like dog *ahem*. Not that I'd know but, even taking a guess, figure it's nasty.

Vaping has room for all kinds. I like simple round wire builds, mostly kanthal. From time to time I do try SSL 316, or Nichrome wire. Sometimes I even get a fit of "oh, make it fancy". Might do fused Claptons. Usually though I find mass hampers single cell 18650 mods.

Presently running a two cell regulated, just because. It's a squonker with a .66 coil in the Gorge at a whoping 30 watts. Yeehaw. I'm knocking my head back. *chuckles* Really getting a "buzz" on that. *snort* It's a mod I got from @MannyScoot and so far hasn't had any issues. *touches wood three times*


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
Not a thing wrong in either way. Guess I'm a lightweight vapor. I only spend around $50 yearly on juice, though have dropped $100 a couple of years. Grew up around the old timers which come up knowing the rough, 20's, 30's.

"Waste not, want not" and all that kind of stuff got bored into me. It's why I vape up "Junk Juice", unless of course it has turned a very sickening black and tastes like dog *ahem*. Not that I'd know but, even taking a guess, figure it's nasty.

Vaping has room for all kinds. I like simple round wire builds, mostly kanthal. From time to time I do try SSL 316, or Nichrome wire. Sometimes I even get a fit of "oh, make it fancy". Might do fused Claptons. Usually though I find mass hampers single cell 18650 mods.

Presently running a two cell regulated, just because. It's a squonker with a .66 coil in the Gorge at a whoping 30 watts. Yeehaw. I'm knocking my head back. *chuckles* Really getting a "buzz" on that. *snort* It's a mod I got from @MannyScoot and so far hasn't had any issues. *touches wood three times*
Oh yea sir, you got that old school vape going high subohm, 30 watts, 😎 I'm tryin to get my wattage down to conserve juice and save a little money, I was vape 150+ .12 ohm, burning through 50ml a day! That's why I got this boro, I'm currently hitting of .3 about 57 watts. I'm chain vaping though cuz all I got is 3mg juice I was using for the high wattage. So juice consumption is prolly evening out. Imma go in a little while see if theyve added anymore juice to the 5 dollar case at the vape shop!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Oh yea sir, you got that old school vape going high subohm, 30 watts, 😎 I'm tryin to get my wattage down to conserve juice and save a little money, I was vape 150+ .12 ohm, burning through 50ml a day! That's why I got this boro, I'm currently hitting of .3 about 57 watts. I'm chain vaping though cuz all I got is 3mg juice I was using for the high wattage. So juice consumption is prolly evening out. Imma go in a little while see if theyve added anymore juice to the 5 dollar case at the vape shop!

Oh yeah, and I use 18 mg per ml nicotine in my juice. *LOL* Think the most I've gone through in a day is 6 ml. Only chain vape watching certain movies/shows what set me to edge. Hint, it took me nearly a decade after it came out to see American Sniper, and probably as long to see Lone Survivor. I'll refrain from my posting my views on either. Suffice it to say, one was fair, the other so, well, ... *face goes blank* Like Clintwood but sometimes, ... * steps off and wanders on *


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
I tried 12mg once, in my old setup though had my spinning 😄😄 and I think I can guess which was fair and which was 😳
I moved into a new apartment last March, I couldn't smoke inside. So I decided to vape instead. I started out just trying to replace smoking and spend as little money as possible. Smoke thallos s was my first mod. It kinda sucked so I moved on to a drag x. Then as soon as I bought my first box mod and rta, it was over with. Its now turned into a full fledged hobby, I've spent way more money than I'd like to admit. I spin my own Clapton's, use rebuild able exclusively and here am now. I've been a member on ecig forum for a while now. I've sold and bought from ecig forum. I've only bought one here because I think people maybe weary of new members with no post, but I'm posting now! I hope to become a productive member in this niche online society!!!! Welcome me please 🥺 haha I'm cambford91 on ecigforum. I know boring I couldn't think of anything good like portableohmreader or fingers916 never been creative! Anyways thats my introduction. Take it as you will.
I started vaping 4 months ago and bought so much stuff.
I’ve forced myself to stop, realized I’ve already bought the truly elite stuff.
Dovpo Abyss and Vandy Vape Pulse were the last 2 items I bought and they are freaking mindblowingly awesome. Wish I had just bought those 2 and nothing else!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I tried 12mg once, in my old setup though had my spinning 😄😄
*LOL* I start feeling nauseous trying 24 mg, which is what that Mark1 cig-a-like uses, think Blu does as well. They're designed to hook and reel in new smoker/s/light smokers. Believe both are Big Tobacco owned as well, apologies if in error.

My body is wired up a little different, as to why I use 18 mg. It's a congenital medical thing what also disqualified me from Navy, any military I got told. Yet funnily enough, diabetics serve. Anyhow, need to go fetch a cup'a'Joe. :)

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