The top 2 are complete *********, especially on this topic *My Opinion*! He plead guilty to get it over with and got his 1+yr sentence! If he would have kept his mouth shut, he would've gotten the full 10yrs! Which isn't right since he IS INNOCENT/Set Up!!!! I will say one more thing, to all you Asshats-Haters on CF...
View attachment 7670 + I'd watch Mod Envy/Done Deal and ALL other Shows, regardless of give-a-ways or NOT!!!
Same exact same thing happened to my brother in law
Had a prior felony conviction for stealing stuff when he was younger and stupid (yeah people do stupid shit sometimes)
neighbor lady wanted his land, he wouldn't sell it
sent her 13yo daughter over one day when he was mowing the yard with riding mower and give her a ride on the mower
she claimed he touched her breast
defense attorney told him to take a plea bargain and claim "no contest" or they would pull him thru the knot hole due to his prior felony
he served a few years has to register as a sex offender
lady later on ponied up and said it was BS...damage was done and he can't get off the list (he has tried)
The system is set up to pretty much have a revolving door attitude...once you screw up...if you screw up again you have NO defense...they gotcha
With that said...true child predators should be dealt with in a viscous manner...but the case needs to be thoroughly investigated and then dealt with on a case by case tolerance anything is bullshit
with that said, after watching the video
Joe sir, I highly respect you, you are a leader and a very prominent figure in vaping...however supporting a person that chose to plead guilty and accept a conviction (when someone says guilty they are convicted PERIOD) they are now damaged goods, and to keep a guy on your network only creates a very bad black spot. I love my brother in law mentioned from above...but would not allow him to be a public entity (whether you believe him or not) when the entire community and it's moral compass is at stake.
Celtic needs to be ostracized, kids are hot button issue for many and they see him as a predator, setup or not...the guy is a cancer in the works, for the sake of "the community" please put him on "administrative leave" or whatever you want to call it...
I don't have the documents that you guys have..but listening to the discussion...He is damaged goods, Celtic needs to get shelved sir (in my opinion)
Predators of children are one of the unforgivable sins in America...hard cold fact
(ya know that whole "do it for the chiiiiiiilllldren" thing)
Final question, if the truth is found out do you have the courage to stand up in front of everyone and admit you were wrong?